The Accuracy of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Formulas for Eyes of Axial Length Smaller than 22.0mm

Research Article

Austin J Surg. 2019; 6(24): 1228.

The Accuracy of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Formulas for Eyes of Axial Length Smaller than 22.0mm

Stopyra W*

Ophthalmological Hospital MW med, Poland

*Corresponding author: Wiktor Stopyra, Ophthalmological Hospital MW med, Cracow, Poland

Received: September 19, 2019; Accepted: November 05, 2019; Published: November 12, 2019


Purpose: Comparison of intraocular lens power calculation formulas’ accuracy for eyeballs shorter than 22.00mm.

Material and Methods: 56 patients (62 eyeballs) were examined, whose ocular axial length ranged between 20.58mm and 21.97mm. Preoperatively, the intraocular lens power for each patient was calculated using six different formulas (Holladay1, SRK/T, Hoffer Q, Holladay 2, Haigis and Barrett Universal II). The power of the implanted intraocular lens was based on the Hoffer Q formula. Three months after cataract surgery, postoperative refraction was measured. Mean absolute error as a difference between postoperative and predicted spherical equivalences of refractive error was calculated.

Results: The Hoffer Q formula achieved the lowest level of mean absolute error of 0.09 ± 0.08 D (p ‹ 0.001 for Hoffer Q versus each of the other formulas). Further places were taken by the following formulas: Barrett Universal II (0.19 ± 0.16 D), Holladay 2 (0.20 ± 0.13 D), Haigis (0.21 ± 0.22 D), SRK/T (0.23 ± 0.17 D), Holladay 1 (0.26 ± 0.17 D). P ‹ 0.05 for Haigis versus SRK/T and versus Holladay 2 formulas, as well as Holladay 2 versus Holladay 1 formula. Additionally, correlation between absolute error and axial length was evaluated. It was observed, that absolute error had been associated with axial length when Hoffer Q or SRK/T formula had been used.


1. Hoffer Q formula is recommended for intraocular lens power calculation for eyeballs with an axial length shorter than 22.0mm.

2. Haigis formula seems to be satisfactory for these cases.

Keywords: Intraocular lens power calculation formula; Eyeball shorter than 22.0mm; Hoffer Q formula; Mean absolute error


There are many intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formulas. They form five generations [1]. They are divided into theoretical formulas and empirical ones. Theoretical (Fyodorov, Binkhorst, Hoffer) are based on geometrical optics of eye while empirical (SRK II, SRK/T, Haigis) are generated by averaging large numbers of postoperative clinical results. Usually most IOL power calculation formulas perform well for eyes of axial length (AL) between 22.0mm and 25.0mm [2]. In the cases when an eyeball is shorter than 22.0mm or longer than 25.0mm only some formulas give correct results [2-4].


This study reviewed 62 cataract eyeballs from 56 patients (30 women and 26 men at the age of 55 to 92 years). Axial lengths of the eyeballs were in the range between 20.58mm and 21.97mm. Patients after retinal detachment and refractive surgery were excluded from this study.


Before cataract surgery, auto refracto keratometer was used for corneal power measurement. AL was measured by IOLMaster 700 as well as IOL power was calculated according to six different formulas (Holladay 1, SRK/T, Hoffer Q, Haigis, Holladay 2, Barrett Universal II). Each cataract surgery was performed by the same doctor. Only acrylic foldable intraocular lenses with power calculated according to the Hoffer Q formula were implanted. Postoperative refraction was measured 3 months after cataract surgery. Mean absolute error (MAE) as a difference between postoperative and predicted spherical equivalences of refractive error was calculated.

Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 13.1 package.


The Hoffer Q formula achieved the lowest level of MAE 0.09±0.08 D. Detailed results of the calculated absolute error for each formula were summarized using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, median and range) and were collected in Table 1 & Figure 1.