Evaluation of HSG and SIS Diagnostic Value in Comparison to Hysteroscopy to Detect Intrauterine Abnormalities in Infertile Women in Iran

Research Article

Austin J Surg. 2021; 8(3): 1272.

Evaluation of HSG and SIS Diagnostic Value in Comparison to Hysteroscopy to Detect Intrauterine Abnormalities in Infertile Women in Iran

Nazari L1, Boroujeni PT1,2*

¹Preventative Gynecology Research Center (PGRC), Shahid Beheshty University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

²Professor Obstetrician GYNECOLOGIST Infertility, IVF Center TALEGHANI Hospitol, Tehran, Iran

*Corresponding author: Parisa Taherzadeh Boroujeni, Preventative Gynecology Research Center (PGRC), Shahid Beheshty University of Medical Sciences, Professor Obstetrician GYNECOLOGIST Infertility, IVF Center TALEGHANI Hospitol, Tehran, Iran

Received: May 26, 2021; Accepted: June 15, 2021; Published: June 22, 2021


Objective: Hysteroscopy is the gold standard in evaluation of uterine cavity. However, being invasive and its possible adverse effects have reduced popularity of hysteroscopy and clinicians have always been looking for a valid alternative for hysteroscopy. In the current study, we aimed to compare diagnostic value of Saline induced Sonography with HSG in diagnosis of intrauterine abnormalities.

Material and Method: We performed a retrospective study on 81 infertile women who underwent hysteroscopy, SIS, and HSG at Taleghani infertility center during their IVF treatment course. Polyp, fibroids, adhesion and septate uterus were considered as abnormality. We reported agreement percent, Kappa, sensitivity, specificity, Area Under Curve, Diagnostic Odds Ratio, Positive Predictive Value, and Negative Predictive value for both SIS and HSG.

Results: Total agreement between SIS and hysteroscopy was 85.1, while it was 23.4 for HSG. We also observed considerably higher Kappa for SIS (80.1%) than HSG (15.5%). Overall sensitivity and specificity of SIS for diagnosis of all type of anomaly including both uterine abnormalities and Acquired uterine pathologies was 90.1% (95% CI= 80.7, 95.9) and 90.0% (95% CI= 55.5, 99.7). Meanwhile overall sensitivity and specificity of Hysterosalpingography where hysteroscopy was considered as the gold standard was 54.9 (42.7, 66.8) and 50.0 (18.7, 81.3).

Conclusion: SIS is more sensitive tools than HSG for diagnosis of intrauterine abnormalities and could be considered one of the best alternative of hysteroscopy. It provides more accurate detail diagnostic information with high sensitivity and specificity.

Keywords: Hysterosalpingography; Sonography; Imaging in infertility; Intrauterine abnormalities


Uterine abnormalities are considered as one of the main risk factors in etiology of infertility [1]. According to statistics, the prevalence of uterine abnormalities are pretty high and it is estimated between 34-62 % and this high prevalence has turned it to one the most common causes of all abnormality cases [2], hence it is estimated between 10-15% of all infertility cases are due to uterine abnormalities [3]. Therefore, evaluation of uterine cavity is one of the earliest examination that is regularly performed for infertile women and could considerably increase infertility treatment success rate [4].

Several different diagnostic approaches including Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and hysteroscopy have been established and applied widely over the past years in this regard [5,6]. They have been used effectively for many years in order to investigate uterine cavity abnormalities and provided reliable results. HSG is a low-price, simple and effective method with high sensitivity in diagnosis of uterine deformities and abnormalities and hysteroscopy has been regarded as the main gold standard in this regard [7]. However, both of hysteroscopy and HSG contains invasive procedure that might be painful and inconvenient for patients [8,9].

Hysterosonography or Saline Infusion Sonogram (SIS) is one the recently introduced approaches for diagnosis of uterine abnormalities. SIS is an ultrasonic-based diagnostic tool that seems SIS could lead lower adverse effect in comparison to hysteroscopy and HSG due to its non-invasive nature [10,11]. Validity of SIS in diagnosis of uterine abnormalities has already been proven, however, in the fast growing world ultrasonic imaging facilities are developing drastically and results of previous studies implied that the accuracy of such tools have increased over the years. All available attempts reported promising findings for SIS. However, it seems update studies are required [12]. According to one previous study, sensitivity and specificity of SIS in diagnosis of uterine abnormalities is higher than 80% [13] while in the earlier studies the reported values were considerably lower [14]. In the current study, we aimed to compare sensitivity and specificity of SIS and HSG in diagnosis of uterine abnormalities in infertile women referred to --- infertility treatment clinic in Tehran, Iran.

Material and Methods

Study participants

We performed a retrospective study on 81 women aged 20-40 who underwent hysteroscopy, 3-Dimesional Hysterosonography, and HSG at taleghani infertility treatment center in 2017 in Iran. Hysteroscopy was considered as the Gold standard and performed as routine evaluation in treatment of infertility for all study participants. We also performed SIS and HSG for all the eligible cases and compared the results of SIS and HSG with the findings from hysteroscopy. We excluded patients suspected of pregnancy. We also excluded patients with history of severe sensitivity to contrast or iodine, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID), and acute cervicitis. We trained a radiologist to interpret SIS findings. Moreover, an experienced gynecologist was responsible for performing and interpretation of hysteroscopy and HSG. All procedures were performed between days 7 and 10 of cycle. We used povidone-iodine before the start of SIS procedure in order to clean cervix and prepare it to enter sonohysterography catheter to the cervical ostium. We also applied a B-mode endovaginal probe and a 20 mL syringe that was used for saline solution injection into the uterine cavity. Investigation of intrauterine structure was performed in Uterine abnormalities was the main outcome of the current study and all kinds of polyps, fibroids, adhesion, septate uterus, myomas uterus, bicornuate uterus, hyperplasia, and arcuate uterus were considered as abnormality and those patients without all the mentioned abnormalities were defined as normal cases. Then, we categorized patients into three groups including normal group, uterine abnormalities (arcuate, septate uterus, and bicornuate uterus), and acquired uterine pathologies (hyperplasia, polyp, myomas and adhesion) uterine status in hysteroscopy. We used Parson and Lense [14] classification to differentiate endometrial polyps and fibroid classification was performed based on International classification of Submucous fibroid [15].

Ethics approval

The current was reviewed and approved by ethics and review board of Shahid Behesthti University of Medical Sciences.

Statistical analysis

We used descriptive analysis to report frequency and proportion of different diagnosed abnormalities in hysteroscopy, SIS, and HSG. We also reported sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), Negative Predictive Value (NPV), Area Under Curve (AUC), and Diagnostic Odds Ratio (DOR) and the associated 95% CI for SIS and HSG as measures of diagnostic test validities. We also reported agreement percent and Kappa to show whether the findings of SIS and HSG were consistent with hysteroscopy. All statistical analysis was performed using Stata ver 14.1, College Station, Texas, USA. The statistically significant level was considered at P-value<0.05.


We performed the study on 81 infertile women who were referred to Taleghani infertility treatment center in 2018-2020 in Iran. Prevalence of uterus abnormalities was 87.6% based on hysteroscopy findings. However, it was 80.2% and 54.3% in SIS and HSG, respectively. Endometrial polyp was the most prevalent type of abnormalities that was observed in 44.4% of the study participants followed by Septated uterus (17.2%) and adhesion (8.6%) (Table 1). Agreement percent for hysteroscopy and SIS was 85.1, while it was only 23.4% for HSG. We also estimated Kappa as a measure of agreement between the compared approaches with the gold standard and it was 80.6% (95% CI= 74.4, 85.5) and 15.5% (95% CI= 12.6, 18.4) for SIS and HSG (Figure 1).