Logistics in Garment Industry


Adv Res Text Eng. 2016; 1(1): 1001.

Logistics in Garment Industry

Colovic G*

Technology and Management, The College of Textile - Design, Serbia

*Corresponding author: Gordana Colovic, The College of Textile - Design, Technology and Management, Belgrade, Serbia

Received: September 12, 2016; Accepted: September 28, 2016; Published: September 30, 2016


Transport and distribution in the right place at the right time, with the least possible cost, is the aspiration of every manufacturer. Logistics requires the following activities from manufacturers [1]:

The choice of distribution channels depends on the product, or collection of products. According to Kotler products that are aimed at the target consumer group (such as products from the “pret-aporter” collection) use intensive or selective distribution, where intensive distribution is used by less famous brands of products, and selective distribution offers a choice of ways (selection) they are going to be present in a particular market [3]. Products intended exclusively for consumers of very high purchasing power (products from haute couture collections - “haute couture”, designer clothes) use exclusive distribution (very limited), which puts emphasis on limiting the number of intermediaries involved in the management of products. Such exclusive distribution often happens in the moment when producers of exclusive products decide to take control of the level of services they offer and the services offered by their intermediaries. Then it is possible to make contract on exclusive dealership that automatically enhances the brand image. Most often it is accompanied by exclusive sales (when producers sell only to one retail store in a particular geographic area to achieve an exclusive territorial agreement).

Production growth follows development and increasing usage of various analysis and predictions targeted to consumers (consumer loyalties, cross sales, setting the target price, target marketing) as well as to suppliers (the analysis of suppliers effectiveness, inventory control, product flow, predicting demand). The growing importance of logistics, together with the understanding of complex market mechanisms and statistical methods of analysis of business data all lead to specialization of individual companies in providing exclusively logistics services [4].


  1. Colovic G. Management of Technology Systems in Garment Industry. Woodhead Publishing Limited. 2010.
  2. Colovic G. The Garment Industry Problems. Journal of Textile Science and Engineering. 2014; 4: 168.
  3. Kotler P. Marketing Management. Pearson Education. 11 Edn. 2002.
  4. Colovic G. Strategic management in the garment industry. Woodhead Publishing India. 2012.

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Citation: Colovic G. Logistics in Garment Industry. Adv Res Text Eng. 2016; 1(1): 1001. ISSN:2572-9373

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