Reviewing the Production Process, Physical and Chemical Properties of Spandex Fibers

Review Article

Adv Res Text Eng. 2020; 5(2): 1051.

Reviewing the Production Process, Physical and Chemical Properties of Spandex Fibers

Alam SMM¹, Islam S²* and Akter S²

1Department of Textile Machinery Design and Maintenance, Bangladesh University of Textiles, Bangladesh

2Department of Fabric Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author: Shariful Islam, Department of Fabric Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles, Tegjaon, Dhaka, 1208, Bangladesh

Received: June 06, 2020; Accepted: June 29, 2020; Published: July 06, 2020


The aim of this paper is to review the production process, physical and chemical properties of spandex fibers. Elastic fibers have the capability to introduce the stretching behavior on cloths. Stretching characteristic enhance the welcoming properties on cloths such as comfort properties, flexibility and fittings. Sports industries are directly dependent on the elastomeric fibers. The excellence of spandex fibers has recurrently enhanced since they were first produced. Different sphere of research aided to continue their development. Experts found that by exchanging the starting pre-polymers they could progress fibers those have enhanced elastic behavior. Other physiognomies can be developed by using diverse pre-polymer ratios, better substances, and several plasters. In adding to spandex fiber developments, it is probable that progressive fabrics will be manufactured which include spandex fibers with conservative fibers. New methodology can be developed to focus on the production process to manufacture elastic fibers of enhanced characteristic. Further research can develop the quality and production process of spandex production.

Keywords: Spandex fibers; Elasticity; Comfort properties; Stretching behavior; Melt technique; Pre-polymer; Monomer


There is a great importance of this paper in the spandex clothing industries. Spandex has a destructive influence on the environment. This influence is not as distinct as the negative impression of other types of artificial fabrics, but it is surely present, and at this point, no possible solutions have been recommended to curb the environmental deprivation caused by spandex fabric [1]. If only the manufacturing approaches used to make spandex are measured, then this fabric does not seem to have a meaningfully harmful effect on the environment [2].

Definite synthetic resources, such as nylon, are openly resulting from non-renewable properties like coal and petroleum oil, but spandex is made completely from substances that are manufactured in lab backgrounds [3]. The manufacture of spandex is, therefore, highly energy exhaustive, but if renewable dynamism sources are applied to make the pre-polymers that this fabric contains of, this delinquent can be resolved [4]. There’s an opportunity that the same health matters that workers meeting in the manufacture of polyurethane are met in the manufacture of spandex, but no investigation has been done into this topic [5]. Figure 1 shows the raw materials of spandex fibers.