Study the Lawsone Dye Extract with Different Solvents Influences the Surface of Polyethylene Terephthalate Fabric

Research Article

Adv Res Text Eng. 2024; 9(2): 1097.

Study the Lawsone Dye Extract with Different Solvents Influences the Surface of Polyethylene Terephthalate Fabric

Sliman Hashim1,2,3; Xue D1,2; Xiaoye B1,2; Tao Zhao1,2*

1Department of Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China

2Key Lab of Science and Technology of Eco-Textiles, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China

3Department of Textile, Industrial Research Consultancy Center, Ministry of Industry, Khartoum, Sudan

*Corresponding author: Tao Zhao Department of Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China;

Key Lab of Science and Technology of Eco-Textiles, Donghua University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201620, China. Tel: +86-21-67792811; Fax: +86-21-67792811 Email:

Received: January 26, 2024 Accepted: March 04, 2024 Published: March 11, 2024


Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) fabric typically has a crystalline structure and hydrophobic properties, results in low moisture absorption, and generates anti-static properties. In this work, Lawsone Dye Extract (LDE) was extracted in different solvents to study the influence of Lawsone hybridization on the surface of PET fabric. During the dyeing process, the IR dyeing machine accelerates the dyeing process and speeds up the chemical reactions between the Lawsone dye and the PET fabric. Increased efficiency mainly allows them to diffuse more easily into the fabric’s fibers. This enhanced penetration results in improved dye uptake and potentially deeper coloration, leading to a more vibrant and uniform appearance of the dyed fabric. The surface energy of PET fabric increased; these interactions are a form of intermolecular force that affects an increase in surface energy. We used FTIR, XPS, XRD, and UV-VIS to investigate the surface morphology and chemical composition. However, Lawsone contains hydrophilic functional groups, such as hydroxyl groups (-OH), that can enhance the fabric’s affinity for water, confirmed by decreasing the Water Contact Angle (WCA) to zero. Accordingly, electrostatic charge records an improvement. Furthermore, both solvents produce durable colours in various intensities due to hybridization, which can be accurately evaluated by comparing the K/S value with their wash fastness. Overall, this technique offers a combination of sustainability and comfortable apparel. These findings drew an insightful understanding of natural dyes with PET surface, providing a comprehensive investigation of surface energy.

Keywords: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET); Lawsone, Hybridization; Hydrophilicity; Anti-static


Further research is necessary to study the chemical mechanisms and hybridization effects of natural dyes on PET fabric during dyeing [1-3]. Natural dyes possess colour since they contain a chromophoric structure consisting of an extended conjugated system of p-electrons, often bearing groups that have an electron acceptor or donor [4], leading to enhanced hydrophilicity, anti-static, and UV protection [5,6]. Therefore, investigating the chemical and physical composition of natural dyes is necessary to introduce multiple active groups or chemical bonding on the surface of PET fabric [7,8]. Thus, it causes adjustments in the polymer chains of PET fabric, forming new stretching in their structure, leading to improved surface energy. Hybridization is an innovative way to prove the previously mentioned concept [9]. This research result provided a clear understanding of the interaction between Lawsone dye and PET fabric and achieved multifunction properties

Hybridization explores the relationship between the observed molecular shapes, the extent of surface area usable for intermolecular interactions [10,11], and the bonding characteristics of molecules [10,11]. Further, hybridization can contribute to the polarity of a molecule by affecting the electronegativity and arrangement of atoms [12,13]. These interactions are a form of intermolecular force and exhibit greater strength than London dispersion forces [14,15]. In addition, hybridization indirectly influences the occurrence of hydrogen bonding by influencing the arrangement of electronegative atoms, which play an essential role in hydrogen bonding. Since hybridization is affected by the type and properties of the solvent, selecting the proper solvent is a crucial factor that must be considered.

The solvent selection for extraction depends upon the specific chemicals being extracted, considering their solubility [16-18], polarity, and concentration [19]. Ethanol, a solvent possessing polar protic characteristics, exhibits selectivity in extracting compounds from different sources [20-22]. Water, containing a highly polar molecule because of the significant difference in electronegativity between oxygen and hydrogen, can dissolve polar and nonpolar compounds [23,24]. Due to their polarity, Both ethanol and water possess polarity, enabling them to dissolve polar molecules, create hydrogen bonds, and have higher boiling points than nonpolar compounds [25]. Moreover, their inherent polarity enables them to mix in different ratios, resulting in homogeneous mixtures.

Lawsone, derived from henna, a natural plant-based dye, is used in most textile materials [26,27]. Henna has astringent, moisturizing, and antimicrobial properties in traditional medicine and cosmetics [28,29]. Lawsone is a natural compound belonging to the naphthoquinone family with a structure that consists of a bonded ring system with a hydroxyl group (OH) attached to the aromatic rings, with double bonds of the carbonyl group (C=O) that contributes to its color and reactivity [30-32]. The double bond between carbon atoms and oxygen is responsible for molecule reactivity and polar covalent connections [33]. Nevertheless, using natural dyes to functionalize PET fabric has positively affected the environment and human health [34]. Although PET fabric is frequently hydrophilic, it has decreased surface energy, limiting the ability of moisture absorption [35,36]. Accordingly, the intermolecular forces between natural dyes during the dyeing process affect the PET fabrics, enhancing such properties to absorb water and increasing the dye uptake and other future properties.

The aim of the study is to produce LDE via different solvents in order to investigate the influence of hybrid LDE on the surface of PET fabric, with an objective of enhancing its hydrophilicity and anti-static properties. This has been achieved by a chemical composition. The surface morphology investigation was conducted to confirm the presence of LDE on the PET fabric. In addition, solvent extraction affects durability as measured via the K/S value. Their hydrophilicity and anti-static properties were characterized. Lastly, improvements associated with this technique make LDE a functional dye and environmentally friendly in the textile industry.



PET Fabric was purchased from the Chinese market. Lwasone dye was brought from Sudan to China. Ethanol is provided by Aladdin Industrial Corporation, China. Deionized water was used without chemicals. We used all reagents without further purification.

Extraction Dye

The Lawsone dye powder was dried until it reached a stable weight. Then, an accurate measurement of 25 g was taken and dissolved in one litre of a different solvent for 24 hours. The initial solution preparation consisted of ethanol and water in a ratio of 10:90, and then deionized water was heated into vapour without using chemicals. After that, the solution was filtered to obtain the LDE solution. For comparative analysis, the color of LDE is different due to the oxidized state of the solvent used; boiled water displays a reddish-orange color, while mixed ethanol is brown. Figure 1A shows the chemical structure and predicted colors.