Study The Reduction Mechanism of Salts and Alkalis in Reactive Dyeing of Cotton Fabric: Review

Review Article

Adv Res Text Eng. 2024; 9(2): 1101.

Study The Reduction Mechanism of Salts and Alkalis in Reactive Dyeing of Cotton Fabric: Review

Ahmed Mohammed Nuru*

Department of Textile Engineering, Kombolcha Institute of Technology, Wollo University, Kombolcha, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Ahmed Mohammed Nuru Department of Textile Engineering, Kombolcha Institute of Technology, Wollo University, Kombolcha, Ethiopia. Email:

Received: June 26, 2024 Accepted: July 19, 2024 Published: July 26, 2024


Traditional dyeing procedures for cotton fabrics using reactive dyes are the most resource-intensive and environmentally harmful since they require significant amounts of water, salt, and alkali during the dying process. Even with substantial use of alkali and salts, the efficiency of fixation remains restricted. As a result, there is an excessive amount of hydrolyzed dye in the dyeing effluent, necessitating a large amount of water for removal through washing, and the wastewater is harmful to aquatic life, plants, and humans. To colour cotton without utilizing salt or alkali, researchers and industry must now seek new technological advancements.

This study examines the advanced dyeing technique for improving dye process sustainability by employing quaternary organic compounds in the dye bath, reusing the salt-contaminated dye bath, switching from exhaust to pad batch dyeing, and altering cotton fabric before dyeing. This review also includes a more detailed analysis of the numerous alterations performed to cotton fabric with organic and artificial cat-ionizing agents. The study investigated the benefits and cons of several cat-ionizing agents for improving reactive dyeing sustainability. Using these strategies, chemical prices, effluent loads, and customer needs can all be addressed in a sustainable manner.

Keywords: Traditional dyeing procedures; Hydrolyzed; Effluent loads; Customer needs


Because of it is used to make the majority of clothing in the world, cotton remains the "king" of fibers [2,8]. Cotton fabric has many wonderful qualities, including good strength, increased moisture and water absorption, comfort in clothing, and ease of dyeing. The clothing industry mostly uses cotton-based products because of these factors. The use of cellulose-based goods extends beyond clothing and includes a wide range of applications such as technical textiles, functional textiles, and many more. Applications based on cellulosic materials account for half of the overall textile manufacturing [2]. Colorant can be used to cotton products, such as clothing and home textiles, to enhance look (value add), add a functional component, and convey a sense of condition, all of which can raise consumer happiness. As a result, cellulose coloring is a crucial step in the process for both functional and aesthetic reasons. Nowadays, the majority of the textile industry primarily uses cellulosic fibers for clothing, which are mostly colored using reactive dyes in the presence of a significant amount of salt and fixed in an alkaline environment. Cellulosic fibers were previously dyed using vat and direct dyes, but with the advent of reactive dyes, their use became restricted [1]. Reactive dyes differ from other dyes in that they can form covalent bonds between the oxygenatoms of cotton hydroxyl groups and the carbon atoms of the dye reactive group in an alkaline environment [8]. Reactive dyes are better than vat and direct dyes in the following areas, in turn: they can process a wide range of bright shades [3]; they have high leveling quality; they are better at washing and holding up to light exposure; they have a simple one-stage dyeing process; they can be dyed at low temperatures (below 100oC); and they are less expensive than vat dyes [4]. Because of this, reactive dyes have maintained the highest yearly consumption of any dye in the world in recent years, solidifying their significant position in the dye manufacturing sector [5]. However, dyeing of cotton fabric with reactive dye is considered as pollution generating process as use huge amount of electrolyte,low dye utilization and unfixed reactive dyes are discharged in the textile effluent [6]. With growing popularity of reactive dyes for dyeing of cotton, environmental problems associated with their use have received attention [7]. When cellulosic fibers are immersed in water, it develops negative charge due to the ionization of hydroxyl groups [2,8]. The anionic nature of the reactive dyes leads to electrostatic repulsion and make the exhaustion of the dye difficult [9] and also, dye fixation potency on cellulosic fiber is low due to reactive dyes can conjointly react with water (dye hydrolysis) in an exceedingly kind that cannot bond to cotton [8,3]. Hence, this static repulsion has been overcome by using the enormous of the electrolytes like sodium chloride (sodium sulphate) and alkali into the dye bath [8]. The role of the alkali is to cause acidic dissociation of some of the hydroxyl groups in the cellulose and it is the cellulose ion (Cell–O–) that reacts with the dye and forms a covalent bond. However, dye fixation efficiency on cellulosic fiber is low [13,11]. Unfortunately, under alkaline conditions hydroxide ions of water also react with the reactive group of the dye in much the same manner as the cellulose’s ion. This produces the hydrolyzed dye, which is incapable of reacting with the fiber. Therefore salt-based dyeing and alkali-based fixation are considered pollution-generating processes due to only 50-70% of the dye utilization being attained and the salt added to the dyebath and alkalis are neither destroyed nor exhausted after dyeing [10].