The High Phagocytic Activity of Macrophages against Blood Stream Isolates of Enterococci

Rapid Communication

Austin Therapeutics. 2016; 3(1): 1025.

The High Phagocytic Activity of Macrophages against Blood Stream Isolates of Enterococci

Jarzembowski T¹*, Daca A², Witkowski JM³, Bry¹ E2, Rutkowski B4, Świeć K¹

¹Department of Microbiology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland

²Department of Pathology and Experimental Rheumatology, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland

³Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland

4Department of Nephrology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland

*Corresponding author: Tomasz Jarzembowski, Department of Microbiology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland

Received: February 29, 2016; Accepted: May 19, 2016; Published: May 25, 2016


The incidence of serious enterococcal infections is increasing while its pathogenesis remains not sufficiently understood. This study aimed to evaluate the resistance of blood strains and commensal isolates of enterococci to phagocytosis in-vitro.

Enterococcal strains were isolated from blood of patients hospitalized in Invasive Medicine Centre of the Medical University of Gdansk and from faeces of healthy volunteers. The strains were cultured in BHI medium in 37°C for 24h (planktonic form) and 72h (biofilm form cultured in 6-wells culture plates). Bacterial cells were dispersed, stained with fluorescent reporters (SYTO9, PI) and incubated with phagocytes. Macrophage phagocytosis was studied using THP-1 derived macrophages (activation with 6uM PMA). Phagocytosis level was assessed using microscope automated system - Pansy’s 3000 and analysed with Cell Profiler 2.1.1 software which yielded the number of phagocytosed bacteria per phagocytic cell (load index, LI). Phagocytosis maintained by macrophages was more effective against planktonic cells of blood stream isolates (LI 0,55) than against commensal strains or biofilm released cells (LI 0,29 and 0,19 respectively). The results demonstrated differences in phagocytosis susceptibility of blood stream and commensal enterococcal isolates and proved that the macrophages may eradicate bacterial biofilm.

Keywords: Enterococcal; Macrophages; Phagocytic cell


Macrophages play an important role in host defense against infection and contribute to the initial inflammatory response [1,2]. They combine phagocytosis, antigen processing and secretion of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines [3]. However, survival within macrophages despite phagocytosis may increase spread of enterococci and cause systemic infection. Enterococcal infections are believed to be mainly endogenous [4]. The fact that no differences between intestinal and blood isolates has been found by PFGE (Pulsed- Field Gel Electrophoresis) supports this opinion [5]. Shay et al. [6] proved that, amongst 11 paired stools and blood VRE isolates, 8 were identical. Similarly, Montecalvo et al. [7] found closely related stool and blood isolates in 3 patients during an outbreak in an oncology ward. On the other hand, since 2005, Willems at al. [8] and Leavis’ team [9] proposed the identification of high risk clonal complex of Enterococcus faecium, indicating the existence of at least two different genetic lineages of these bacteria.

So far, little is known also about how the host immune system responds during invasive enterococcal infections [10], especially how the bacterial biofilm affect the host defense mechanisms [11]. Due to the complexity of the biofilm matrix, interaction of biofilm with the host immune system may involve completely different mechanisms when compared to their planktonic counterpart. Microbial communities encased within a complex matrix biofilm develop on natural body surfaces such as epithelium, lung and heart as well as implanted medical devices such as central venous and urinary catheters, intra-uterine devices, and prosthetic heart valves [10]. In our previous study, significant differences in molecular properties between enterococcal isolates from different sites of infection have also been proved [12]. Additionally, the differences between commensal and RTx (renal transplantation) patients’ enterococcal isolates include susceptibility to phagocytosis [13]. The current study aimed to compare macrophages’ activity against intestinal and blood stream isolates of enterococci, considering biofilm and planctonic form.

Materials and Methods

Nine blood stream isolates were collected from patients hospitalized at Medical University of Gdansk. As a reference group, 10 enterococcal strains of E. faecalis were isolated from healthy volunteers from Gdansk region. The isolates were identified to species level by strep ID test (BioMerieux) and classified as different strains of E. faecalis by biochemical and resistance profiles. All bacterial strains were stored at (-70°C) in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth with 25% (vol/vol) glycerol. Biofilms of these strains were obtained by culturing at 37°C on flat-bottom wells (TRP, Switzerland) for 72h in BHI medium. After another 28h, medium was replaced with fresh 2ml of BHI. Bacterial cells were dispersed, permeabilized by sonication on ice and stained with fluorescent reporter (PI). Fluorescence of bacteria was standardized by measure of FL3 signal by using a FAC Scan flow cytometer (Becton-Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, and USA).

Citation: Jarzembowski T, Daca A, Witkowski JM, Bryl E, Rutkowski B, Świeć K. The High Phagocytic Activity of Macrophages against Blood Stream Isolates of Enterococci. Austin Therapeutics. 2016; 3(1): 1025. ISSN:2472-3673