Sonochemical and Photochemical Degradation of Cresol Red by Potassium Monopersulfate (Oxone) in Aqueous Medium

Research Article

Austin J Urol. 2017; 4(1): 1053.

Sonochemical and Photochemical Degradation of Cresol Red by Potassium Monopersulfate (Oxone) in Aqueous Medium

Fassi S¹* and Petrier C²

¹Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Constantine, Algeria

²Laboratoire de Rhéologie et Procédés, Domaine Universitaire, France

*Corresponding author: Fassi S, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Constantine, Algeria

Received: December 26, 2016; Accepted: February 17, 2017; Published: February 23, 2017


Potassium monopersulfate has been applied to oxidize the Cresol Red dye in aqueous solution by photochemical and sonochemical processes. The results showed that UV systems like Oxone+CR/UV and Oxone+CR/US were better than direct UV photolysis at .254 nm and sonolysis Moreover, the color removal occurred according to the following order: UV<US<Oxone/UV<Oxone/ US. The degradation rate was strongly dependent on the initial concentration of the Oxone. The effect of different parameters has been studied and the optimum operational conditions of these processes were set.

Keywords: Potassium monopersulfate; Degradation; Cresol red; Water; Environment


The release of colored wastewaters from the textile industry is a current problem encountered by developed and under developed countries over the world. This release in natural environment, mainly in aqueous medium, is undesirable because of the potential transformation of these compounds to toxic and carcinogenic of species. Organic dyes represent one of the large groups of these effluents. However, several treatment processes are available for the removal of this type of pollutants

For instance, several decontamination methods, such as precipitation, biological treatment [1], coagulation [2], adsorption on various supports [3], membrane techniques, etc, are widely applied to treat aqueous effluents. The degradation by UV radiation and advanced oxidation processes [4-8] is an excellent alternative to treat Industrial effluents. Amongst the emerging technologies of removing aqueous contaminants, the application of potassium monopersulfate (Oxone) as oxidizing agent presents several advantages, besides, Oxone decomposition can be conducted in the presence of homogeneous catalysts [9], heterogeneous catalysts [10], UV radiation [11] or heat [12] leading to the formation of powerful sulfate and hydroxyl radicals

The goal of this study is to analyze the possibility of decolorization of Cresol Red by different advanced oxidation techniques (AOPs): photolysis (UV), sonolysis (US), Oxone/UV and Oxone/US. This research was carried out both in the presence and absence of UV under different operating conditions. Some kinetic approaches were also applied.

Materials and Methods


Cresol Red (CR) was purchased from Fluka chemical company and used without further purification. The potassium monopersulfat (Sigma-aldrich) solutions were prepared with ultra pure water from a MILIPORE unit. Figure 1 shows the structure of the dye.