Observational Study of Major Dairy Health Problems in Dembi Dolo Town and Sayo District, West Oromia Region

Research Article

Austin J Vet Sci. 2023; 10(1): 1115.

Observational Study of Major Dairy Health Problems in Dembi Dolo Town and Sayo District, West Oromia Region

Husen M¹*, Lulu D¹, Roba M¹, Bultum N¹ and Yusuf M²

1Dale Sadi Livestock and Agriculture Office, Ethiopia

2Haramaya University, College of Veterinary Medicine, P.O.Box. 138, Diredawa, Oromia, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Husen M Dale Sadi Livestock and Agriculture Office, Ethiopia

Received: December 30, 2022 Accepted: February 10, 2023; Published: February 17, 2023


The study was conducted from November 2019 to April 2020 dairy cows in Dembi dolo town and Sayo district to assess the major observed health problem associated risk factors. The total of 475 dairy cows was included in the current observational study. From this selected dairy cows of 475; 201 in Sayo District and 274 in Dembi dolo town were examined for different health problems. Observational study was implemented by conducting regular visit during the study period with the interval of once per three weeks. Accordingly, Dermathophilosis (25.1%), mange mites (18.3%), tick infestation (30.1), lice infestation (20.2), retained fetal membrane (3.1), dystocia (2.8) as common reproductive problem of dairy cows. Infectious disease like clinical mastitis (5.9%), black leg (1.9%), lumpy skin disease (0.63%), foot and mouth disease (0.84) were also recorded. The result obtained from observational study showed that these major health problems hinder success of dairy cows operation and future expansion. Therefore further studies should be preceded to develop a control and prevention methods to improve the productivity of the sector.

Keywords: Sayo; Dembi dolo; Dairy cattle; Observational study; Reproductive problem; Skin disease


In sub Saharan Africa live stock plays a crucial role in economic development of the countries and living standard of rural communities by serving as source of income in which their production accounts for approximately 30% of the total agricultural GDP and 16% of national foreign currency earning and for food [9].

Export of live animals and animal products make substantial contribution to the foreign exchange earnings of many countries [10]. As in many other countries, live stock plays multiple roles in Ethiopia being a major natural source of food, industrial raw materials, export earnings and form an integral part of agriculture production system [7]. Live stock production constitutes one of the principal means of achieving and improving living standards in many regions of the agricultural productive system in Ethiopia [4].

Ethiopia is one of the few countries in the world with high live stock potential. The live stock population of the countries comprises about 31 million of cattle, 23 million of sheep, 18 million Goat, 7 million of equines, 1.2 million camels, 53 million poultry and immense bee and fisheries [6]. This population ranked Ethiopia, first from and tenth from the world in live stock population. However, their productivity is low despite their large population due to varies constraints such as diseases, poor nutrition, poor management practices and low productive performance of the indigenous breeds [12].

The low cattle productivity in tropics is attributed to poor genetic potential, mal nutrition, in adequate management practices (since most of the cattle are located in rural areas where traditional activities are highly practiced), high incidence of disease and parasitic burden which cause high live stock morbidity and mortality [19].

Disease of dairy animals that cause morbidity and mortality are the major problem faced in racing dairy cattle which occurs as a result of complex interaction of the management practices and environment, infectious and the animal itself. These causes ‘annual losses of billions of dollars, a large portion of which is attributable a treatment costs and decrease feed efficiency and growth rate [16]. Therefore the efficient production of live stock that yields milky is a major concern of the society [15].

It is an established fact that development of urban and per-urban dairy production requires above all a sound knowledge of the magnitude, and predisposing factors of diseases with it is control and preventive methods [18]. Many diseases out breaks could be minimized or prevented proper management and nutritional practices [8]. According to ILCA (1998) [10], good management which decrease major and increase feed efficiency, breeding and feeding practices that accelerate the growth of animals (shorten the period from birth to marketing or reproduction, increase efficiency of conversion of feed to milk or meat).

Small scale urban and rural dairy cattle using cross breed cattle is raising as an important business center in urban and per-urban surroundings’ of Dembi dolo that are aimed to utilizing of milk and milk products to the individual and also sociaty. But productivity is not as much as farmers’ expectation due to different disease condition and poor management practices. However comprehensive studies made on dairy health are limited. Therefore, this study is important to be performed earlier as urbanization of the area is increasing and help to promote the desired output of dairy products.

Therefore, the major objective of the current study was concentrating on the following major objectives:

 To assess the major health problems of dairy cows and associated risk factor

Materials and Methods

Study Area

The study was conducted in and around Dembi dolo town and situated at 8º56ʹ30ʹʹ-8º59ʹ30ʺN latitude and 37º47ʹ30ʺ- 37º55ʹ15ʺ E longitude in centraloromia, Ethiopia, 653 km west of Addis Ababa. The latitude of the area ranges from 110-2750 msl, characterized by warm temperature weather which is locally called Bada dare (mid latitude).The temperature ranges from 29oC-35oC with average temperature of 22oC. It receives a mean annual rain fall ranging from 1500-1600 mm with an average of 900 mm. The highest rain fall concentration occurs from June to September and the mean monthly relative humidity varies from 64.6% in August to 35.8% in December, which is comfortable for human animal life.

Study Animal Population

Study was conducted according to the availability of dairy cattle in urban or per-urban area of Dembi dolo and sayo district from the November 2019 to April 2020. Small holder dairy cattle found in Dembi dolo and Sayo district area, both kept under intensive semi-intensive area and animals at different age productive status were all included in the study.

Sampling and Sample Size Determination

In the current study both large small scale dairy cattle were considered based on management practices activity of health services and willingness to participate in the study. Accordingly the total of sayo district and Dembi dolo town dairy cow were selected. From these selected dairy cows 201 from Dembi dolo town and 274 from sayo were examined for different health problems in which all age group were included. However, young animal were not included in study of reproductive health problem.

Study Design

Observational study was conducted on dairy cows to see the occurrence of major health problems in the study area. To do this observational data collection format (Annex 1) was prepared and filled so as to increase the reliability of information collected in observation. On the observational study techniques like knowledge of clinical diagnosis, history taking, and response to previous treatment were tools used to group the disease and problems in systematic and comprehensive manner.

Data Management and Analysis

Finally, the data obtained from observational study was entered into micro soft-excel spread sheet and coded appropriately. For the data analysis SPSS version 17 was used and the prevalence was calculated by dividing the number of positive animals by the total sampled population. The chi-square (x2) test was used to access the association among risk factors, namely the age, sex, body condition, management system with the occurrence of the disease. In all the analysis, confidence level was held at 95% and statistical analysis was consider significant at p<0.05.


Out of the total 475 dairy cattle examined, 119 (25.1%), 87 (18.3%), 143 (30.1), 96 (20.2%) were found harbor dermatophilosis, mengemite, tick infestation, and lice infestation, respectively as shown (Table 1).