Major Causes of Organ Condemnation at Yabello Municipal Abattoir

Review Article

Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2024; 11(3): 1147.

Major Causes of Organ Condemnation at Yabello Municipal Abattoir

Henok Aytenfsu; Tilaye Demsse; Tewodros Legesse*

Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Tewodros Legesse Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, Ethiopia. Email:

Received: April 03, 2024 Accepted: May 10, 2024 Published: May 17, 2024


A cross sectional study was conducted from December 2022 up to March 2023 to identify the major causes of organ condemnation in cattle slaughtered at Yabello municipal abattoir. A total of 384 animals were examined for ante mortem and post mortem examination of which 231 (60.15%) animals were found to have different kinds of ante mortem abnormalities. Depression 67 (17.45%), lameness 29 (7.55%), emaciation 23 (5.99%), coughing 22 (5.73%), swelling 19 (4.95%) and respiratory distress 16 (4.17%) were found to be the most common abnormalities encountered in the ante mortem examination of the animals. In post mortem examination liver 157 (40.8%), lung 86 (22.4%), carcass 63 (16.5%), heart 34 (8.8%), Kidney 29 (7.5%) and tongue 15 (3.9%) were condemned due to different post-mortem abnormalities. A significant difference was noticed in the condemnation rate of heart with body condition score, carcass condemnation with ante mortem abnormality and tongue condemnation with ante mortem abnormality with (P-value < 0.05). It could be concluded that the greater condemnation rate of edible parts like liver, kidney, tongue and the carcass cause financial loss. It indirectly influences the food sufficiency or availability. Prevention strategies include frequent deworming to decrease condemnation due to parasite infections should be performed.

Keywords: Ante-mortem abnormalities; Cattle; Organ condemnation; Post-mortem abnormalities


The overall cattle population for Ethiopia is estimated to be roughly 70 million. Out of this entire cattle population, the female cattle represent roughly 56 percent and the remaining 44 precent are male cattle [4].

Abattoirs have vital function in surveillance, control, and eradication of illnesses of animal health concern, as well as control, reduction, and prevention of foodborne risks of public health relevance [15]. Abattoirs give information on the epidemiology of illnesses on animals, to measure to what degree the community is exposed to different zoonotic diseases and quantify the financial losses sustained by condemnation of contaminated parts and carcasses [10]. Parasitic infections are seen as a serious health concern and create a large economic loss in nations where cattle production is an important element of the agricultural activity [1].

Before slaughtering, all animals are scrutinized during ante-mortem examination to make sure that they are suitable for human consumption. Signs of infectious or zoonotic illnesses are found as well as indicators of animal welfare being affected. The official veterinarian at the slaughterhouse is responsible for executing the inspection [12]. Monitoring and other factors at slaughter house have been regarded as one technique of determining the disease status of cattle [13]. Ante-mortem inspection usually takes place within 24 hours of arrival at the slaughter house and less than 24 hours before slaughter, or at any other time when the official veterinarian requires it [12].

Post-mortem examination involved visual inspection, palpation and making systemic incision check on organs abnormalities and pathological lesions are differentiated and judged [9].

Each year a large economic loss arises from mortality, condemnation of edible organs and corpses at slaughter. This productivity loss in the cattle business is estimated at more than 900 million USD yearly countrywide [7]. Determination of the cause and magnitude of organ and carcass condemnation in abattoirs and proper evaluation of associated economic loss are needed where economic realities often determine the type and scope of preventive measures to be used [10].

Proper care of animals is not just a question of welfare but also an issue of meat quality. Improper care of animals generates poor meat quality; and bad meat quality result in poor processing characteristics, functional and eating qualities and is less likely to be accepted by consumers [6]. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) should be established in all abattoirs to maintain welfare of animals, maximum efficiency and quality of beef [20].

It is necessary to have clear information on major causes of organs and carcass condemnation at the abattoir. This is important in providing information on where and how to reduce the losses that may be caused by the various abnormalities (lesions/pathology).

There for the objective of this research were

• To access the major causes of organ condemnation in abattoir

• To access abattoir-based prevalence of major causes of organ condemnation

Materials and Methods

Study Area

The study was conducted at Yabello municipal abattoir which is located in Borena zone, Ethiopia, from December 2022 to March 2023. Yabello city is located at 580km south of the capital city Addis Ababa. The city is located at 4°53’ N and 38°5’ E at 1857masl. The area gets 88.3mm of average annual rainfall. The elevation spans from 943 to 2,400 meters above sea level with average yearly rain fall of 400 to 1100 mm demonstrating a bimodal rainfall (long and short rainy seasons). The lengthy rainy season spans from March to May while the short rainy season comes from mid-September to the mid-November. The yearly temperature fluctuates from 19 to 42°C. The pastoralists frequently travel with their livestock depending on the availability of fodder and water [3].

Study Population

The study populations were cattle brought for slaughter and study was conducted on 384 randomly selected cattle destined for slaughter at Yabello municipal abattoir mainly coming from Borena, Konso and neighboring local areas.

Study Design

A cross-sectional research design was utilized to investigate the principal reasons of organ condemnation discovered in Yabello municipal abattoir by careful assessment of organs at the time of slaughter. Animals were categorized based on their origin, age, and body condition score. All cattle were inspected during ante mortem and post mortem examination and data was entered in a format devised for this purpose.

Sample Size Determination

The sample size for this study was determined based on 50% expected prevalence, 5% precision and 95% confidence level according to Thrusfield, (2005).

Where n is the required sample size, Pexp is the expected prevalence and d is the desired absolute precision.

Using 50% expected prevalence, 95% confidence interval and 5% desired absolute precision the sample size calculated was 384 cattle.

Method of Data Collection

Data collection format was designed to gather data from the slaughterhouse on the key reasons of organ condemnation. A simple random sample strategy was utilized to incorporate livestock into examination. The post-mortem data was gathered on the animals previously chosen randomly for antemortem by visualization, probing and incision on organs and carcass for any flaws and abnormalities and if any defect or abnormality was discovered then was documented on the predefined data collecting forms.

Data Analysis

All the data collected from ante mortem and post mortem inspection were inserted into Microsoft excel 2019 program. Analysis was done using Stata version 14 data analysis software. Descriptive statistics was used to assess the rate of organ condemnation and its connection with the primary parameters including body condition score [5], age and ante mortem anomalies. The connection between condemnation rate, ante mortem anomalies and body condition score were analyzed by Pearson’s chi-square test.


Ante Mortem Inspection

Out of 384 animals inspected at ante mortem examination a total of 231(60.15%) animals were found with different antemortem abnormalities. The major abnormalities seen were depression (17.45%), lameness (7.55%), emaciation (5.99%) and coughing (5.73%). Details of abnormalities found in the antemortem examination were summarized in the tables below.