Review on Rabies Vaccine: As Prevention and Control Option of Rabies

Review Article

Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2018; 5(3): 1049.

Review on Rabies Vaccine: As Prevention and Control Option of Rabies

Beyene K*, Derese A, Teshome G and Teshome D

Wollo University, School Of Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Beyene K, Wollo University, School Of Veterinary Medicine, Dessie, Ethiopia

Received: August 28, 2018; Accepted: October 03, 2018; Published: October 10, 2018


Rabies is a fatal viral disease of animal and human. It gets infection via bites from infected animals. It affects all animals include human and it is fatal with continuous increase of case in the world mostly developing country. Rabies continues to pose a severe burden to public health and is ranked one of the most fatal diseases. This is why we need to review about rabies vaccine as prevention and control option of it. Recently, dogs remain the main source of rabies. Since the first development of the rabies vaccine by Pasteur, human rabies vaccines have been improved and refined. Current cell culture rabies vaccines for humans and animals are highly efficacious, safe, and easily accessible in developed country, which in turn has enabled the control of rabies in these regions. The vaccine have long developmental history with modification, it is inactivated or killed vaccine. These vaccines are given as pre exposure prophylaxis as prevention by immunization and post exposure prophylactic treatment with or without rabies immunoglobulin as treatment, here post exposure as wound treatment and immunization due to its long incubation period of the disease. In most developing country people have clear understanding on the danger of the disease but believe to cure with different traditional and religious treatment rather than seeking effective post exposure prophylaxis. Post exposure prophylaxis consists of immediate wound cleansing and disinfection, followed by vaccination. Vaccines which are tissue culture mostly used but fewer efficacies and immunogenic but developing country use it still now including Ethiopia while cell culture is efficacious and immunogenic but it is expensive and used in developed country even if more or less efficacious vaccination in every aspect is best especially rabies.

Keywords: Post Exposure; Pre Exposure; Rabies; Rabies Immunoglobulin; Vaccine


Rabies is a viral zoonotic neglected disease caused by a negative sense single stranded RNA virus from the Genus Lyssavirus [1]. Although a wide range of animals can become infected and transmit the disease, only mammals from the Carnivora and Chiroptera (bats) Order act as reservoir for the disease [2].

It affects all warm blooded mammals and the virus shades in the saliva of clinically ill animals and is transmitted through a bite. Once clinical symptoms appear, it is almost 100% fatal. It is vaccine preventable and can be controlled through vaccination of exposed humans and source animals, mostly dogs [3].

Globally mortality resulting from rabies is estimated between 40,000-70,000 deaths annually, with nearly all deaths occurring in developing countries [4]. These potentially preventable deaths occur in Africa and Asia where animal movement control, vaccination programs and post exposure prophylaxis are not universal [5]. The domestic dog is an important vector in the transmission of human rabies, contributing about 97% of all rabies related deaths in humans worldwide [6,7].

In Ethiopia, rabies is one of the most feared infectious diseases and it has been diagnosed from various parts of the country [8]. Rabies is a major public-health problem in most of the parts of the developing world, where the dog plays a principal role as a reservoir and transmitter of the disease to humans. Human rabies, transmitted by dogs, is an important public health issue in Ethiopia [9].

Rabies vaccine is a vaccine used to prevent rabies. It can be used to prevent rabies before and for a period of time after exposure to the virus. The immunity that develops is long lasting after a full course doses are usually given by injection into the skin or muscle. After exposure vaccination is typically used along with rabies immunoglobulin, and also mostly recommended and useful high risk be vaccinated before potential exposure. Vaccines are effective in humans and other animals. Vaccinating of dogs is very effective in preventing the spread of rabies to humans and may be safely used in all age groups [10].

It has been more than 100 years since the first vaccine was developed for pre-exposure vaccination and post-exposure prophylaxis by Louis pasture on June 6, 1885. Create awareness, educate the people, dog vaccination and the availability and accessibility of high quality Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) are keys for rabies prevention and control. Modern rabies vaccines produced on cell cultures or embryonated eggs are both safe and efficacious. At present, most of Asian countries have moved towards modern rabies vaccine usage, by import or local production. In Thailand, discontinuation of sheep brain vaccine (Semple vaccine) production in 1989 and of suckling mouse brain (Fuenzalida) vaccine in 1993, and importation of increasing quantities of modern vaccines have played a major role in the drastic reduction in the number of cases of human rabies in the country [11].

Due to the high cost of modern cell culture rabies vaccines, outdated nerve tissue origin rabies vaccines are still administered to most socioeconomically disadvantaged people who are at an increased risk of exposure. Additionally, most modern cell culture rabies vaccines are imported into developing countries and because of many countries impose an extra importation tax to them, the cost it is increased [12].

Some people develop a brief period of redness and pain at the injection site and other may have fever, headaches, or nausea. After exposure to rabies there is no contraindication to its use. Vaccines made from nerve tissue are used in a few countries, mainly in Asia and Latin America, but are less effective and have greater side effects. Their use is thus not recommended by world health organization [10].

The most common tool for disease control in veterinary medicine has been vaccination, with success influenced by vaccine efficacy and the proportion of the population inoculated [13]. Although primarily designed to address the disease in the animal host, veterinary control programmers have a positive contribution in preventing human infection and clinical illness. Veterinary vaccines have historically been produced from attenuated strains, although molecular techniques are facilitating development of safer and more efficacious vaccines which make diagnosis easier. Vaccination of a particular host protects not only key target populations, but can also serve as a barrier to protect human and veterinary health. Clearly, this learned from rabies vaccination of carnivores [14,15].

Therefore the objective of this paper is:

• To review about rabies vaccine as prevention and control option of rabies

Literature Review

Rabies virus and its virulence

The causative agent Rabies Virus (RAV) is the species of the genus Lyssa virus in the family Rhabdoviridae, means bullet or rod shape. The RABV genome is a single-stranded, negative-sense RNA virus, which encodes five structural proteins nucleoprotein (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix protein (M), glycoprotein (G) and RNAdependent RNA polymerase (L) [16].

The negative-sense RNA genome is tightly encapsulated by N, P, and L proteins to form a ribonucleic protein complex that is responsible for virus replication in the cytoplasm within infected cells. The RAV G protein is the only viral protein exposed on the surface of the virus and the major determinant of viral pathogencity, and also the major protective antigen responsible for inducing protective against it applied things. RAV is very fragile outside of the animal host, and is rapidly inactivated by drying or exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light [17].

After entry via the endocytic pathway, virus replication and transcription take place in neuronal cells in cytoplasm inclusions termed Negri bodies [18,19]. The virus attacks the central nervous system, causing progressive paralysis, encephalitis and coma. Once symptoms occur, rabies is a fatal infection. The rabies virus multiplies at the site of inoculation then uses the peripheral nervous system to migrate and ascend to the central nervous system, ultimately causing encephalitis. In a rabid animal or person, the virus is present in saliva, tears, cerebrospinal fluid, and neurologic tissue (brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves). Transmission of rabies is most likely to occur following a bite from a rabid animal. Non bite exposure to mucous membrane (eye, nose). Rabies virus does not enter the blood stream, so blood is not an infectious fluid and also not present in the urine, feces, or milk, and cannot penetrate intact skin. No known effective treatment for rabies, so the disease is considered universally fatal once symptoms of rabies have started. Fortunately, the relatively slow incubation period of rabies allows for the successful initiation of rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for most patients [20].

There are an estimated 60,000 human rabies related deaths worldwide each year. Of these, most cases occur in Asia and Africa [21]. About 98% of the human cases occur in developing countries that possess large number of dogs, many of which are stray [22]. Domestic dogs are considered to be the main source (>90%) for human rabies in Africa. Once the symptoms have appeared, the disease ends almost always fatally [23].

Historical development of rabies vaccine

Rabies infection is always fatal unless prompt post exposure treatment is administered before symptoms begin. Until 1885, when Louis Pasteur and Emile Roux developed a vaccine, all human cases of rabies were fatal as the case fatality rate almost 100%. In 1885, Louis Pasteur experimented with rabies vaccination by using the term virus (Latin word for ‘poison’) to describe the agent. At that time, Pasteur did not discriminate between viruses and other infectious agents but originated the terms virus and vaccination (in honor of Jenner, British scientist) and developed the scientific basis for experimental approach to vaccination and well known historical achievement in the field of vaccination [24].

Through adaptation of street (wild-type) rabies virus to laboratory animals, he was able to change virus properties which can change virulence and incubation period over several passages. After adaptation to laboratory animals and cell lines, the virus was known to lose its virulence other than intra cerebral root of inoculation and increase expression of G-protein to the host cells resulting in high immune responses [25].

In 1885 Louis Pasteur develops the first RABV vaccine from the spinal cord of rabbits infected with rabies that was air-dried for inactivation. As the vaccine used by Pasteur was virtually a mixture of inactivated and live RABV, although occasional failures were happened, Pasteur’s vaccine was doomed to be subject to criticism [26]. To solve these safety issues, the Semple rabies vaccine was developed by adding phenol to partially or completely inactivated live viruses in Pasteur’s vaccine [27]. Unfortunately, both Pasteur’s vaccine and the Semple rabies vaccine are derived from nerve tissue and the presence of the myelin component and other potential allergic materials in infected brains restricted the application of these vaccines, due to severe adverse effects. Subsequently, it was found that these issues could be circumvented by producing vaccines from the brain tissue of newborn suckling mice, as the substances responsible for these side effects were largely absent in embryonic and newborn animal nerve tissues. The rabies vaccine was thereby developed using this technique [28].

However, the vaccine was not fully free of brain tissue components such as myelin, and severe adverse reactions were still reported [29]. An alternative approach to overcome these issues employed embryonated eggs, such as chick or duck embryos, as the media to produce rabies vaccines. Collectively, although these approaches slightly improved the quality of vaccines, they failed to thoroughly resolve the safety issues and were generally less efficacious with poor immunogenicity, which significantly hampered the generalization of these vaccines, and therefore lead to their discontinuation in most areas of the world [26].

The recent advance of modern cell cultivation techniques has made it feasible to produce high-quality rabies vaccines from cell culture. An important development was that, although RABV is highly neurotropic, it can lose its tissue tropism and adapt to in vitro cultured cells, a feature that can be utilized to propagate RABV in many different cell types, in order to achieve high virus yields. The first licensed human rabies vaccine developed from cell culture was the primary hamster kidney cell vaccine, which was created by cultivating viruses in primary hamster kidney cells [30]. Subsequently, fixed RABV was adapted to the human diploid cell strain, initially using the lung-derived cell line WI-38, but subsequently switched to the fetal lung cell strain MRC-5, to produce the human diploid cell vaccine [31,32].

As the first purified, concentrated, and lyophilized rabies vaccine, the human diploid cell vaccine elicited significantly higher immunogenicity and caused much fewer adverse effects compared to other rabies vaccines, and was therefore recommended as the gold standard reference vaccine by the WHO. However, the lower virus yields and higher production costs make the human diploid cell vaccine difficult to scale up and can be generally unaffordable to most developing countries, where the majority of human deaths from rabies occur. As an alternative, other cell culture vaccines, such as the purified duck/chick embryo cell vaccine, were developed and proved to be as effective as human diploid cell vaccine, and are now commonly used for human rabies prevention worldwide [33]. Nevertheless, as the primary culture cells inherently have a limited capacity to divide, they are technically difficult to adapt to large-scale industrial cultivation for vaccine manufacturing. For this reason, the Vero cell line was used to produce purified Vero cell rabies vaccine [34]. Vero cell cultivation can easily be scaled up and the virus titers produced in Vero cells are generally higher than those in primary culture cells. Importantly, the Vero cell line has a long history of being used in vaccines without safety concerns [35].

These advantages of Vero cells significantly reduce the costs of rabies vaccine production and make rabies vaccines affordable to most developing countries. Undoubtedly, Vero cells will continue to be one of the most common and popular media for human rabies vaccine production in the future. Over the years, several types of anti-rabies vaccines have been developed, produced and used for protection of man and animal against rabies. Pasteur’s basic approach to vaccine development such as attenuation and inactivation are still key pillars of vaccinology. In modern technology however, purification of target microbial components, genetic engineering and enhanced knowledge of immune defense to enable creation of attenuated mutants, expression of vaccine proteins and polysaccharide [36]. Development of recombinant rabies vaccines has been proposed through the application of reverse genetics to generate rabies viruses with modified properties [37]. Ideally, to generate more robust memory responses, vaccine preparations could involve live attenuated virus to elicit a strong memory response, although use as either a pre-exposure or post-exposure option requires extensive development [38]. Most progress in this area has been made with post-exposure treatment of experimental rabies in animals, rather than post exposure prophylaxis in the manner of licensed vaccines. Prominent among these new prototype vaccines that may be licensed in the future for treating rabies is the so-called Tri GAS construct that contains three copies of the glycoprotein gene [39]. Over expression of the glycoprotein gene by this construct stimulates a strong immune response and simultaneously seems to attenuate the infection [40].

The vaccine effectiveness

Rabies is a public health problem, approximately 50,000 humans’ worldwide die from the disease annually [41]. Most of the peoples at risk live in 90 countries with a population of approximately 2.4 billion, where the rabies reservoir is the dog and more than 95 percent of human rabies cases are transmitted by dogs [42]. In Ethiopia, 94.01 percent of rabies cases are caused due to the bite of rabid dogs and the rest cases incriminate domestic and wild animals [43].

Since the first rabies vaccination in 1885 by Louis Pasteur, significant progress has been made in improving the pre and post exposure treatment of human rabies [42]. Several types of anti-rabies vaccines are used for pre and post exposure treatment, which include live attenuated which is live virus after several passage, inactivated (killed), DNA-based and vector vaccines [43].

Rabies can be a vaccine-preventable disease, provided that Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is given promptly and correctly. Protection against rabies correlates with the presence of rabies specific Virus Neutralizing Antibodies (VNAs). From WHO, VNA titers greater than 0.5 international units per ml serum can reliably provide protection to humans and animal? As main source is dog, vaccinating dogs has been shown to be the most cost-effective strategy for preventing rabies in humans. As reported by the WHO, vaccination coverage of 70% of the canine population can efficiently reduce virus transmission and prevent human rabies .even if efficacious vaccines are readily available; rabies still has a high death rate, mainly due to the cost and accessibility of proper PEP treatment, the current PEP schedule not only requires multiple injections but also timeconsuming problem that is even more pronounced due to the fact that RAV specific immunoglobulin (RIG), which is both expensive and often in short supply, is required to treat severe exposure [44].

Vaccine immunogenicity is a key factor in judging the effectiveness of vaccines and usually reflects both the antigen content of a particular batch and the titer of antibody induced following inoculation. The key parameter measured in humans or animals, is the titer of neutralizing antibody induced following vaccination [45].

Rabies vaccines produced in mammalian neural tissues have the disadvantage of causing severe adverse reactions, at a rate estimated as 0.3-0.8 per thousand treated patients [11]. The vaccines recommended by WHO include those produced in Vero cells, available since the 1980s. Unfortunately, the cell culture rabies vaccines are expensive and not readily available to individuals living in developing countries where rabies is endemic in dogs [46].

Rabies vaccine types based on time of administration

Uniquely among vaccines, those for rabies can be given both preand post-exposure to virus. Pre-exposure vaccination is appropriate for travelers to RAV-endemic regions, veterinarians and researchers working with the virus and source animal with most transmitter animal. Post-exposure vaccination is possible because the exposure event, usually a bite, is easily identifiable and the incubation period is of sufficient length for vaccination to induce a protective immune response. This is principally through the development of neutralizing antibodies. Post-exposure vaccination is usually accompanied by injection of anti-rabies immunoglobulin of either human (HRIG) or equine (ERIG) origin, and is referred to collectively as Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). Whether PEP is given can be decided by the level of exposure on (Table 2) which, despite the extreme consequences of developing disease, is a factor in resource-poor areas of the world Pre exposure recommendation on (Table 1) indicate when and for whom is given [47].

Citation: Beyene K, Derese A, Teshome G and Teshome D. Review on Rabies Vaccine: As Prevention and Control Option of Rabies. Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2018; 5(3): 1049.