Comparative Gamma Radiation Sensitivity of Glossina pallidipes and G. fuscipes fuscipes Species in Kaliti Tsetse Fly Mass Rearing and Irradiation Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Research Article

Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2019; 6(2): 1059.

Comparative Gamma Radiation Sensitivity of Glossina pallidipes and G. fuscipes fuscipes Species in Kaliti Tsetse Fly Mass Rearing and Irradiation Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Debela N*

National Institute for Control and Eradication of Tsetse Fly and Trypanosomosis, Kaliti Tsetse Fly Mass Rearing and Irradiation Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Nabon Debela, National Institute for Control and Eradication of Tsetse Fly and Trypanosomosis, Kaliti Tsetse Fly Mass Rearing and Irradiation Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Received: July 05, 2019; Accepted: August 12, 2019; Published: August 19, 2019


The study was conducted in Kaliti Tsetse fly Mass Rearing and Irradiation Center in November 2018 with the aim of determining the radiation dose of Co60 gamma in the G. pallidipes and G. f. fuscipes species in tsetse fly factory. The effect of gamma cell radiation dose ranged from 100gy-140gy 4-6 days old adult males of G. pallidipes and G. f. fuscipes was studied. Fecundity of their mates was reduced by 95% following exposure to 120gy of adult male of two species. The number of pupae produced and adults emerged from pupae were lower in groups where sterile males were higher than fertile males and the effect was inversely proportional the insemination ability of the males and sperm motility were not adversely affected by the radiation dose. The study showed that irradiation effects on tsetse flies at different doses (100Gy, 120Gy, and 140Gy) mated fertile females showed that the number of aborted eggs/ larvae was directly proportional with dose. In conclusion, in tsetse fly eradication campaign using SIT, the higher dose at least 120Gy irradiated males should be used.

Keywords: Gamma Radiation; G. F. Fuscipes; G. pallidipes


Tsetse flies are vector for transmission of the parasites causing human and animal trypanosomosis has made them one of the most devastating insect in Africa, tsetse flies occur only in Africa south of the Sahara desert and north of the temperate climates of the south of the continent, over 11 million square km2 of sub-Saharan Africa and the trypanosomes they transmit can cause severe illness in livestock and people [1]. According to [2], tsetse flies in Ethiopia are confined to the southern and western regions between longitude 33 and 38 E and latitude 5 and 12 N. the total area infested by tsetse flies in 1976 and 1988 was 98,000 km and 120,000 km, respectively. Tsetse infested areas lie in the lowlands and in the river valleys of Abay (Blue Nile), Baro, Akobo, Didessa, Ghibe and Omo [3].

Tsetse vector control methods relying on large-scale bush clearing and aerial spraying methods are no longer used due to environmental concerns. Tsetse control currently relies on two bait systems: insecticide-treated traps and targets and insecticide treated livestock. Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) has also been used in efforts to eradicate tsetse flies in some areas. The SIT relies on the production of large numbers of the target insect in specialized production centers, the sterilization of the males pupae or adult fly (or sometimes both sexes), and the sustained and systematic release of the sterile males over the target area in numbers large enough in relation to the wild male population to out compete them for wild females mating of the sterile insects with virgin, native females will result in no offspring. With each generation, the ratio of sterile to wild insects will increase and the technique becomes therefore more efficient with lower population densities (inversely-density dependent) [4].

The SIT relies on the production of large numbers of the target insect in specialized production centers, the sterilization of the males pupae or adult fly (sometimes both sexes), and the sustained and systematic release of the sterile males over the target area in numbers large enough in relation to the wild male population to out compete them for wild females. Mating of the sterile insects with virgin, native females will result in no offspring. This novel approach has been used successfully in Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Nigeria and, most recently, in Zanzibar where it eradicated Glossina austeni from the 1600 km2 Unguja Island [5].

The SIT is no intrusive to the environment, has no adverse effects on non-target organisms, is species specific and can easily be integrated with biological control methods such as parasitoids, predators and pathogens. There is no development of resistance to the effects of the sterile males if adequate quality assurance is practiced in the production process and the sterile insects cannot be established in the released areas as with other biological control programs. The release of sterile insects is however only effective when the target population density is low, it requires detailed knowledge on the biology and ecology of the target pest, and the insect should be amenable to mass rearing. In addition, the SIT necessitates efficient release and monitoring methods, which have to be applied on an area-wide basis [6].

The genetic technique is one of several methods that could be useful in providing more effective and acceptable solutions to key insect problems. Genetic control is the introduction of genetic factors into pest population’s that reduce or eliminate the pest problem by mating. It involves the rearing, radiation or chemical sterilization and release of males to introduce large amount of dominant lethal mutations into the wild pest species [7] or treatment of the natural population with an agent that will induce sterility in the native insects.

Cytoplasm incompatibility is one of the genetic control techniques in which cytoplasm factor transmitted through the egg, which kills the sperm of the incompatible male after its entry into the egg. In some insect species there are crossing types in which fertile females but sterile males among their progeny are produced that leads to hybrid sterility. Ionizing radiations or chemical sterility induces dominant lethal mutation in the sperm that are used to sterilize males. Genetic control is a potential technique that may be subdivided in to population suppression and population or replacement in which genetic traits introduced into the wild population by mating [8]. Therefore, the study was organized to determine radiation dose of Co60 gamma in the G. pallidipes Uganda and G. f. fuscipes strains and to investigate the dynamics of the follicle development in females after exposure to sterilizing dose of Gamma cell.

Materials and Methods

Experiment flies

All flies used for the experiment were derived from the tsetse fit mass rearing colonies on membrane feeding system, at Kality tsetse fly rearing and irradiation center Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The flies were kept in the same insectarium at temperature of 23-24 degree Celsius and relative humidity of 75-80% for G. pallidipes and 22- 23°C for G f. fuscipes. Radiation procedure and experimental design a C060 Gamma cell providing a dose rate of 100-140gy were used for all treatments. Males were given an irradiation dose of 100 129 and 140gy on a day 4-6 age following emergence. The experiment was with dose ranging given in procedure steps of 100, 120 and 140gy on day following emergence, male were mated in-group of 100-140gy at mating ratio 1:1 with 2-3 days virgin females flies.

Radiation procedures and experimental design: A60Co Gamma cell provided a dose rate 100-140gy used for all treatment. Males were ready for radiation on day 4-6 following the emergence. Male and female kept together for 3 days in standard colony cage after three days separation pooled in individual cage. Their survival and production was checked daily for 55 days. Larviposition receptacles were checked for expelled eggs and mature larval stages every days starting on days 15 days following emergence.

All pupae were weight on the next day and recorded on larviposition date. The end of experiment period all female were dissected and their reproductive status assed. The motility of sperm was recorded by visual observation of ruptured spermathecae under a compound microscope. Fecundity was expressed as the number of pupae produced per mature female day, taking day 18following emergence as the first larviposition day. After mating, control and treated males were held in individual cage to monitor their survival.

Statistical analysis

As the study was descriptive, the statistical analysis was exclusively descriptive and limited to the point and interval estimates along with frequency summary.


Reproduction of untreated female mated with male irradiated as adult. Reproductive female performance for the two species are presented in Table 1. For both the control and experimental groups, minimum survival of the female at the end of the experimental period was above 88%, 72%for G. pallidipes and 84%, 76% and 52% for G. f. fuscipes respectively. The radiation treatment did not affect the insemination ability of the male of the two species. The average life span of untreated and treated males of two species is depend upon radiation dose. The average life spans of untreated males survive significantly longer as compared to treated males. High radiation dose were required to decrease the life span.

Citation: Debela N. Comparative Gamma Radiation Sensitivity of Glossina pallidipes and G. fuscipes fuscipes Species in Kaliti Tsetse Fly Mass Rearing and Irradiation Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2019; 6(2): 1059.