Lichtheimia ramosa Mucormycosis in a Bottlenose Dolphin

Case Report

Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2019; 6(3): 1064.

Lichtheimia ramosa Mucormycosis in a Bottlenose Dolphin

Dhib I1*, Yaacoub A1, Chouaieb H1, Jaim A2, Ben Said M1, Letscher V3 and Fathallah A1

¹Parasitology-Mycology Laboratory, Farhat Hached Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia

²Animal Presidential Park of Libreville, Tunisia

³Institut of Parasitology and Tropical Pathology of Faculty of Medicine of Strasbourg, France

*Corresponding author: Imen Dhib, Faculty of Medicine, Parasitology-Mycology laboratory, Mohamed El Karoui Street, 4002 Sousse, Tunisia

Received: November 20, 2019; Accepted: December 18, 2019; Published: December 25, 2019


5 years male subadult bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) named “Pato” belonging to the oceanic dolphin family was maintained in Friguia Public Park Dolphinarium in Tunisia for two years dating from January 2010. The patient exhibited acute anorexia and gradual weight loss. The animal developed respiratory failure and died on September 2011 despite treatment including antibiotics and corticosteroids. Over the course of illness, fungal infection was not suspected. Post mortem histopathologic examination revealed the presence of irregular, thick, non-septate and fragmented hyphae consistent with a zygomycete infection. Lichtheimia ramosa was identified by morphological characteristics on fungal culture of tissues necropsy and confirmed by PCR sequencing ITS-5.8s-ITS2 ribosomal RNA gene. This is believed to be the first report of Lichtheimia ramosa mucormycosis in bottlenose dolphin.

Keywords: Pulmonary; Mucormycosis; Bottlenose Dolphin; Lichtheimia ramosa


Mycoses are a significant cause of stranding in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and are well documented in both captive and free-ranging individuals [1]. Aspergillus (Asp) fumigatus and less frequently Asp niger and Asp terreus are the more frequent causes of fungal pneumonia in marine mammels [2a]. Even though zygomycetes are more rarely observed in, marine mammals (bottlenose dolphins, harbor porpoises and killer whales) but they often cause rapid fatal disease. Common sites of infection by zygomycetes are the skin, the respiratory system and to a lesser extent the central nervous system [1,2b]. These infections are mainly observed in debilitated animals.

The present report describes a case of pulmonary mucormycosis in a juvenile bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) caused by Lichtheimia ramosa. To our knowledge, it is the first case to be reported in a marine mammal.

Case Presentation

5 years male subadult bottlenose dolphin named “Pato” and belonging to the oceanic dolphin family has been maintained in Friguia Public Park Dolphinarium, Tunisia, for two years dating from January 2010.

In November 2010, the animal exhibited an acute anorexia and gradual weight loss. Blood analysis showed increased WBC and neutrophils’ count (25.3 103/μl, 91% respectively), increased Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH), gamma glutamyl transferase (γGT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), amylase and lipase enzymes and Total Protein’s (TP) levels. Ciprofloxacine (1.75g/kg per os daily for 12 days) and ceftazidime (3.5g per os daily for 10 days) were administered. After a transient improvement, the state of the animal worsened again on January 2011. Hematological and serum biochemical analyses revealed persistent increasing levels of γGT, amylase and lipase enzymes. Corticosteroids were initiated on January 7th 2011 and continued for 8 months (Dexamethasone [2 to 15 mg daily] for 4 days, then continued for 3 months [0.5 to 10 mg] and followed by Prednisone (55 to 110 mg daily for 5 months). On January 14th, fecal culture grew Echerichia coli and Pseudomonas aeroginosa. Pseudomonas aeroginosa was also isolated from the nasal swab. Despite these results, antibiotics were not administered. Over the next 7 months, Pato exhibited alternant periods of anorexia with perturbation of attention and transient improvement.

On August 2011, one month before death, the animal state dramatically worsened. Hematological and biochemical examinations revealed an elevated WBC count, marked thrombocytopenia and a marked increase of AST (540U/l), ALT (277 U/l), γ GT (413U/l), AP (670U/l), amylase, lipase enzyme and TP levels (9.6g/dl). In addition, blood levels of sodium and chloride were increased (164mEq/l and 129 mEq/l respectively). It is worth mentioning that the level of Total Bilirubin (TB) was increased all over the period of captivity of the animal, while Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), glycemia and creatinine concentrations were within reference intervals. Further fecal culture grew Pseudomonas aeroginosa. Enrofloxacine was initiated (525 mg/ kg/day for 6 days) followed by Amikacine (0.75 g/kg/day increased to 1.5g for 7 days) and by Ceftazidime (3.5 g/kg/day for 6 days). Despite antibiotics and corticosteroids treatment, Pato developed respiratory failure and died on September 7th 2011.

Necropsy examination was performed. Samples taken from the lung, trachea and lymph nodes showed an irregular, thick, nonseptate and fragmented mycelial filaments (Figure 1) and some necrosis foci inside a granulomatous chronic inflammation.

Citation: Dhib I, Yaacoub A, Chouaieb H, Jaim A, Ben Said M, Letscher V, et al. Lichtheimia ramosa Mucormycosis in a Bottlenose Dolphin. Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2019; 6(3): 1064.