Extension Activities of the Government Poultry Farm, Amanotgang, Barishal, Bangladesh

Research Article

Austin J Vet Sci & Anim Husb. 2021; 8(3): 1083.

Extension Activities of the Government Poultry Farm, Amanotgang, Barishal, Bangladesh

Khan SU1#*, Matubber B2#*, Hossain MM1, Al Mamun A3, Rashid H4 and Hasan MH4

1Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh

2Department of Microbiology and Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Khulna Agricultural University, Khulna, Bangladesh

3Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh

>4Department of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh

#Contributed Equally to this Work

*Corresponding author: Sharif Uddin Khan, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, Bangladesh

Bidyut Matubber, Department of Microbiology and Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Khulna Agricultural University, Khulna, Bangladesh

Received: September 13, 2021; Accepted: October 09, 2021; Published: October 16, 2021


To fulfill the demand of meat and eggs for the growing population, Government of Bangladesh established some poultry farm in the different region of the country. Government poultry Farm, Amanotgang, Barishal is one of them which was established in 1956. The area of this farm is near about 18 Acre. A number of buildings and sheds are established to support the rearing and production processes in the premises. The main activities of this farm is extension of poultry technologies. Initially, they had duck for the extension. But, government stopped the program since 2006. Now, they maintain Rhode Island Red and Fayoumi as parents. The crossbreds named Sonali are used for meat production. They marketed different aged birds. The source of the parents is Central Poultry Farm, Mirpur, Dhaka. In the farm, there are three Technical Officers and others supporting staff. The vision of the farm are solve the unemployment problem and production of egg and meat to meet the growing demand of protein. Their routine activities includes brooding management, shed preparation, grower and layer management, ration formulation, hatchery operation and management, litter management, beak trimming, vaccination, medication and biosecurity management. Marketing of birds is also another important activities. They arrange motivational campaign for building awareness among the farmers about bio-security and more important side of the poultry rearing system.

Keywords: Amanotgang; Poultry; Production; Bio-security


In Bangladesh, since the beginning of 21st century, the poultry industry has become a unique platform for a quick profit, the generation of local employment, and the production of cheaper animal proteins. About two decades ago, the people of Bangladesh usually reared indigenous chicken for hospitality. After years passed, the people use to rear backyard poultry for dual purpose (meat and egg). At present the people rearing poultry for meat and egg production as commercial venture. Poultry farming is now considered to be one of the most integral and dynamic component of the. The poultry farming is seemingly in the phase of rapid expansion. The poultry farms in Bangladesh have made a significant contribution towards the enhancement of food production strategies and measures. Since time immemorial backyard poultry farming has played an important role to meet the domestic as well as socio-cultural needs of the rural people. However, the traditional poultry farming in villages, which was the primary source of animal protein, and supplementary income for more than 50 percent of the population of the region, has suffered in the wake of commercialization. Backyard poultry production system is the integral part of poultry farming. Traditional free range poultry has a great importance in rural production systems in small communities in Bangladesh. Backyard poultry provides high quality nutrition and is a wonderful tool for creating employment opportunities for the rural poor throughout the year. It also generates some cash income when sold in the market, also a means for ensuring additional earnings to rural disadvantaged and destitute women. Rural poultry production system can easily be converted to organic farming, which is gaining its popularity due to increased consumer awareness on food safety and environmental concerns. It is evident that free range backyard poultry production will continue to thrive to help poor and destitute women for increasing their income and employment. Backyard poultry farming is a very familiar activity among rural women in many countries. Women have been considered to be the predominant owners of rural poultry. Most women in the rural areas rear the indigenous types of domestic fowl in extensive system of poultry production. Backyard poultry production serves as a small scale business for generating income controlled by women. The enterprise provides regular income using little inputs and the production can be solely managed by women in the household. Although rural poultry production cannot contribute any large income, it represents a very familiar skill to most of the poor women and it can help them in moving into a positive spiral of events that may lead them for elevation of their socio-economic status. As most of the poor and marginal farmers have very limited capital assets and they mostly depend on poultry farming for their livelihood.

This report summarizes the extension work of government poultry farm Amanotgang, Barishal. This farm was established in 1956. Total area of this farm is 18 acre including 6 acre of pond. Objectives activities of this farm is to do limited research works with major extension activities among the farmers. Initially two species duck and chicken were supplied but now only chicken are supplied to the local small scale farmers such as hybrid sonali and two pure lines Rhode Island Red, Fayoumi. They produce different aged birds. This poultry farm sets giving priority to improve poultry production in the locality.

Inventory of the Farm

Land area

Government Poultry Farm, Amanotgang, Barishal was Established in 1956. Before the establishment of the farm, it was a brick field under the Public Works Department. After the land area was transferred to BADC. Initial land was 20.30 acre. Now, Farm area is 18.00 acre where 12 acre pond and 6 acre land.


In the Poultry farm there are a number of sheds and buildings. These are given in Table 1 and 2.