Non-Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancies

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Austin J Womens Health. 2019; 6(1): 1035.

Non-Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancies

Hakim H, Yaich R, Halouani S, Jouou S, Arfaoui R and Rachdi R*

Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia

*Corresponding author: Rachdi R, Head of Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia

Received: September 05, 2019; Accepted: October 25, 2019; Published: November 01, 2019


Ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition that can affect the patient’s fertility and even be life threatening in the most severe cases. The frequency of this condition is increasing on par with sexually transmitted diseases and medically assisted procreation techniques. This is a retrospective study concerning 91 cases of ectopic pregnancies among which 56 were treated medically (61.5% of cases) by 1mg of Methotrexate/Kg of body weight. The success rate was 62.5%. The best success predictive factor of medical treatment was HCG level below 1000mUI/ml. The average HCG negativation time was 21 days. 21 ectopic pregnancies didn’t respond to MTX (37.5%). The main fail criteria was the persistence of an HCG level above 15%, (52.3% of case). Fertility was preserved in 53% of cases during 5 years of observation.

Keywords: Ectopic pregnancy; Methotrexate; Non-Surgical; Sexually transmitted infections


Ectopic Pregnancy (EP) is the implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. In normal pregnancies, the egg fertilization occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg then travels to the uterine cavity where the implantation occurs. During this journey, the implantation can occur outside the uterine cavity, frequently in the fallopian tube (mostly the ampulla) [1]. Ectopic pregnancy is a medical and surgical emergency; in the short term, it can be life threatening in case of tubal rupture [2]. However, it can have long-term complications as well, concerning mainly the patient’s fertility. Ectopic pregnancy is considered a public health problem, regardless of the country’s socioeconomic status. In recent years, the incidence of this situation has multiplied by 1.5 worldwide [3]. However, its morbidity and mortality have decreased. This can be explained by the development of diagnostic means, mainly HCG assay and transvaginal ultrasound. The treatment regimen was practically always surgical. Nevertheless, the therapeutic arsenal has known great changes. Ectopic pregnancies can now be treated medically, or simply monitored without any actual treatment.

Materials and Methods

We performed a retrospective, single-center study of all cases of ectopic pregnancies treated medically between January 2014 and December 2018 at the Obstetrics and gynecology department of Military Hospital of Tunis. During these 5 years, 91 patients were diagnosed with ectopic pregnancies. Among these patients, 56 were considered eligible for the medical treatment by Methotrexate.

The inclusion criteria for this treatment regimen were based on Fernandez score:

• HCG level ‹ 5000 mUI/ml

• hematosalpinx diameter ‹ 4 cm

• Absence of significant hemoperitoneum

• Clinical stability

• Absence of acute abdominal pain

• Absence of fetal cardiac activity

Not included were patients with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, a hemodynamic instability, a low hemoglobin level, an heterotopic pregnancy, a fetal cardiac activity, and corneal, cervical or ovarian ectopic pregnancies. The treatment regimen applied in our study consisted of 1mg of Methotrexate/Kg of body weight (intramuscular injection) that can be administrated a second time if needed. All our patients were admitted on suspicion of ectopic pregnancy, and had a full blood work done: blood type, Complete Blood Count (CBC), test of hemostasis, renal and hepatic tests. Transvaginal ultrasound and HCG assays were done at day 0, day 4 and day 7 to monitor this treatment regimen. The medical treatment was considered successful if HCG level becomes negative without resorting to surgery, even if multiple Methotrexate injections were needed. A second Methotrexate injection was administered if: HCG level at day 7 > day 0 or if it declines less than 15% between day 0 and day 7.If medical treatment is successful, patients are followed with weekly HCG assays until HCG level becomes negative (‹20mUI/ml). If not, the patients required surgical interventions.


During the study period, 91 cases of EP were identified among which 56 were considered eligible for the medical treatment by Methotrexate. The mean age of the patients was 33 years (range 20- 43 years). Mean number of gestations was 3.45 with a maximum of 9 gestations. 53.6% of our patients were nulliparous or primiparous, that made our concern over ulterior fertility stronger. The most common reasons for consultation included vaginal bleeding in 62.5% of cases and abdominal/pelvic pain in 57.1% of cases. 53 patients (94.6%) had amenorrhea when consulting; the amenorrhea duration varied between 4 to 9 weeks. There were no cases of hypovolemic shock. All the patients had a quantitative HCG assay. In 57.1% of cases, HCG level was below 1000 and only 10.7% of cases had a HCG level › 3000. All the patients also had a transvaginal ultrasound. The major sonographic finding is uterine vacuity (91% of cases). A pseudo gestational sac was found in 3.5% of cases. Endometrial thickness was found in 76.7% of cases. A latero uterine mass was found in 32.1% of cases. 40.9% of our patients had a low abundance hemoperitoneum. Fernandez score (Table 1) was the main criteria followed to decide of the medical treatment. For a score ‹13: Medical treatment For a score › 13: Surgical treatment 3 patients presented transitory side effects after receiving a Methotrexate injection; vomiting and abdominal cramps. The medical treatment is considered successful if HCG level becomes negative without needing a surgical intervention (even if we recur to two Methotrexate injections). A second injection of Methotrexate was needed in 35.7% of cases, divided in 3 situations.