Similar Diagnostic Accuracy and Reproducibility of BIRADS 4 and 5 Lesions in Radial and Meander-Like Breast Ultrasound

Special Article - Breast Cancer

Similar Diagnostic Accuracy and Reproducibility of BIRADS 4 and 5 Lesions in Radial and Meander-Like Breast Ultrasound

Brasier-Lutz P1, Jäggi-Wickes C1, Schaedelin S2, Burian R1, Schoenenberger CA3,4 and Zanetti-Dällenbach R4*

1Department of Internal Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University Hospital, USA

2Khyber Teaching Hospital, Pakistan

3Department of Chemistry, University Basel, Switzerland

4Gynecology/Gynecologic Oncology, St. Claraspital Basel, Switzerland

*Corresponding author: Zanetti-Dällenbach R, Gynecology/Gynecologic Oncology, St. Claraspital Basel, Kleinriehenstrasse 30, 4085 Basel, Switzerland

Received: December 22, 2020; Accepted: January 12, 2021; Published: January 19, 2021


Breast ultrasound is crucial in the diagnostics of breast cancer. While meander-like Ultrasound (m-US) is most commonly used, radial Ultrasound (r- US) is emerging as suitable alternative. Breast lesions category BI-RADS 4 and 5 are suspicious and highly suggestive of malignancy, respectively, and mandate breast biopsy. We compare m-US and r-US in real-time with regard to diagnostic accuracy, examination time and the agreement in location, size and final BIRADS classification of BI-RADS 4 and 5 lesions. Out of 1948 dual examinations (m-US and r-US), 57 lesions were classified as BI-RADS 4 or 5 either by r-US or m-US or by both scanning methods. For breast lesions category BI-RADS 4 or 5, sensitivity (both scan methods 94.1%), specificity (m-US 21.7%, r-US 39.1%), cancers missed rate (both 5.9%), accuracy (m-US 64.9%, r-US 71.9%), positive predictive value (m-US 64.0%, r-US 69.6%) and negative predictive value (both 100%) were similar. In m-US, the malignancy rate for category BI-RADS 5 was 93.8% versus for 50.0% for BI-RADS 4 whereas in r-US, malignancy rates were 88.2% and 58.6% for category BI-RADS 5 and 4, respectively. The examination was significantly shorter (p<0.01) for r-US (13.6 minutes) compared to m-US (27.8 minutes). Our results support radial ultrasound as an alternative to meander-like ultrasound in breast lesions category BI-RADS 4 and 5 where patients benefit from a significantly shorter examination time.

Keywords: Agreement, BI-RADS 4 and 5, Diagnostic accuracy, Ductosonography, Examination time, Radial breast ultrasound


US: Ultrasound; m-US: meander-like Ultrasound; r-US: radial Ultrasound; CI: Confidence Interval; ICC: Intraclass-Correlation; PPV: Positive Predictive Value; NPV: Negative Predictive Value


Breast Ultrasound is a well-established and essential tool in the evaluation of breast lesions in daily clinical practice. The characterization and ultrasound classification of breast lesions follows the standardized recommendation of the BI-RADS Atlas [1]. The latter also provides clear recommendations on how to proceed for each BI-RADS category. Breast lesions category BI-RADS 4 are suspicious of malignancy and breast lesions category BI-RADS 5 are highly suggestive of malignancy. While in breast lesions category 4 and 5 histologic clarification by breast biopsy is indicated, a short term follow-up is proposed for BI-RADS 3 breast lesions (probably benign).

Most clinicians perform breast Ultrasound (US) by moving the probe in a meander-like pattern in two orthogonal planes. Even though Rosensweig introduced [2] radial ultrasound, also called ductosonography, already in 1982, it is seldom used as the sole ultrasound method in daily clinical practice. Radial Ultrasound (r- US) is usually performed as an adjunct to meander-like Ultrasound (m-US) in case of nipple discharge [3,4] or ductal abnormalities [5]. However, only in a few studies, radial scanning was performed [6-10]. A recent comparison of r-US and m-US showed that the diagnostic accuracy of the two scanning procedures is similar [11]. We and others have proposed r-US to be a viable alternative to m-US [12-14].

Real time scanning provides the opportunity for careful and thorough evaluation of breast lesions and permits detailed lesion analysis during the examination, which is a major advantage over retrospective analysis of static images on a screen [14]. Moreover, true comparison of lesion location, lesion size, examination time and most of all, the number of lesions missed by one examinator is only feasible by real-time scanning and assessment by different examinators.

Here, we compare for the first time the diagnostic accuracy, the examination time and the agreement in lesion localization, lesion size and final BI-RADS classification of real-time meander-like US and real-time radial US in regard to breast lesions suspicious and highly suggestive of malignancy mandating breast biopsy, i.e. BI-RADS category 4 and 5.

Materials and Methods

The single center study (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland) was approved by the local ethical committee and conducted from August 2011 to August 2014. Women from an unselected, consecutive, mixed collective who participated in this study signed an informed consent form. Symptomatic women with breast pain or palpable breast lumps, asymptomatic women with increased risk for breast cancer or with dense breast tissue, and women with a personal history of breast cancer constitute the study group. An age younger than 18 years, a scheduled breast biopsy and male gender were exclusion criteria.

The examiners collected all demographic data including data on personal and family history, and performed a physical breast examination. Subsequently, each woman received a bilateral r-US and m-US in random order by two different examiners. Both examiners had access to the clinical and mammographic findings but not to the corresponding US assessment of the other examiner.

All examiners received a yearly training in breast US. In addition, the research fellow who performed all r-US underwent a theoretical and practical didactic training in r-US at the beginning of the study. M-US was carried out by experts or beginners under the supervision of an expert, as it is common in teaching hospitals.

Both US examinations (m-US and r-US) were performed with an ultrasound equipment of the same type (EUB-7500 V 16-53 Step 3.5, Hitachi Medical Systems Europe Holding AG, Zug, Switzerland). For m-US, a 50mm wideband, high frequency (13-5 MHz) linear transducer (EUP-L74M) was employed while r-US was carried out using a 92mm wideband (10-5 MHz) linear transducer (EUP-L53L) with a water standoff (a water-filled latex cover) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Both transducers had a center frequency of 7.5 MHz.

The duration of the US-examination was determined based on the timestamp on images taken at the beginning and at the end of the US-examination.

US-examinations were carried out as described in Jäggi et al. [11]. In brief, the women lied in an oblique supine position with her ipsilateral arm raised behind her head to flatten the breast tissue. For r-US, the examiner moved the transducer first clockwise around the mammilla in a radial and then in an anti-radial fashion, followed by a radial and anti-radial sweep of the upper outer quadrant to examine the axillary tail. In m-US, the transducer was moved in a meanderlike pattern in vertical and transverse direction. Both r-US and m-US routinely included scanning of the axilla.

For both scanning methods, we measured the dimensions of each sonographic lesion on recordings in two orthogonal planes [11]. For each lesion the morphologic features were described and the lesions classified according to the BI-RADS Atlas [15] by the examiners. The location of each lesion was recorded according to the clock-face. In r-US, the mammilla is visualized as the rotation point which allowed for measuring the distance between lesion and nipple due to the wide probe whereas in m-US, the nipple-lesion distance was estimated. The shortest distance between lesion and skin was recorded in both US methods.

Breast lesions classified as BI-RADS 4 or 5 were biopsied for histological analysis.

Size, location, morphologic characteristics of the lesion and their final BI-RADS classification were electronically saved in the patient record (ViewPoint®, Version 5: GE Healthcare GmbH, Munich, Germany).

All data on patient and lesion characteristics extracted from the electronic patient records were entered into R (R Core Team (2019). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL https:// for further analysis.

Statistical methods

Patient and lesion characteristics were summarized. Categorical data are presented as frequencies and percentages. For continuous variables, mean and standard deviation as well as range are given.

Examination time was compared between m-US and r-US using a Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction. For the assessment of diagnostic accuracy, histological results served as gold standard. Where lesions were missed by r-US or by m-US, the lesions were considered normal breast tissue and were interpreted accordingly for statistical analysis. For both methods, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated with 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs). The CIs were estimated according to Blaker. P-values were calculated using the exact McNemar’s test. Positive and negative predictive values were calculated together with corresponding 95% CIs, and the respective p-values calculated. The negative predictive value was calculated either including or excluding missed cancers. Only lesions described by both methods were compared and used for p-value calculation.

For BI-RADS 4 and 5 breast lesions, the proportion of true positive, false negative, and cancers missed by one of the scan methods were calculated for malignant lesions. Correspondingly, the proportion of true negative and false positive, and the proportion of benign lesions not revealed were calculated for benign lesions. For data comparison between the two scan methods, an exact McNemar’s test was used.

Lesions from the same subject were considered independent. All analyses were performed by R. No correcting for multiple testing was performed.

In categorical variables, agreement between the two scanning procedures was quantified using κ-values with quadratic weights. However, for the endpoint “clock-face location” the cyclicity was taken into account by choosing weights according to the distance on the clock rather than absolute timepoints, meaning that the distance between “0” and “1” and between “11” and “0” is 1 hour in both cases.

Weighted κ-values were interpreted as suggested by Landis: ≤0.20 poor agreement, 0.21-0.40 fair agreement, 0.41-0.60 moderate agreement, 0.61-0.80 substantial agreement, and 0.81-1.00 excellent agreement.

In continuous variables, the agreement was quantified using Intraclass-Correlation (ICC). The ICC is calculated based on analysis of variance. To this end, a mixed model is fitted to the data with scanning procedure and patient as random factors, and a fixed intercept was fitted. The ICC was estimated by dividing the variation related to the patient-to-patient difference by the total variance in the data. Therefore, ICC ranged between 0 and 1 and can be interpreted as the proportion of the variation of the data, which can be attributed to patient-to-patient variability. An ICC of 1 indicates a perfect agreement between r-US and m-US and that all differences in the ratings are due to differences in the patients. For the variable “mean volume”, the data was cube-root transformed prior to fitting the model since the volume was estimated from the main axes and thus, any errors when measuring these axes were inflated, leading to outliers not acceptable in the mixed model.

ICC-values were interpreted according to Cicchetti: <0.40 poor agreement, 0.40-0.59 fair agreement, 0.60-0.74 good agreement, and 0.75-1.00 excellent agreement.


In this study, we investigated the diagnostic accuracy of both scanning methods for sonographic breast lesions characterized as BI-RADS 4 or 5. Additionally, we analyzed the agreement of m-US and r-US with regard to size, location and morphologic characteristic of each breast lesion and compared the examination time for both scanning methods.

Out of 1984 dual US-examinations (r-US and m-US), 57 lesions from 51 patients were classified as BI-RADS 4 or 5 in either m-US or r-US or in both scanning methods. Corresponding patient and lesion characteristics are presented in Table 1. The patients were on average 56.4 years (30-86 years) old. The mean age of patients diagnosed with breast cancer was 58.0 years (30-79 years) and 53.8 years (30-86 years) for patients with a benign lesion (p=0.07). Two (3.9%) patients had a positive personal and 17 (33.3%) patients a positive family history.