Chest Exposure to X-Rays of Female Interventional Electrophysiologist

Special Article - Internal Medicine

Chest Exposure to X-Rays of Female Interventional Electrophysiologist

Giaccardi M1*, Turreni F2, Rossi F3, Chechi T4 and Mazzocchi S5

1Cardiology and Electrophysiology Unit, S. Maria Nuova Hospital, Italy

2Cardiology and Electrophysiology Unit, Belcolle Hospital, Viterbo, Italy

3Health Physics Unit Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi, Italy

4Cardiology Unit, S. Maria Annunziata Hospital, Italy

5Health Physics Unit Azienda USL Toscana Centro, Florence Empoli, Italy

*Corresponding author: Marzia Giaccardi, Department of Internal Medicine, Electrophysiology Unit, Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, P.zza Santa Maria Nuova, 150122, Firenze, Italy

Received: January 20, 2021; Accepted: February 10, 2021; Published: February 17, 2021


Interventional Female Cardiologists (WIC) operating in high case mix laboratories are exposed to a significant chest X-Ray scattered dose from the patient. In this setting stochastic effect may be highly detrimental because of breast radiation sensitivity. Aim of this study is to measure and optimize WICs’ chest radiation exposure in a high case mix electrophysiology laboratory, in order to validate and implement the use of personal protective equipment and lead equivalent glass viewing window, and to evaluate chest X-Ray exposure behind the protective equipment.

Keywords: Breast cancer; X-Ray exposure; Lead apron; Protective equipment


WIC: Woman Interventional Cardiologist; BC: Breast Cancer; IR: Ionizing Radiation; IC: Interventional Cardiologists; LB: Left Breast; LUA: Left Upper Abdomen


Breast Cancer (BC) is the second term in total world malignancy incidence ranking, and the most common malignant disease in women [1]. The genetic influence on BC susceptibility in general population is 27%, while environmental and lifestyle factors show a primary role in carcinogenesis [2]. Among these, Ionising Radiation (IR) exposure has been clearly associated to increased risk of female BC in several populations, including atomic bomb survivors, medically exposed populations and occupationally exposed cohorts [3]. Among the latter category, Interventional Cardiologists (IC) are the most exposed amongst x-ray using personnel [4]. Recent advances within this discipline have led to the treatment of more complex diseases with subsequent lengthy procedures and higher radiation exposure [5]. Indeed, cardiologists working in high-volume catheterisation laboratories have higher levels of somatic DNA damage when compared with matched clinical cardiologists [6] and have an elevated risk of BC and melanoma due to daily low dose radiation exposure over several years [7,8]. Females are 38% more sensitive to malignant damage for any given radiation exposure, and breast tissue is the most likely developed cancer [9,10]. Subsequently, personal protection with radioprotective equipment is a standard measure in any interventional setting. Standard lead apron may be empowered by one or two additional sleeves in addition to dedicated breast shields [11]. In order to evaluate the actual chest protection by means of this additional personal protective equipment, we quantified total thorax X-Ray dose exposure in a first operator Interventional Female Cardiologist (WIC) wearing sleeves empowered lead apron in a high case mix electrophysiology laboratory, eventually highlighting possible additional protection devices.

Materials and Methods

Between March and August 2020, we quantified the IR exposure of a single first operator WIC after further X ray protection optimization in the laboratory layout and in the lead apron protection system. In order to evaluate the consequent thoracic IR incident dose and to verify the impact of varying operational and environmental conditions, we manufactured an under-the-lead-apron wearable cotton jacket, with a fixed position sewed set of 60 dosimeters (Figure 1a). Interdosimeter distance varied from 5 cm to 2.5 cm depending on the thorax region to examine. Dosimeters 1-5 monitored data related to left upper thorax, 6-21 to left breast, 22-32 to left upper abdomen, 33-36 to right upper thorax, 37-50 to right breast and 51-60 to upper abdomen region (Figure 1b). The used dosimeters are plastic-covered, single-crystal detectors, TLD100 type thermoluminescent crystals, in the Ext-Rad configuration, manufactured by Harshaw Thermofisher. During the study period TLD dosimeters were replaced bimonthly. The first interval ranged from March to April, the second from May to June, the third from July to August 2020. After replacement Dosimeters were processed with an Harshaw 6600P automatic reader by the accredited service in compliance with the ISO 17025 standard [12]. Dosimeters are type tested, according to IEC 62387 standard [13]. Responses were quantified in terms of air kerma. Because of Covid 19 pandemic and subsequent hospital emergency needs, Electrophysiology laboratory moved from the usual room and setting, during the first and second aforementioned periods, in a previous operating room which -given the provisional nature of the set-up in relation to the emergency- was not suspended ceiling shielding equipped. The X ray system used in this setting was a Philips Pulsera mobile c-arm x-ray unit. In the last period (July-August), the EP laboratory returned to the usual room and setting, provided with suspended ceiling lead shield and operating table suspended lead drape. The used angiography system was a Eurocolumbus Euroampli Alien Cardio. The WIC is equipped with an anti-X protective apron consisting of a ‘lead free’ fully enveloping jacket and skirt, with a certified equivalent protection level of 0.5 mmPb in front and of 0.25 mmPb in back. The protective equipment has been tested before the use. The size is optimized for the body of the operator, and the armholes adhere optimally to the axillary cavity. Moreover, the WIC wears two lead equivalent sleeves covering the shoulders and axillary cavities to protect maximally from the scatter radiations, even during complex and extremely patient-close procedures. First operator also wears lead glasses with lateral protection or lead equivalent face shield, for the lenses of the eyes protection (Figure 2). Natural background radiation was subtracted using unexposed dosimeters, annealed and analysed together with the others. The detection limit was 0,06 mGy. Measurement uncertainty is about 20% with a coverage factor k =2. A table with the procedures performed in each period and the patient dose indicators have been filled by the cardiologist: KAP, air kerma area product, and fluoroscopy time in each procedure.