Clinical and Etiological Profile of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults: A Prospective, Observational, Hospital based Study from Seacoast Population of South India

Research Article

Austin J Cerebrovasc Dis & Stroke. 2017; 4(1): 1052.

Clinical and Etiological Profile of Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults: A Prospective, Observational, Hospital based Study from Seacoast Population of South India

Kumar NSS*, Padala R, Vallampalli G, Thatikonda A and Prasad PNS

Department of Neurology, Narayana Medical College, Nellore - 524003, India

*Corresponding author: Kumar NSS, Department of Neurology, Narayana Medical College, Nellore - 524003, Andhra Pradesh, India

Received: December 17, 2016; Accepted: January 30, 2017; Published: February 01, 2017


Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and etiological profile and outcome of the acute ischemic stroke in young adults in a tertiary-care hospital of south India.

Methods: This study was conducted among 50 acute ischemic stroke patients (clinically and radiologically confirmed) irrespective of sex within the age group of 15-45 years admitted to Department of Neurology after clearance from Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC). A proforma for each of the acute ischemic stroke patients was maintained where all clinical information in brief including particulars of the subject, chief complaints, past history, proper general physical examination and systemic examinations etc were recorded. The patients had been undergone plain CT (computed tomography) scan/MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) brain at admission for radiological confirmation and to localize the site of lesion in brain. All the included patients were followed upto 3 months of discharge to assess the outcome.

Results: Hypertension (56%) was the most common risk factor among acute ischemic stroke in young adults. Majority of the acute ischemic stroke patients presented with motor weakness (94% - either in the form of hemiparesis or hemiplegia). Stroke of other determined etiology (62%) with predominant hypercoagulable disorders (Hyperhomocystinemia-55%) was the most common etiology. Beside, imaging findings confirmed right sided brain lesion in majority of the patients (60%) and middle cerebral artery circulation (80%) as the most common territory involved in the brain. Most patients had a good functional outcome after 3 months of discharge with NIHSS score of 0-5 in 90% and mRS score 0-2 in 92% patients.

Conclusion: Most common clinical presentation is hemiplegia among the young onset acute ischemic stroke patients. Hypertension is most common risk factor and Stroke of other determined etiology is the most common etiology with middle cerebral arterial circulation being commonly involved and most patients had good functional outcome. Thus, the knowledge of the risk factors, clinical presentation and radiological findings and outcome of acute ischemic stroke in young adults can help in prevention, better understanding of pathogenesis and therapeutic decision making in the disease management.

Keywords: Ischemic stroke; Young adults; Hemiplegia; South india


Stroke is defined by the sudden onset of a neurological deficit due to a focal vascular cause. Acute ischemic stroke, a major subtype of acute stroke, occurs due to loss of blood supply to a part of the brain which initiates ischemic cascade due to free radical production and damage to endothelial lining. The high variability of the clinical presentation of stroke is because of the complex anatomy of the brain and its vasculature [1]. Ischemic stroke in young adults can affect the individuals and indirectly their families, and societies in general, as the patients are affected in the economically productive period of their lives. Almost two thirds of the global burden of acute ischemic stroke is in developing countries [2]. Nearly 10%-30% of all stroke patients in India are within the young adult age group [3-5].

The risk factors of acute ischemic stroke in young adults are more diverse compared to those in the elderly. Proper knowledge of the risk factors of acute ischemic stroke in young patients can prevent the burden of the disease and its recurrences appropriately [6]. The study was conducted to evaluate the risk factors, clinical presentation and outcome of the acute ischemic stroke in young patients in the tertiary care hospital of South India.

Materials and Methods

This study had been carried out in the Department of Neurology at Narayana medical college, Nellore for a period of 1 ½ year from January 2014 to June 2015. A total of 50 acute ischemic stroke patients (clinically and radiologically confirmed) within the age group of 15-45 years admitted to OPD/Ward/Emergency of Department of Neurology were included irrespective of sex in this study. Exclusion criteria were those patients who refused to take part in the study, head injury, age less than 15 years and more than 45 years, space occupying lesions, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral venous thrombosis, Intracerebral hemorrhage and recurrent cerebrovascular accidents. A pre designed semi-structural proforma, designed for the purpose was used as a study tool. A pro forma for each of the acute ischemic stroke patients was maintained where in a brief clinical information including particulars of the patient, chief complaints, family, personal, dietary history, past history etc were taken. Proper general physical examination and systemic examination were also done and recorded in the pro forma. The acute ischemic stroke patients were subjected to plain CT scan brain or MRI on admission to confirm the diagnosis and also to localize the site of lesion. All the included patients were followed upto 3 months of discharge to assess the outcome of the patients.

This study was conducted after getting approval from Institutional Ethical Committee. Informed consent from the participating individual was also obtained. The data values were entered into MS Excel and statistical analysis was done by using IBM SPSS Version 20.0. For categorical variables, the data values were represented as number and percentages.


The present study is based on the primary data of 50 acute ischemic stroke patients irrespective of sex within the age group of 15-45 years. Majority of the acute ischemic stroke patients were males (76%). Hypertension (56%) was the most common risk factor among acute ischemic stroke in young adults, followed by dyslipidemia (48%), smoking (44%) and alcohol (32%) (Table 1). Majority of the acute ischemic stroke patients presented with motor weakness {either in the form of hemiparesis or hemiplegia} (94%) followed by facial palsy (88%) (Table 2). The most common etiological profile of ischemic stroke in young patients in the present study is stroke of other determined etiology in 31 (62%) followed by cardioembolism in 8 (16%), stroke of undetermined etiology (due to 2 or more causes) in 5 (10%), large artery atherosclerosis in 4 (8%), and small vessel occlusion 2 (4%) patients (Table 3). Of the 31stroke patients of other determined etiology 29 patients had hypercoaguable disorders as an etiological factor, in whom most patients had hyper homocystinemia (Table 3). Beside, imaging findings were present in 30 (60%) patients on right side of the brain and in 20 (40%) patients on left side. Anterior circulation (86%) was the most common territory involved in the brain (Table 4). Most patients at 3 months after discharge had a good functional outcome with an NIHSS score of 0-5 in 90% and mRS score of 0-2 in 92% patients (Table 5). With one patient who had severe disability requiring constant support as the patient underwent decompressive craniotomy because of the malignant MCA infarction, which also resulted in prolonged duration of the hospital stay (mRs 5) and one patient died (mRs 6) during the hospital stay due to the comorbid illness (severe left ventricular dysfunction) and post-stroke complications like aspiration pneumonia and sepsis., despite of the appropriate treatment with antiplatelets, statins, antibiotics and mechanical ventilator support etc.