Exploring Bamboo Leaf Nutrient Value in the USNPGS Germplasm Collection

Research Article

Austin Food Sci. 2017; 2(1): 1030.

Exploring Bamboo Leaf Nutrient Value in the USNPGS Germplasm Collection

Wang ML1*, Irish B3*, Tonnis BD1, Pinnow D1, Davis J2, Hotchkiss MW4 and Harrison ML1

1United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, PGRCU, USA

2Department of Experimental Statistics, University of Georgia, USA

3United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, TARS, USA

4United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, SFTNRL, USA

*Corresponding author: Wang ML, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, PGRCU, USA and Irish B, Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, TARS, USA

Received: NMarch 26, 2017; Accepted: April 12, 2017; Published: April 19, 2017


Bamboo shoots and leaves are nutritious, providing food for human and animal consumption. However their nutrient value depends on a number of factors including the bamboo species (e.g. taxon), harvesting season and growing location. Leaf crude protein content, amino acid composition and mineral element concentration were quantified from leaf samples collected from 222 accessions representing two bamboo types (temperate/tropical), two growing seasons (dry/wet) and three locations (PGRCU-Byron, GA; TARSMayaguez, PR; and Govardhan Gardens-Mayaguez, PR). Significant variability in leaf nutrient value was identified among accessions, types, growing locations and harvesting seasons. On average, bamboo leaf tissue contained 12.92% protein with relatively high percentages of leucine (Leu, 8.97%) and proline (Pro, 7.98%) and low percentages of tryptophan (Trp, 1.69%) and histidine (His, 2.01%). Bamboo leaves also contained relatively high concentrations of the macro-mineral elements potassium (K, 12.17mg/g) and calcium (Ca, 5.37mg/g), high concentrations of the micro-mineral elements manganese (Mn, 388.76 μg/g) and iron (Fe, 123.19 μg/g), and low concentrations of boron (B, 7.8 μg/g) and zinc (Zn, 28.56 μg/g). PI 647932 and TARS 182857 contained the highest and lowest protein content (21.69% and 5.78%), respectively. Temperate bamboos contained a significantly higher percentage of protein (13.02%) than tropical bamboos (12.71%). Leaf samples harvested from the dry season contained a significantly higher percentage of protein (13.12%) than leaf samples harvested from the wet season (12.70%). The leaf samples harvested from Govardhan Garden location contained a higher percentage of protein (13.40%) than from Byron (12.65%) and TARS (12.89%) locations. The leaf samples harvested from Govardhan Garden contained a significantly higher iron concentration (151.22 μg/g) than from the other two locations (118.19 μg/g, 111.52 μg/g), whereas the leaf samples collected from Byron contained a significantly higher zinc concentration (36.03 μg/g) than what was observed from the other two locations (27.83 μg/g, 22.11 μg/g). There was no significant difference in iron and zinc concentrations between leaf samples collected from dry or wet seasons. Tropical bamboo leaves contained a higher iron concentration (131.74 μg/g) than temperate bamboo leaves (118.95 μg/g), whereas temperate bamboo leaves contained a significantly higher zinc concentration (29.82 μg/g) than tropical bamboo leaves (26.01 μg/g). The information on the bamboo leaf nutrient value related to bamboo accessions, types, growing location and harvesting season will be very useful for bamboo growers, processors and consumers.

Keywords: Bamboo leaf nutrition; Amino acid; Microelement; Protein; Genetic resources


Bamboos are fast-growing species in the grass family (Poaceae), mainly growing in temperate and tropical regions of the world. Bamboos have multiple utilizations (including building materials, medicinal ingredients, nutritious vegetables and animal feed stocks) depending on bamboo species, bamboo types, plant parts and growing regions of a country. Bamboo shoots and leaves are very nutritious and have been used for human consumption and animal feed for many years. There are a number of studies published on nutrient value of bamboo shoots [1,2], but very few on bamboo leaves [3]. Newly emerging bamboo shoots are rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals and are consumed as Popular vegetables, especially in Asian countries. Bamboo leaves, stems and shoots are a staple food for giant pandas. Research has shown that as shoots age, all nutrient values (except dietary fiber) decrease [4-6].

Bamboo leaves are used as a food source for goats, sheep, yaks and cattle. However, there is a lack of information available on the nutrient value of leaves harvested at different seasons and specific locations. The genetic diversity of the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System’s (NPGS) bamboo germplasm accessions maintained in Byron, GA was previously characterized using SSR markers [7], but there was no nutritional information available for these accessions or for those maintained at the Tropical Agricultural Research Station. The lack of nutritional information on bamboo germplasm greatly hinders its utilization as a food or feed crop. To address this issue, leaf samples from more than 200 bamboo accessions collected from three locations and two harvesting seasons were used for chemical analysis (including leaf crude protein content, amino acid composition and mineral element concentrations). Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (i) determine the variability in crude protein content, amino acid composition and mineral element concentrations of bamboo leaves among accessions at different growing locations and harvesting seasons by chemical analysis; (ii) determine the correlation coefficients among investigated leaf nutritional traits; (iii) identify unique bamboo accessions with desirable nutritional traits including high protein content, balanced amino acid composition and high concentrations of essential mineral elements.

Materials and Methods

Leaf sample collection

Bamboo leaves were collected from the USDA-ARS bamboo germplasm collection plants in Byron, GA which are established on fine loamy sand, kaolintic, thermic, typic Kandiudult soil. In contrast, the leaves collected from bamboo plants at the USDA-ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station (TARS) and from a private collection held at Govardhan Gardens in PR were grown on hydric consumo clay soils. Leaf samples were collected twice, six months apart from each other, corresponding to mid-winter and mid-summer in the northern hemisphere. Each time for each accession, three bags of leaves were collected from different culms as replicates. The collection times for Puerto Rico were January (as dry season) and July (as wet season). For Georgia, the collection times were November (dry season) and July (wet season). This sampling strategy allowed the comparison for many of the same accessions across the locations and for a direct comparison between accessions at two time intervals during the year. In total, leaf samples from 222 accessions were collected and detailed information can be obtained from the USDA-ARS website (https:// www/ars-grin.gov).

Leaf samples were collected in the same way for all three locations with approximately 50 g of fresh leaf tissue per bag from field-grown plants. Samples were placed into paper bags and their contents were weighed immediately following collection. Paper bags with leaf samples were then placed at 70°C in an air Lindberg/Blue M circulation oven (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA) to dry. Dry samples were ground in a MF-10 IKA grinding mill (IKA Works Inc., Wilmington, NC) using a 0.5 mm mesh at 3,500 rpm.

Protein content

Protein content was determined by the micro-Kjeldahl method [8]. Total nitrogen was determined using a modification of the micro-Kjeldahl method. The procedure was carried out in three stages: digestion, distillation and titration. Prior to implementation, leaf samples were placed in a drying oven with air circulation for 24 hours to eliminate any moisture absorbed during storage. Protein percentage was determined by multiplying nitrogen percentage by the 6.25 conversion factor.

Amino acid composition

For amino acid analysis, leaves were collected, dried and ground to powder with liquid nitrogen. The powder was then dried slowly at 45°C under reduced pressure to remove any remaining moisture and then kept in a desiccators until processed. Amino acids were analyzed by two separate methods. The first method used was a protein acid hydrolysis technique which yielded 17 amino acids. Hydrolysis with acid destroys three amino acids (tryptophan, cysteine and methionine) and as a consequence these three amino acids could not be directly measured. In addition, asparagine and glutamine were completely hydrolyzed to aspartic acid and glutamic acid, respectively (i.e. amount of aspartic acid = aspartic acid + asparagine; amount of glutamic acid = glutamic acid + glutamine). The second method (base hydrolysis) yielded tryptophan which was measured separately. In total, 18 amino acids were quantified.

Acid hydrolysis: For each sample, 120-130 mg ground tissues were measured into a 5ml reaction vial and 4ml of 6N HCl were added to each along with 4μl of phenol (0.1% final concentration). Nitrogen was blown over the top and vials were immediately sealed with Teflonlined caps. Vials were incubated in 110°C heating block for 20 hours. Samples were then cooled and a 1ml aliquot was neutralized and diluted to 25ml with 4.2N NaOH and water, respectively. Diluents were filtered and an aliquot derivatized using AccQ-FluorTM reagent (Waters Corp., Milford, MA) according to the directions in the manual (WAT052874, Rev. 1). Amino acids were separated and quantified using an 1100 HPLC System (Agilent Technologies) with a 1260 fluorescent detector. The column used was a Waters AccQ-Tag (C18, 4 μM, 3.9x150mm). The mobile phase consisted of pf Eluent A, a phosphate buffer solution purchased from Waters and diluted according to directions and Eluent B, acetonitrile mixed with water (60:40 v/v). The column temperature was 37°C and the flow rate was 1.0ml/min at the following gradient: 0% B to start, then increased to 2% at 0.5 min, to 7% at 15 min, to 10% at 19 min, to 33% at 32 min and held for 33 min. B was then increased to 100% at 34 min and held for 37 min after which B returned to 0% at 38 min. The column was equilibrated at 0% B for 10 min between injections. Sample injection volume was 5μl and derivatized amino acids were monitored by Fluorescence Detector with the excitation set to 250 nm and emission set to 395 nm. All samples were spiked with a-aminobutyric acid as an internal standard. A standard mix containing 100 pmol/μl each of 15 amino acids was diluted accordingly and derivatized to generate a 9-point calibration curve from 1.25 to 30 pmol/μl. Amino acid totals were converted to mg/g by multiplying the molecular mass of each and the dilution factor, then dividing by the sample mass: mg/g = (molar concentration x molecular mass x dilution factor) / sample mass. The results were expressed as percentage and all samples were prepared and measured twice.

Base hydrolysis: For tryptophan analysis, 150-170 mg ground tissues were measured into a 5ml reaction vial and 3ml of 4.2N NaOH were added to each. Nitrogen was blown over the top and vials were immediately sealed tightly with Teflon-lined caps. Vials were incubated in a 110°C heating block for 18 hours. Samples were then cooled, transferred to a 25ml volumetric flask, neutralized with 6N HCl, mixed with 5ml ethanol and then diluted to volume with 200 mM phosphate buffer. An aliquot was filtered for injection. Tryptophan was separated and quantified on an 1100 HPLC System (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) with a diode-array detector (DAD) using an Eclipse-XDB, 3.0 x 250 mm, 5 μm, C18 column (Agilent Technologies). The mobile phase consisted of HPLC-grade acetonitrile (B) and 20mM phosphate buffer, pH 3.3 (A). The column temperature was 30°C and the flow rate was 0.5ml/min at the following gradient: 5% B to start, increased to 25% at 10 min, then increased to 75% at 11 min and held for 19 min after which B returned to 5% at 20 min. The column was equilibrated at 5% B for 13 min between injections. Sample injection volume was 5μl and tryptophan was monitored by UV absorption at 280 nm. A pure tryptophan standard (Sigma, Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) was diluted and used to generate a 7-point calibration curve from 1 to 50 μg/ml. The same formula as above was used to calculate the tryptophan percentage. All samples were prepared and measured twice.

Mineral element concentration

Leaf samples were analyzed for P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Al, Na, S and Cu concentrations using recommended digestion procedures [9]. Prior to the elemental analysis, leaf samples were processed using the same methodology for protein analysis. Leaf samples were heated at 70°C in an oven for 24 hours and placed in desiccators. Three replicates of 1g tissue from each sample were weighed in porcelain crucibles and incinerated at 500°C for 4 hours and allowed to cool overnight. The incinerated samples were digested with 20ml of 33% HCl until 10ml of solution remained in the crucible. After digestion, each sample was filtered through Whatman filter paper (No. 541) into a 100ml volumetric flask using hot distilled water. After cooling down, the sample was adjusted to 100ml by adding water and then employed for nutrient analysis using 7300 DV-OES Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA). The emission signal of samples was obtained by developing calibration curves. Standard reference material (peach leaves, Standard Reference Material 1547, National Institute of Standard and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD) with certified concentrations of elements indicated a recovery within the range of certified values. The results for triplicate samples were averaged and standard deviation for each element was calculated.

Statistical analysis

Significant correlations among different leaf chemical traits were determined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. An analysis of variance was performed on the data and means were separated using Turkey’s multiple comparison procedure (SAS 2008, Online Doc 9.2; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).

Results and Discussion

The results from the investigated nutrition traits of bamboo leaves are summarized in (Table 1) and shown in (Figure 1). On average, bamboo leaves contained 12.92% protein and had relatively high percentages of the amino acids leucine (Leu 8.97%) and proline (Pro, 7.98%) and low percentages of tryptophan (Trp, 1.69%) and histidine (His, 2.01%) (Figure 1a). The samples also had relatively high concentrations of the macro-mineral elements potassium (K, 12.17 mg/g) and calcium (Ca, 5.37 mg/g) (Figure 1b), as well as high concentrations of the micro-mineral elements manganese and iron (Mn, 388.76 μg/g and Fe, 123.19 μg/g) and low concentrations of boron and zinc (B, 7.8 μg/g and Zn, 28.56 μg/g) (Figure 1c). Although aspartate (Asp) and glutamate (Glu) have the highest values (Figure 1a), they were not the highest percentages of amino acids in bamboo leaves because Asp and Glu each represent total amounts of two amino acids (asparagine and aspartate; glutamine and glutamate), respectively. Eight out of nine essential amino acids (except methionine) were quantified in our study and six out of the eight amino acid values were near or exceeded 5% (except His and Trp). This indicates that bamboo protein contains a balanced amino acid composition. Bamboo leaves contain very high concentrations of potassium and calcium. Consuming vegetable products with high concentration of calcium can help to not only build strong bones but also prevent heart diseases and blood vessel blockage [10]. For two important micro-minerals (Fe and Zn), bamboo leaves are a good source of iron but not zinc (Figure 1c).