Otolith Dysfunction can Affect Head Stability during Gait

Research Article

Austin J Otolaryngol. 2016; 3(1): 1069.

Otolith Dysfunction can Affect Head Stability during Gait

Aboshanif M, Itasaka Y, Omi E, Koizumi K and Ishikawa K*

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Akita Graduate School of Medicine, Akita, Japan

*Corresponding author: Kazuo Ishikawa, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Akita Graduate School of Medicine, 1-1-1 Hondo, Akita 010- 8543, Japan

Received: January 27, 2016; Accepted: February 25, 2016; Published: February 29, 2016


We study in detail the influence of Otolith organ dysfunction on head stability during locomotion. Participants were 20 patients (mean age, 54.0±11.6 years; mean height, 160.9±8cm) with unilateral Acoustic Neuroma (AN), and 9 age- and height-matched controls (mean age, 60.1±8.5 years; mean height, 162.7±8.1cm). All participants underwent measurement of ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (oVEMP) and cervical VEMP (cVEMP). Subjects were asked to walk freely with eyes open and closed while head movements were analyzed using a 3-dimensional motion analysis system. With regard to VEMP test results, oVEMP only, cVEMP only and both were abnormal in 3, 5 and 9 patients, respectively. Three patients showed normal results for both VEMPs. Compared with controls, horizontal head movement was greater in patients with abnormal oVEMP during eyes open and closed conditions and in patients with abnormal results for both VEMP tests during the eyes closed condition, while head movement in the pitch plane during walking with eyes open and closed, and in the roll plane with eyes closed was greater in patients with abnormal cVEMP or abnormal both VEMP tests. We conclude that, head stability in the horizontal plane during locomotion is affected by utricular dysfunction, while stability in the pitch and roll planes is affected by saccular dysfunction.

Keywords: Head movement; Locomotion; Three-dimensional motion analysis; VEMP; Utricle; Saccule


AN: Acoustic Neuroma; OVEMP: Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential; CVEMP: Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential; SCM: Sternocleidomastoid Muscle; EMG: Electromyography


Almost all Acoustic Neuromas (ANs) arise from the superior or inferior vestibular nerve, and few arise from the cochlear nerve [1]. The two Otolith organs (the utricle and saccule) sense linear acceleration of the head in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively [2]. Also, afferents from the utricular macula course within the superior division of the vestibular nerve together with a small contingent from the hook region of the saccular macula, and the bulk of the fibers from the saccular macula project into the inferior vestibular nerve [3,4]. Thus, cases with AN could result in some dysfunction to the superior or inferior vestibular nerves, or both. Such functional disorder could affect gait control systems to some extent [5]. Recently, Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (oVEMP) and Cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (cVEMP) tests were shown to be able to reveal utricular and saccular function independently [6]. In a previous study, we proved that dysfunction of the vestibular nerve in patients with AN could affect head stability during walking [7]. The present study examined in detail the effect of Otolith organ dysfunction on head stability in all planes of movement during locomotion using our 3-dimensional motion analysis system.

Patients and Methods

Twenty patients with unilateral AN diagnosed by neurootological examinations and MRI with contrast enhancement were enrolled in this study. The mean age of patients was 54.0±11.6 years and mean height was 160.9±8.2cm. The tumor was intra-canalicular in 5 patients, <10mm in 6 patients, 10-20mm in 5 patients and 20- 32mm in 4 patients.

Nine age- and height-matched healthy subjects served as controls. Mean age was 60.1±8.5 years and mean height was 162.7±8.1cm. All patients underwent monitoring of oVEMP and cervical VEMP, and were asked to walk freely with eyes open and closed for distances of about 5 m while head movements were analyzed using a 3-dimensional motion analysis system. The study was conducted according to the tenets of the Helsinki Declaration. All subjects signed written informed consent prior to participation in this study.

Testing of otolith organ function

As an initial preparation for testing, impedance of the electrodes was reduced by wiping the skin carefully with alcohol-moistened cotton and surface electrodes were coated with conductive paste. Recording was performed using Navigator.PRO (Bio-Logic Systems Corporation, Illinois, US).


All participants were asked to raise their head to achieve maximal activation of the Sterno Cleidomastoid Muscle (SCM) on both sides. Active electrodes were placed on the middle third of the SCM, reference electrodes were placed on the upper part of the sternum and the ground electrode was placed at the center of the forehead. Surface Electromyography (EMG) was recorded for a series of 95-dB click stimuli delivered through an earphone at a frequency of 5Hz, and was band pass-filtered (10-1500Hz). Analysis time was 53.3ms, and responses to 100 stimuli were averaged. Mean peak latencies of the two early waves p13 and n23 (normal p13 latency, 13.7±1.0 ms; n23 latency, 23.0±1.8 ms), peak-to-peak (p13-n23) amplitude and asymmetry ratio (normally 15.9±8.4%) between both sides were measured. The first positive peak of VEMP was defined as p13, and the first negative peak following p13 as n23. Absence of a meaningful waveform with p13 and n23 was defined as “no response”.

The study was repeated for both sides twice, and values for latency and amplitude were calculated as means. Cases of absent response, asymmetry ratio >32.7% or elongation of p13 and n23 latencies (>15.7ms or >26.6ms, respectively) were considered abnormal.


Active, reference, and ground electrodes were placed on the lower eyelid, 2cm below and on the forehead, respectively. All cases were requested to look upwards to activate the inferior oblique muscle. Meanwhile, 95-dB click stimuli were delivered using an earphone to the contralateral ear at a frequency of 5Hz for duration of 53.3s, and 100 responses were averaged. Filter setting was 3-500Hz. The first negative and positive responses were designated as n1 and p1 waves, respectively. Latencies of n1 (10.5±1.1ms) and p1 (15.9±1.3ms), peakto- peak (n1-p1) amplitude and asymmetry ratio between both sides (normally 8.7±6.4%) were measured. The study was repeated 3 times on both sides, and mean values were calculated. Cases of no response, asymmetry ratio >21.5% or elongation of n1 and p1 latencies (>12.7ms, >18.5ms, respectively) were considered abnormal.

Analysis of head movement during locomotion

Three-dimensional head movement analysis was performed using our 3-dimensional motion analysis system. Reflective markers were placed on each side of the body at the following sites: shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, heel, and toe. Another three markers were placed on the head at the forehead, vertex and inion. Subjects were asked to walk freely for a distance of about 5m with the eyes open or closed, and then to turn around and return to the starting position.

Three-dimensional gait analysis was performed in a 2meters cubic space set at the center of the pathway. In this study, analysis was focused on head movement during gait. Variables were thus head movements in the up-down and horizontal planes measured in centimeters, as well as the angles of roll, pitch and yaw movement. One-way ANOVA with post hoc analysis was employed for statistical analysis. Values of P<0.05 were considered statistically significant.


VEMP test results

AN patients were grouped into 4 categories according to VEMP test results: those with normal results for both VEMP tests (3 cases); those with abnormal results for both VEMP tests results (9 cases); those with an abnormal oVEMP result, but a normal cVEMP (3 cases); and those with an abnormal cVEMP result, but normal oVEMP result (5 cases). As for caloric test results, most cases showed canal paresis, except for two cases from the group with normal results for both VEMPs, one case from the only cVEMP normal group and one case from the group with both VEMPs abnormal (Tables 1, 2).