AMMI Biplot Analysis for Genotype X Environment Interaction on Yield Trait of High Fe content Lentil Genotypes in Terai and Mid-Hill Environment of Nepal

Research Article

Ann Agric Crop Sci. 2017; 2(1): 1026.

AMMI Biplot Analysis for Genotype X Environment Interaction on Yield Trait of High Fe content Lentil Genotypes in Terai and Mid-Hill Environment of Nepal

Darai R¹*, Sarker A², Sah RP¹, Pokhrel K³ and Chaudhary R¹

¹Senior Scientist, Senior Technical officer and Technical Assistance, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, GLRP, Khajura, Nepal

²Principal Food Legumes Breeder and Coordinator, ICARDA South Asia and China Regional Program, NASC Complex, Pusa Campus, India

³Technical Officer, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Surkhet, Nepal

*Corresponding author: Darai R, Senior Scientist, Senior Technical Officer and Technical Assistance, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khajura, India

Received: March 01, 2017; Accepted: April 26, 2017; Published: May 03, 2017


Adolescence covers 10-19 years of human age and is the transition period of life. The prevalence of Iron (Fe) deficiency in Nepal is around 23% population. High Fe content biofortied lines had developed to overwhelm the problem. This study was aimed to explore the effect of Genotype (G) and Genotype × Environment Interaction (GEI) on yield of 16 high Fe content lentil genotypes under four different environments (Nepalgunj, Banke, Dashrathpur, Surkhet, Parwanipur, Bara and Itahari, Sunsari). The research was conducted at the winter season cropping period of the year 2014 and 2015 following randomized complete block design with three replications in each location. Combined analysis of variance showed that there were highly significant differences in genotype and location but not genotype x environment interaction at 5% probability level, where G and GEI captured totally 87.4% of total variability. These four environments had good discriminative and representativeness for yield trait of high Fe content lines. Mean yield performances indicated that biofortifed lentil genotypes HUL-57, PL-4, RL-11 and LG-12 were the best performers across the environments over the years and stability of genotypes indicated that they were satisfactorily stable with high yield.

Keywords: AMMI Biplot and triplot analysis; GEI; Stability; Lentil


Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris) is a selfpollinating, diploid (2n = 2× = 14) pulse crop with a relatively large genome of 4,063 Mpb [1]. Generally, lentil varieties are distinguished by seed size and color. Lentil seed sizes are grouped into two types: macrosperma and microsperma. In Nepal, it is the main pulse crop accounting for 62.64% in area and 64.35% in production of the total legume area and production [2]. Lentil statistics showed that area, production and productivity had increased by 100.11%, 270.80% and 85.32% in between 1984/85 and 2012/13 respectively. This crop is also recognized as one of the major agricultural product with high export potential by Nepal Trade Integration Strategy. Obviously Nepalese lentils are rich in micronutrients like iron and zinc and have a great role in nutritional security of low-income people. Nepal has retained its position as the world’s sixth largest producer of lentil in 2012 after it logged 0.64 percent rise in production according to the FAO of the United Nations [3]. In fact, it is the largest exported agricultural item with a share of about 2.3% of total national export from Nepal and about 3.2% of the total world export (ITC, 2010). Nepal ranks fifth (3.2%) in lentil export after Canada (69.5%), USA (10.3%), Turkey (7.3%) and Australia (3.8%). The interplay in the effect of genetic and non-genetic on development is termed as Gx E interaction. G x E interactions are of major consequences to the breeder in the process of evolution of improved varieties. So, phenotypes are the mixture of Genotype (G), Environment (E) components and interactions (GxE) between them. It was reported that the prevalence of Fe deficiency anemia was estimated to be 55.1% in children under five, 31% in school age children, 63.5% in pregnant women, and 35% in manual laborer (Directorate of Public Nutrition, 1993). The problem for women and children is more severe because of their physiological need. The prevalence of Fe deficiency in Nepal is around 23% population. Breeding lentil with high micronutrient content dubbed as ‘biofortification’ provides a cost effective and sustainable solution to combat malnutrition. Yield is a quantitative traits that is strongly affected by environment. GxE study on yield trait of the high Fe and Zn rice lines would give information about the yield and stability, so that it could be selected the best genotypes with high yield and stable across environment. Advanced micronutrient Fe rich breeding materials must be evaluated in multi-location and more than one year. Selection based on the yield performances are the two major phases of varietal development and the later one is highly influenced by the locations and years of testing. The main Environmental effects (E) and Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI) have been reported as the most important sources of variation for the measured yield of crops [4]. For this reason, multi-location trials are conducted throughout the country for major crops every year. Although the measured yield is a combined result of the effects of the genotype (G), E and GE interaction, only G and GxE are relevant to cultivar evaluation and mega environment identification. Typically, E explains mostly (80% or higher) of the total yield variation, while G and GE are usually small [5]. However, effective interpretation and utilization of MET data in making selection decisions remain a major challenge to researchers. Some important concepts such as mega environment, specific adaptation, and stability all originate from the GE interaction. A significant GE interaction for grain yield can reduce the usefulness of subsequent analysis and limit the feasibility of selecting superior cultivars. Development of widely adapted and or location specific adapted genotypes is the goal of all breeding programs. For this purpose, the genotypes are grown in different environments and their yield stability is estimated before giving any recommendations for variety release. A genotype may be considered to be stable if its environment variance is small. Various methods have been introduced to assume cultivar reaction in different situations. Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis is one of the popular parametric of multivariate methods to predict adaptation and stability of cultivars. The usefulness of the method to be applied to some different crops has been noted by many researchers [6-8]. Zobel et al. proposed the name AMMI first time. The AMMI model is a hybrid model involving both additive and multiplicative components of two way data structure which enabled a breeder to get precise prediction on genotypic potentiality and environmental influences on it. AMMI uses ordinary ANOVA to analyze the main effects (additive part) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to analyze the non-additive residual left over by the ANOVA [9]. Purchase et al., 2000 [10], developed a quantitative stability value to rank genotypes through the AMMI model, named the AMMI Stability Value (ASV). During the analysis of cultivars stability they found a significant correlation between the stability measures ASV with Shukla and Wricke (Wi), and Eberhart and Russel (S2d), while Finlay and Wilkinson (b), and Linn and Binns (Pi) showed limited correspondence with any of the other methods [11,12]. The developed ASV was considered to be the most appropriate single method of describing the stability of genotypes. The breeders want to develop and select high yield and high stability lines which is highly desirable but some time, high yield but low stability lines which is desirable for specific selection, low yield and low stability (desirable for special breeding purposes, e.g. drought resistance selection) while low yield but high stability is undesirable and no one wants to select such types.

Materials and Methods

The present experiment material comprised a total of 16 Fe rich genotypes of lentil were selected on the basis of lab analysis report, yield and yield attributing traits from G x E biofortification trial on lentil conducted at four diverse environments i.e. Nepalgunj, Surkhet, Parwanipur, and Itahari during the year 2014-2015 [13]. The geographical location of Parwanipur is at 27°2’ North Latitude, 84°53’ East Longitude and 115 masl elevation. Climate of testing site falls under subtropical region of Nepal. The average maximum temperature ranges from 22.7°C to 34.52°C and minimum temperature ranges from 8.54°C to 25.9°C with an average annual rainfall of 1550 mm. The rainfall distribution is of unimodal type, 84% of the total rainfall is received from June to September. The geographical location of Surkhet is 81°36’ 0E longitudes and 28°36’ 12N latitude at an altitude of 634m. Mean Above Sea Level (MASL). The average maximum temperature is 32.8°C and minimum temperature is 7.9°C with total sum of rainfall of 236.6 mm along with 72-98% Relative Humidity (RH) during cropping season. Likely the geographical location of Itahari is 87°16’ 60 E longitudes and 26° 40’ 0 N latitude at an altitude of 104 m. Mean Above Sea Level (MASL). The geographical location of Nepalgunj is 810 37” E longitudes and 280 06” N latitude at an altitude of 181m. Mean Above Sea Level (MASL). It has subtropical climate with cool winter (5.4°C) and very hot summer (46°C temperature) with 27-94% Relative Humidity (RH). The annual average rainfall is 1000-1500 mm. However, delayed onset and early termination of monsoon rains, is a regular feature, causing occasional failure of annual crops in the region. The soil on station is sandy loam to silty loam, poor in organic carbon and available N2 but medium in available P2O5 and K2O, pH varies from 7.2-7.5. The trials were conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The plot size was of 4 meter length of four rows (1m wide) of 25cm spacing between rows and continues between plants. Important quantitative traits i.e. Days to 50% Flowering (DF), Days to 90% Maturity (DM), Plant Height (PH) in cm, number of Pods per Plant (PP), number of Seeds per Pod (SP), 100 Seed Weight (SW) in gram, and grain yield metric ton/ha (GY kg ha-1) were recorded. Five plants randomly selected from each plot to take the data of yield attributing traits. Grain yields were recorded on the plot basis and converted to the kg/ha. Fertilizer was applied @ 20:40:20 kg N, P, K /ha. ANOVA and Stability analysis for yield trait was carried out by using the AMMI model (Agricolae) software R x 64-program version 3.3.2.

Results and Discussions

AMMI analysis of variance

Variance analysis showed that the genotype and environment was found highly significant differences for the yield and yield attributing traits except plant height and pod per plant but non-significant differences in genotype x environment interaction indicating distinct features of genotype and environments but not distinct the genotype x environment interactions [14] on phenotypic expression. High estimate of Sum of Square (SS) for all the traits are expressed by environment (Table 1). Yield variation was observed due to the environment effect indicated that the environments were diverse and a major part of variation in grain yield can be resulted from environmental changes. These data had compiled the requirements for biplot analysis. Biplot analysis was conducted and visualized to determine the differences among the environments, to evaluate stable and wide adaptable line, and to evaluate the environments if a certain graph representing the appropriate environment to select genotypes based on yield. The presence of Genotype Environment Interaction (GEI) was clearly demonstrated by the AMMI model, when the interaction was partitioned among the first three Interaction Principal Component Axis (IPCA). All PCA 1, PCA 2 and PCA 3 were non- significant. PC1 contribute 62.3 % variation to the total. PC2 contribute 25.1 % to the total variation and IPC3 contribute 12.6 % variation of the total with Pr. F value more than 0.005. It means that by using PC1 and PC2, the analysis could explain 87.4 % variation (Table 2).