Apr 24, 2018

Austin Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology

Retinal Vein Occlusion in Cotonou

Abstract: To study the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary features of RVO...

Apr 24, 2018

Austin Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology

Age and Gender Related Changes in Intraocular Pressure among Patients Attending a Peripheral Eye Clinic in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Abstract: To determine the age and gender related changes in intraocular pressure among patients attending a private eye clinic in Port Harcourt Nigeria...

Apr 24, 2018

Austin Medical Sciences

Bacterial Etiology of Urinary Tract Infection in Delta Medical College and Hospital

Abstract: The urinary tract is one of the most common sites of bacterial infection, particularly in females; 20-30% of women have recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) at some time in their life...

Apr 24, 2018

Journal of Family Medicine

Spinner Mania: A Welcomed Challenge or Imposed Nuisance

Abstract: The current era of an abundance of gadgets and use of electronic media overwhelm the individual and lead to distraction and fragmentation of one's attention...

Apr 23, 2018

Journal of Blood Disorders

Colistin Resistant Rate among Gram's Negative Bacteria Isolated from Sharg Alnile and Yastabsheroon Hospitals from 2016 to 2017

Abstract: Gram negative bacteria is an organisms can cause different types of infections like UTI, Respiratory tract infections, Bacterimia etc... due to gram negative cell components become these organism resist to many types of antibiotics...

Apr 23, 2018

Journal of Blood Disorders

Comparison between Giemsa, Harris Hematoxline & Eosin and Lieshman Stain in Peripheral Blood Picture

Abstract: This was a Descriptive comparative study was performed the compare the morphology of peripheral blood picture when stained by giemsa lieshman and harris hematoxline and eosin...

Apr 23, 2018

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International

Upper Hamstring Syndrome (Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy - PHT)

Abstract: Buttock pain on or around the greater tuberosity is common in both athletic and less active populations. Dysfunction of the upper hamstring is a common cause and requires careful evaluation particularly when weakness is identified...

Apr 23, 2018

Austin Journal of Nutrition & Metabolism

A Case Study of Orthorexia Nervosa: Social Function of a Lifestyle Syndrome

Abstract: We present a longitudinal case study of an 18-year-old man that showed criteria for a diagnosis of orthorexia. Over time, his diet became more compulsively restricted to healthy foods and his partner raised the issue of impaired social function...

Apr 20, 2018

Austin Journal of Otolaryngology

A Case of an Uncommon Giant Concha Bullosa Associated with Nasal Obstruction and Headache

Abstract: The middle turbinate in endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is an important anatomical landmark for surgeons and builds the medial wall of the ethmoid sinuses...

Apr 20, 2018

International Journal of Nutritional Sciences

Role of Epigallocatechin, Resveratrol and Curcumin as Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Tumoral Agents

Abstract: Inflammatory microenvironment plays a critical role in tumorigenesis process as well as in chemoresistance. In response to tissue injury, inflammatory cytokines help to start and maintain carcinogenesis over time...

Apr 20, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Minor Anorectal Conditions in Proctology

Abstract: The article describes a guide to the clinical features, diagnosis and management of some common benign anorectal disorders. Many tests are available to investigate anorectal disorders...

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