Aims and Scope
Austin Anthropology is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of Anthropology.
Austin Anthropology follows open access policies and published articles are provided to the readers without collecting any charges. Journal provides a platform for mutual exchange of ideas and views covering wide areas of Anthropology.
Austin Publishing Group brings universally peer reviewed journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, mutual promotion of multidisciplinary science.
Research topics
- Bioethics and anthropology
- Bioinformatics
- Demography
- Economics and anthropology
- Ethics and anthropology
- Ethno pharmacology
- Ethno psychiatry
- Forensic anthropology
- Human rights in the global society
- Law and anthropology
- Women’s studies
- Urban ecology
- Architectural anthropology
- Globalization
- Neo-Darwinism
- Environmental ethics
- Humanism, secular
- Forensic psychologists
- Sex identity
- Biological anthropology
- DNA molecule, DNA recombinant, DNA testing.
- Anthropology and sociology
- Anthropology of women
- Unity of humankind
- Xenophobia