The Cloven Humanity - To Italo Calvino with Gratitude

Review Article

Austin Anthropol. 2020; 4(1): 1014.

The Cloven Humanity - To Italo Calvino with Gratitude

Zanella A*

University of Padua, Department TESAF, Italy

*Corresponding author: Augusto Zanella, University of Padua, Department Territorio E Sistemi Agro-Forestali (TESAF), 35020 Legnaro (Padova), Italy

Received: April 27, 2020; Accepted: May 15, 2020; Published: May 22, 2020


COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. The signs of an ongoing imbalance were there: biological, such as declining biodiversity and the warming climate, and social, with migrations and revolutions due to the growing gap between well-managed and prosperous economies.

It was still necessary to continue finding inspiration in science. Admitting that:

1. Compared to other living beings, humans are young creatures;

2. Soil, the one that houses the plant roots, works as an ecosystems’ fulcrum, converting deliverance in germination;

3. Evolution, Darwin’s revelation, occurs between species in ecosystems connected to the whole universe;

4. It is not so evident that even conforming people can harm;

5. We can get out of this crisis following a romance and rediscovering the generative power of the soil.

From Soil Ecology lessons, addressed to the students of the Universities of Padua (Italy) and Paris (France), during the COVID-19 period (April 2020).

Keywords: Tumaï, Silent spring; Skeptical ambientalist; IPCC; Cloven viscont; Global warming; Covid-19


Discovered in Chad on July 19, 2001, by a Franco-Chadian paleoanthropological team, Toumaï is not the most distant relative we have; only the Primate among those found so far than highlights characters closer to ours. Starting from the base of the Eukaryotes, all living beings found on the tree of life, genetically connected and leading that leading to Toumaï, are our relatives. Having 98.7% of their genetic material in common, we are close relatives of chimpanzees. We are not even that far from cats and mice (90 and 85 % DNA similarity respectively) and even from bananas (60%), Chris Deziel in https:// Following the same reasoning, Gabriel Noe estimates the overlapping of human and bacteria DNAs between 1 and 20%, https://www.quora. com/How-much-DNA-is-shared-by-humans-and-bacteria.

We know that complex organisms are the fruit of a genetic, functional, historical collaboration. Just as a large company may depend on the cooperation of a multitude of interdependent operators, an organism’s body is the result of the partnership of thousand specialized cells. Eventually, species that cooperate in a confined environment form an ecosystem. Lovelock claimed that the entire planet Earth might correspond to a colossal GAIA system [1].

In Figure 1, Toumaï is represented in the guise of a professor. He is telling his students that the crown-shaped virus that is raging at the time imposes significant changes. The oldest student is scratching his head thoughtfully. On the contrary, the one just below and close to him seems in agreement. At their side, we see a hypnotized pupil, also probably convinced. Nearby, a group of quiet adolescents may think that the professor’s opinion is not crucial for a living. They seem to be hungry, above all. Below them, there is a skeptical student; he does not believe in what he is listening to, or he feels it coming badly. One among the youngest is exclaiming forcefully: “I am thrilled that everything will change, I am ready to follow you”. Instead, the last boy on the right, even younger, cannot care less about all this; he wants to go back home and join his mother.