HIV & AIDS – Red Books of Humanity? Public Warning


J Bacteriol Mycol. 2019; 6(4): 1109.

HIV & AIDS – Red Books of Humanity? Public Warning

Velichenko VV*

Department of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia

*Corresponding author: Velichenko Vladislav Viktorovich, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia

Received: August 13, 2019; Accepted: September 13, 2019; Published: September 20, 2019


Book I-Treatment of HIV infection: Book I proposes a method of treating HIV infection by means precision set-ting of the immune system targeted by iterative calculations. Model analysis indicates the possibility of multiple increase the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients by cybernetic methods.

Book II-War the AIDS epidemic: Book II examines scenarios for the development of the AIDS epidemic, the prediction of its disastrous consequences. Built the theory of the epidemic, and suggests practical measures for the relief and elimination of the epidemic.

Messages to American colleagues, UN, and Nobel Committee.

Keywords: HIV; AIDS; Drugs; Infection; Epidemic; Population; Death; Math-Ematics; Cybernetics; Life


This Russian scientific Monograph continues basic research by Russian researchers [1] and American scientists [2,3], and contains an overview of the content in English.

Monograph confirms the negative forecast for the treatment of HIV by means of medicine and biology. The catastrophic development of the AIDS epidemic is predicted, aggravated by the development of the epidemic of drug addic-tion.

Monograph presents a new biological method of treatment, unknown to medical practice and biological theories, independently found by the artificial intelligence of our computer because of experiments with the American mathematical model of HIV. Experiments on the American mathematical model have shown that this discovery can significantly extend the life of HIV patients.

Monograph can serve as a textbook of cybernetics and a guide to the use of mathematics in medical and biological research for students of all specialties [4-8].


  1. Marchuk GI, Romanyukha AA, Bocharov GA. Mathematical modeling of antiviral immune response in viral hepatitis B // Mathematical questions of cybernetics. Issue 2. M, Science, 1989; 5-71.
  2. Webb GF, Kirschner DE. Using mathematics to understand HIV immune dynamics.1996; 191-202.
  3. Webb GF, Kirschner DE. Resistance, remission, and qualitative dif-ferences in HIV chemotherapy. 1997; 3: 273-283.
  4. Velichenko VV, Pritykin DA. Using of artificial intelligence and computer technologies for developing treatment programs for complex im-mune diseases-I. Fundamental Applied Math 2009; 15: 21-42.
  5. Velichenko VV, Pritykin DA. Using artificial intelligence and computer technologies for developing treatment programs for complex immune diseases-II. J Math Sci 2011; 172: 635-649.
  6. Величенќо ВВ. Вич & Спид – ќр аСные ќниѓи человечеСтва? ќниѓа I – Вич; ќниѓа II – Спид. пр едyпр еждение населению. Mосќва, CΒ;абир инт, 2017; 272
  7. Velichenko VV. Cybernetic HIV Treatment. A Review. – Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Journal. 2018; 4: 3-20.
  8. Velichenko VV. HIV Mysteries Decrypted By Computer Artificial Intelligence – The American Journal of InterdisciPlinary Innovations and Research.

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Citation: Velichenko VV. HIV & AIDS – Red Books of Humanity? Public Warning. J Bacteriol Mycol. 2019; 6(4): 1109.

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