Journal Title: Austin Critical Care Case Reports
PMC Abbreviation: Austin Crit Care Case Rep
ISSN Number: 2768-5500
Prefix DOI: 10.26420/austincritcarecaserep
Peer Review: Double-Blind
Impact Factor : 1.9 🠉 Based on Google Scholar
Current Volume: Volume 10
Manuscript Processing: 15 - 25 Days (After Submission)
Publication Model : Open Access
Year of Inaugural Volume : 2017
Contact EMail:
Language : English
Austin Critical Care Case Reports is an open access, peer review journal publishing case reports covering all fields of Critical Care. We follow double blind review process & the published case reports can be accessed by readers across the world without subscription and registration.
Austin Publishing Group's mission to facilitate immediate access to scientific data through an Open Access platform is greatly supported by invaluable contributions from the strong editorial and advisory boards.
Austin Publishing Group is moving ahead with a vision to develop an optimized knowledge sharing platform and an enlightening interactive network for researchers all over the world through its scientific publications and meetings.