How an Ultrasound can Save a Life

Case Presentation

Austin J Emergency & Crit Care Med. 2015;2(3): 1023.

How an Ultrasound can Save a Life

Martino IF¹*, Marra S², Pagani L², Ceresa IF¹ and Bressan MA¹

¹Departement of Emergency, IRCCS Poliniclinico San Matteo, Italy

²School of Emergency Medicine, University of Pavia, Italy

*Corresponding author: Martino IF, Department of Emergency, IRCCS Poliniclinico San Matteo, piazzale Golgi 19, Pavia, Italy

Received: May 05, 2015; Accepted: June 11, 2015; Published: June 13, 2015


Emergency Ultrasound, performed during the visit, led us towards a correct diagnosis and gave us the ability to save the patient’s life.

Keywords: Ultrasound; Dyspnea; Pericardial effusion

Case Presentation

A 51 year old woman’s access to our emergency department (DEA) with increasing dyspnea and tachypnea.

Over the previous days, the patient was already examined twice in other First Aid structures.

The access in the first emergency department (DEA) was caused by dyspnea and coughing; the arterial blood gas examination (EGA), without oxygen therapy, revealed a mild hypoxia and moderate hypocapnia. The chest X-ray showed pneumonia at the base of the right lung with minimal pleural effusion, enlarged heart and enlarged pulmonary hilum.

The patient was discharged with a diagnosis of pneumonia and antibiotic therapy was prescribed. Three days later, after a syncope, she showed up at the emergency unit a second time; the EGA showed hypoxia with hypocapnia and the patient was discharged and told to continue the antibiotic therapy.

When she arrived in our DEA, her vital signs were normal, except for a respiratory rate of 33breaths/minute, showing the symptoms of tachypnea. The patient’s medical history included a right breast cancer with rib metastasis and axillary lymph node involvement and a previous pericarditis.

During the examination, it was noted that the chest breath sounds had disappeared at the base of the right lung, the heart tones were muffled and the abdomen was normal. The EGA revealed: hypoxia, hypocapnia and increased lactates. The ECG showed: sinus rhythm, low voltage, complete right bundle branch block. Considering the severe suspect of pulmonary embolism, it was decided to perform a chest angio-CT, but the patient reported an iodinated contrast medium allergy, therefore an examination with bedside integrated ultrasound was commenced.

Subcostal projection highlighted that the inferior vena cava was markedly enlarged, non collapsible, with a pericardial effusion of approximately 4 cm and crucial collapse of the right ventricle (Image 1). Bilateral chest effusion right >left was present. The patient’s general condition underwent a rapid deterioration, with hemodynamic instability, hypotension and high frequency atrial fibrillation (165 beats per minute). Pericardiocentesis was urgently performed, with 1100 cc of blood spillage.

Citation: Martino IF, Marra S, Pagani L, Ceresa IF and Bressan MA. How an Ultrasound can Save a Life. Austin J Emergency & Crit Care Med. 2015;2(3): 1023. ISSN:2380-0879