Online First (Volume 7 and 8)

Research Article

Altered Mental Status in Danish Emergency Department Patients: A Cohort Study of Aetiology and Mortality

Authors: Mose CP*; Ovesen SH; Lisby M; Sørensen SF; Hansen L; Kirkegaard H

Research Article

Uncompleted Visits to the Emergency Department: A Retrospective Analysis of Patients Who Left Without Being Seen or Against Medical Advice

Authors: Karaca T*; Ovesen SH; Larsen J; Raaber N; Kirkegaard H


Research Article

Metformin Attenuated Sepsis-Associated Myocardial Injury in Septic Rats

Authors: Niandan Hu; Bo Ai; Yongdong Ren; Hairui Chen; Wenqiang Li*


Impact Factor: 2.5


 About the Journal  

Austin Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of research in Emergency and Critical Care.

The journal aims to promote research communications and provide a forum for researchers, physicians, surgeons, pediatricians, anaesthetists, ambulance staff and other healthcare professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine.

Featured Article

Acute Hypoxia: An Overview

Abstract Hypoxia kills and kills quickly. In the healthy individual total oxygen delivery far exceeds total oxygen consumption. An acute hypoxic patient would therefore be critically ill and need oxygen.

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