The Pivotal Role of Signal Regulatory Protein α in Exacerbating Pulmonary Fibrosis Complicated with Bacterial Infection

Research Article

J Immun Res. 2021; 7(1): 1039.

The Pivotal Role of Signal Regulatory Protein α in Exacerbating Pulmonary Fibrosis Complicated with Bacterial Infection

Yamaguchi R¹, Sakamoto A¹, Yamaguchi R², Haraguchi M¹, Narahara S¹, Sugiuchi H¹ and Yamaguchi Y¹*

¹Graduate School of Medical Science, Kumamoto Health Science University, Kumamoto, Japan

²Department of Neuroscience, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan

*Corresponding author: Yasuo Yamaguchi, Graduate school of Medical Science, Kumamoto Health Science University, Kitaku Izumi-machi 325, Kumamoto 861-5598, Japan

Received: April 06, 2021; Accepted: May 04, 2021; Published: May 11, 2021


The pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis remains unknown. However, bacterial infections in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis are a serious complication that exacerbate the disease. Serum levels of Surfactant Protein D (SPD) are known to be elevated in patients with pulmonary fibrosis, but the role of SPD in pulmonary fibrosis complicated with bacterial infection is unknown. Lipopolysaccharide upregulates Interleukin (IL)-12p40 expression and IL-12p40 promotes Interferon Gamma (IFNγ) production to induce the T helper cell 1 (Th1) immune response via Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 4 (STAT4) signaling. A lack of IFNγ shifts the immune response from Th1 to Th2. IL-4 is a profibrotic Th2 cytokine that activates fibroblasts.

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor induced by IL-1 and TNFα during the Th1 immune response upregulates Signal Regulatory Protein α (SIRPα) expression. Interferon Regulatory Factor 1 (IRF1) functions as the promoter activator of IL-12p40 after stimulation with LPS. SPD is a ligand for SIRPα, and SPD/SIRPα ligation activates the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK)/Extracellular Signal-Related Kinase (ERK) signal cascade; ERK downregulates Interferon Regulatory Factor 1 (IRF1) expression.

Consequently, the SPD/SIRPα signaling pathway decreases IL-12p40 production in human macrophages after exposure to LPS. IL-12p40 is a key immunoregulatory factor in bacterial infection that promotes production of IFNγ by T lymphocytes. Pulmonary fibroblasts are activated by IL-4/IL-4R ligation. IFNγ induces IRF1 via STAT1 signaling, and IRF1 acts as the promoter repressor of IL-4 to attenuate its production. IFNγ also inhibits IL-4R expression. A reduction in IFNγ induced by IL-12p40 deficiency via the SPD/SIRPα signaling pathway enhances IL-4 and IL-4R expression to augment the activity of fibroblasts. This finding indicates that pulmonary fibrosis is exacerbated by SPD/SIRPα signaling during bacterial infection.

Keywords: Signal regulatory protein α; Surfactant protein D; ERK; ROCK; IL-12p40


CD: Cluster of Differentiation; EGFR: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; ERK: Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase; GAPDH: Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase; GM-CSF: Granulocyte- Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor; LPS: Lipopolysaccharide; IRF: Interferon Regulatory Factor; Rho: Ras Homolog Gene Family; ROCK: Rho-Associated Coiled-Coil Forming Kinase; siRNA: small interfering RNA; SHP: Src Homology 2-Containing Phosphotyrosine Phosphatase; SIRPα: Signal Regulatory Protein α; SPD: Surfactant Protein D; TLR: Toll-Like Receptor


The etiology of pulmonary fibrosis, a multifactorial disease, is unknown. However, viral and bacterial infections may influence disease initiation, exacerbation, and outcome, and bacteria are known to trigger the progression and acute exacerbation of pulmonary fibrosis [1-4]. Innate immunity triggers pulmonary fibrosis via activation of fibroblasts by Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) [5,6]. Unclear is how fibroblasts and macrophages interact in the innate immune response and facilitate pulmonary fibrosis [7].

Serum levels of Surfactant Protein D (SPD) were reported to be a biomarker of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPD) because SPD levels are significantly higher in patients with IPD than in controls [8]. Furthermore, patients with high levels of SPD have shorter survival times than those with lower levels [9]. This finding led us to the question whether SPD might play a role in exacerbating pulmonary fibrosis complicated with bacterial infection.

The alveolar cells are composed of alveolar type I and type II cells; the latter type secrete SPD, which is involved in maintaining surface tension of the pulmonary alveolus.

Pulmonary fibrosis elevates levels of SPD by destroying the alveolar basement membrane [10] and causes hyperplasia of alveolar type II cells [11]. However, the question why the severity of pulmonary fibrosis is associated with elevated SPD levels remains unanswered, and the relation between SPD and fibroblast activation is largely unknown.

SPD binds to Signal Regulatory Protein α (SIRPα), a transmembrane protein in macrophages [12]. SIRPα expression is enhanced in Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF)-dependent M1 macrophage [13]. A proinflammatory cytokine such as IL-1 or TNFα induces pathological inflammation during bacterial infection [14] and promotes GM-CSF production [15]. Cluster of differentiation 47 (CD47) is a ligand for SIRPα [16] and is an anti-phagocytic surface marker on blood cells [17]. Indeed, CD47/SIRPα ligation signals, “do not eat me” to phagocytic macrophages [18]. However, the SPD/SIRPα signaling pathway may play other roles in pulmonary fibrosis. In this review, we focus on the molecular function and role of SIRPα in macrophages in pulmonary fibrosis complicated with bacterial infection.

Pulmonary fibrosis is closely associated with fibroblast activation and excess accumulation of extracellular matrix. Studies reported that IL-12p40 levels were elevated in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis compared with controls [19]. However, the pivotal role of IL-12p40 in the exacerbation of pulmonary fibrosis remains unclear. IL-4 is known to be a fibrotic Th2 cytokine that induces fibroblast activation and proliferation [20], and IL-4 signaling is required for binding to the IL-4 receptor α (IL-4Rα) [21], which is expressed on human fibroblasts [22]. Fibroblasts are activated by IL-4/IL-4Rα via the signal transducers and activators of the transcription 6 (STAT6) signaling pathway [23,24]. IL-4-mediated profibrotic function is influenced by IFNγ, which inhibits IL-4 [25] and IL-4Rα expression [26] to attenuate collagen generation by fibroblasts [27], exerting an anti-fibrotic effect. In contrast, low levels of IFNγ facilitate pulmonary fibrosis [28]. IL-12p40 promotes IFNγ production by T lymphocytes [29], so a lack of IL-12p40 inhibits proliferation of CD4+ T cells and enhances Th2 cytokine responses [30,31]. Therefore, we also review the role of the IL-12p40/IFNγ axis in exacerbation of pulmonary fibrosis complicated with bacterial infection.

Materials and Methods

Ethics statement

The Board of Ethics in Kumamoto Health Science University approved to obtain blood from volunteers in conformity with the declaration of Helsinki after obtaining their informed consent (No. 17046).

Chemicals and reagents

Human recombinant GM-CSF was obtained from Tocris Bioscience, Bristol, UK. Recombinant human surfactant protein D (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN), SB203580 (Wako, Kanagawa, Japan), PD98059 (Wako), BIRB796 (Axon Medchem, Groningen, Netherlands), PDTC (BioVision, Mountain View, CA), TMB-8 (Sigma-Aldrich, Ontario, Canada) and Y-27632 (Wako, Osaka, Japan) were obtained to investigate the intracellular signaling pathways involved in SIRPα or IL-12p40 production. Escherichia coli 0111:B4 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was purchased from

Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).

Induction of GM-CSF-dependent human macrophages

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) was obtained from heparinized blood samples. PBMCs collected using Lymphoprep gradients (Axis-Shield PoC As, Norway) were suspended with Lymphocyte medium for thawing (BBLYMPH1, Zen-Bio, Inc. Research Triangle Park, NC). The monocytes were stained with CD14-phycoerythrin (PE) mouse anti-human monoclonal antibody (Life technologies, Staley Road Grand Island, NY). The purity of monocytes was determined by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS), showing 87.4 + 1.5 % (mean + SE, n=120, 86.3-89.9). GM-CSF dependent macrophages were obtained after monocytes stimulated with recombinant human GM-CSF on days 1, 3, and 6 of culture. Macrophages (on day 9 of culture) were utilized as GM-CSF dependent macrophages in this study.

Preparation of whole-cell lysates from cell culture

Human macrophages (on day 9 of culture) were stimulated with HNE (5μM) or SP (5μM) for 6 hours and culture medium was carefully removed. Mammalian protein extraction reagent (100μL; M-PER, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA) was pipetted into each well, after which the culture plate was gently shaken for 5 minutes.

The lysate was collected and transferred to a microcentrifuge tube for centrifugation at 12,000g for 10 minutes. The supernatants were used as a whole-cell lysates in this study.

ELISA for IL-12p40

Macrophages were pretreated with SPD (5μM) and stimulated by LPS (10ng) for 6 hours. IL-12p40 levels in whole-cell lysates were measured by ELISA (Abcam, Cambridge, MA). The sensitivity of ELISA for IL-12p40 was 20pg/mL.

RNA interferences with ERK-1, ERK-2, SIRPα, p22phox, β-arrestin 2, EGFR, SHP siRNA

Transfection of macrophages with siRNAs for ERK-1 (50nM), ERK-2 (50nM), SIRPα/γ/δ (50nM), p22phox (50nM), β-arrestin 2 (50nM), EGFR (50nM), SHP (50nM) or control siRNA-A (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA) was performed day 7-8 of cell culture using Lipofectamine (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). IL- 12p40 protein levels in whole-cell lysates or cell-culture supernatants were measured by ELISA.

Western blotting for SIRPα

Adherent macrophages (on 3 day of culture) pretreated with PD98059 (An inhibitor of MAPK/MEK: 1μM), TMB-8 (A calcium antagonist: 10μM), SB203580 (a p38 MAPK inhibitor: 10μM) or PDTC (A NF-κB inhibitor: 10μM) were stimulated with GM-CSF (10ng) for 6 hours. The levels of SIRPα in whole-cell lysates were detected by western blotting. The proteins in the whole-cell lysates were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (ATTO Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and transferred onto polyvinylidene fluoride membranes (Thermo Fisher Scientific) for immunoblotting. The membranes were incubated with 0.2 × 103 mg/L mouse anti-human SIRPα (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA) for 1 hour at room temperature, washed, and incubated with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) diluted to 1:5000. Then the membranes were incubated with chemiluminescence enhancer (Immun-Star, Bio- Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) and exposed to XAR film (Kodak, Rochester, NY). After the film was developed, bands were quantified with a densitometer and ImageQuant software (Molecular Dynamics, Sunnydale, CA). Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was also detected by western blotting with an anti-GAPDH antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and SIRPα protein levels were normalized to GAPDH.

Statistical analysis

Results are expressed as the mean (SE). Differences between two groups were analyzed using a t-test for independent means, and differences between more than two groups were compared by analysis of variance. When the F ratio was found to be significant, mean values were compared using a post hoc Bonferroni test. P<0.05 was considered to indicate significance in all analyses.

Results and Discussion

Signal regulatory protein α expression is induced by GMCSF

The Signal Regulatory Protein (SIRP) family, which consists of type I transmembrane glycoproteins, is composed of SIRPα, SIRPβ, and SIRPγ. The expression of SIRPα is restricted to myeloid cells, including monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells, and SIRPα promotes anti-inflammatory responses [32]. Indeed, studies reported that knockdown of SIRPα enhanced the susceptibility for endotoxin shock [33]. We were interested in this inhibitory mechanism of SIRPα signaling and investigated SIRPα expression in macrophages induced by GM-CSF. The GM-CSF receptor (GM-CSFR) is composed of α and β subunits and stimulates the Ras signaling pathway [34]. Ras is activated by proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src (Src) [35], which also starts to phosphorylate adaptor proteins such as Src Homology region 2 domain-containing Phosphatase 2 (SHP-2), Growth Factor Receptor-Bound Protein-2 (Grb-2), and Src Homology and Collagen Homology (SHC). Ras interacts with an effector, the Raf serine/threonine kinase family, leading to activation of the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway [36]. We found that PD98059, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK/MEK), inhibited SIRPα expression by GM-CSF and that PDTC, an NF-κB inhibitor and antioxidant, partially blunted it (Figure 1). GM-CSF stimulates SIRPα production via the Ras/Raf/ MEK/ERK signaling pathway. Figure 2 depicts the cellular signal transduction of SIRPα expression via GM-CSF/GM-CSFR ligation.