Elaboration of Cacho De Cabra Chilli Snacks (Capsicum annum L.) with Tomatoe Formulations and Tomatoe- Oregano Formulations

Special Article: Peptides and Proteins

Austin J Nutri Food Sci. 2023; 11(1): 1173.

Elaboration of “Cacho De Cabra” Chilli Snacks (Capsicum annum L.) with Tomatoe Formulations and Tomatoe- Oregano Formulations

Nelson Loyola Lopez*; Francisca Ibarra Rubio; Carlos Acuña Carrasco; Mariela Arriola Herrera

Department of Agrarian Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry, Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile

*Corresponding author: Nelson Loyola Lopez Department of Agrarian Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry, Universidad Catolica del Maule, Km. 6, Los Niches Road, Curico- Chile Email: nloyola@ucm

Received: November 03, 2023 Accepted: December 05, 2023 Published: December 12, 2023


“Cacho de cabra” chilli cultivation has potentially increased in Chile due to the different variety of gourmet products that are used with it. New industrialization projects are being looked for in order to use it due to the increasing demand of its use. It can also be adapted to the new tendencies in the consumption habits of consumers, which are mainly oriented towards an attractive food, to a quick consumption and preparation which can supply nutrients and provide some benefit to human health. Snack products including the use of fruits have a positive response to these requirements; they also provide alternative commercialization to the surplus of fruit trees exportations.

For the reasons stated above, this research was carried out considering snack elaboration based on “cacho de cabra” chilli with the incorporation of tomatoe and oregano to increase the palatability and sensorial quality of the final product. The following formulations were used: only chilli (T1); chilli and tomatoe (T2); chilli, tomatoe and oregano (T 3). The latter was characterised because it presented good flavour and smell. A great amount of its water content with forced hot air was eliminated from the fruits.

A product without chemical preserves was obtained, it had physical and chemical parameters like those required for the existing foods that are in the market nowadays.

The formulations where oregano was added presented a good sensorial attribute and acceptability, higlighting from the rest of the treatments. The colour of the snack was kept according to the panelists even at the end of the dehydration process.

Keywords: Dehydrated; Snack; Capsicum annum L.; “Cacho de cabra”


Chilli is an original plant from Tropical America, and it is part of the solanaceae family, which under tropical conditions, it is a perennial species, while, in template climate, it is an annual plant. This species has a great genetic variability, which can be seen in the different cultivations [36]. 521.6 hectares of chilli were cultivated in Chile in 2016, the greater amount of its cultivation was in Coquimbo Region and Maule Region [31]. Its consumption is tradional in our country and it is characterized for its spiciness and for its smell. Nowadays, “cacho de cabra” chilli cultivation has greatly increased because it can be used in a variety of ways as a gourmet product, such as, sauces, paste, mermelade, amog others; moreover, it can be used as dressings in cheese and snacks [32].

A snack is known as as a food that is consumed between regular meals; it is frequently used for satisfying hunger for a while [5]. Generally, this kind of food is classified as “junk food” because it has little o no nutritional value, it has excessive additives, and it is unhealthy.

At present, there is a lack of healthy snacks, those fruit snacks, dried fruits, cereal bars, cookies, big cookies, and other similar products elaborated with integrated cereals or bran are mainly consumed. This área is increasing a lot since there is a tendency for healthy eating and being informed of the ingredients and nutritional properties that food has [25].

“Cacho de cabra” chilli snacks, with tomatoe, and tomatoe- oregano formulations were elaborated for this study. They had nutritional value and sensorial attributes, so that they could be an alternative for the new needs of the population as a healthy snack, and it could also be used as a traditional cultivation in Chile.

General Objective

To elaborate a snack using ripe “cacho de cabra” chilli (Capsicum annum L.) with tomatoe and tomatoe-oregano additions.

Specific Objectives

To evaluate the sensorial attribute, texture, smell, colour and flavour of the product, as well as to measure the acceptability of the elaborated snacks.

To evaluate the nutritional and the chemical parameters, such as vitamin C, fibers and pH, acidity, and soluble solids of the elaborated snacks, respectively.

Materials and Methods

The experimental designs, chemical and physical analyses were carried out at the laboratories of the School of Agronomy of Universidad Catolica del Maule.

(35° 01’ 42.0” S 71° 11’ 39.8” W). The sensorial analysis was carried out at the Evaluation Rosario Center (34° 21’ 07.6” S 70° 51’ 30.5” W).

Chillies (Capsicum annum L.) were purshed from an “INDAP” farmer located at Villa Prat, Maule Region (35° 05´47.5 S 71° 37´04.3” W).

For the treatments with tomatoe formulations, tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) were used; they were from an industrial variety HMX and they were bought from a producer in Rengo, Libertador Bernando O´Higgins Region (34° 22” 06.8 “S 70° 50´ 35.1” W). While, for the treatment with the formulation using tomatoe and oregano, the latter was obtained from a producer in Villa Prat.