Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Health Outcomes in Young Healthy Population: A Systematic Review and Metaregression of Randomized Controlled Trials

Special Article - Vitamin D Deficiency

Austin J Nutr Metab. 2017; 4(2): 1047.

Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Health Outcomes in Young Healthy Population: A Systematic Review and Metaregression of Randomized Controlled Trials

Farrokhyar F1,2*, Sivakumar G3, Savage K1, Easterbrook B1, Chaudhry S1, Koziarz A2, Hong BY4, Fathalla Z2 and Reid S1

¹Department of Surgery, McMaster University, Canada

²Department of Health, Evidence and Impact, McMaster University, Canada

³Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, Canada

4Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada

*Corresponding author: Forough Farrokhyar, Department of Surgery, McMaster University, 39 Charlton Avenue East Hamilton, ON L8N 1Y3, Canada

Received: April 26, 2017; Accepted: May 30, 2017; Published: June 15, 2017


Background/Objective: Level 1 evidence on impact of vitamin D supplementation and fortified food on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and its consequent effects on musculoskeletal health and specific diseases in needed. The aim of this meta-analysis is to evaluate the effects of vitamin D supplementation on 25(OH)D and health outcomes in adolescent and young individuals.

Methods: The participants include healthy population aged 10 to 40 years. The intervention includes vitamin D supplementation or fortified food (any dosage, duration, schedule or formulation) with or without calcium. The comparison includes lower vitamin D dosages or placebo. The outcomes include 25(OH)D, musculoskeletal or vascular health, physical performance, injuries and infection. Multiple electronic literature searches are completed. Review process will be completed independently and in duplicate to avoid bias. Due to between study heterogeneity, studies will be stratified by moderator variables and pooled using a random effects model. Absolute mean differences and relative risk with 95% confidence intervals will be reported. A random effects meta-regression will be performed to examine the contribution of moderator variables on the mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) Guidelines and the Cochrane Risk of Bias assessment tool will be used to ensure rigorous methodology.

Implication: The findings will guide clinical practice worldwide by providing the most comprehensive analysis of the benefits/risks associated with vitamin D supplementation. The knowledge dissemination will inform health policy decision makers worldwide by calling attention to Vitamin D deficiency and appropriate supplementation as a global health issue.

Review Registration Number: CRD42016048788.

Keywords: Vitamin D; 25-hydroxyvitamin D; Adolescents; Healthy adults


Physiology and sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D has an intrinsic role in maintaining the structural integrity and function of the musculoskeletal system [1]. It is classically known to orchestrate processes associated with calcium and phosphorous homeostasis, as well as bone and mineral metabolism [2]. There are two main forms of vitamin D, vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which are obtained from different sources such as ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation exposure, diet, and supplements. Both forms of vitamin D are transformed in the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin [25(OH)D] which can be measured in blood serum samples [3]. Vitamin D is predominantly produced in the skin as vitamin D3 after exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation from sunlight [4,5] and approximately 10% of the required vitamin D is derived from dietary supplements and foods including oil-rich fish, mushrooms, and fortified foods such as cereals, breads, juices, and dairy products [6-10]. Vitamin D generated from the dermis and diet is biologically inactive. Precursors of vitamin D are metabolized by the liver into an inactive form known as 25(OH)D, the main form of vitamin D metabolite in circulation. In the kidney, the 25(OH) D is further transformed into the biologically active compound, calcitriol (1,25(OH)2-D) [2,7]. Most cells and tissues possess vitamin D receptors (VDRs) to convert vitamin D to its active form [7,11]. The calcitriol binds to VDR in the cell nucleus before exerting a broad range of actions within the body [9-11].

Recommended daily intake of vitamin D

There is debate among experts surrounding healthy serum 25(OH)D concentrations and the minimum required daily vitamin D intake. The Endocrine Society Committee (ESC) has defined concentrations of ≥30 ng/mL (≥75 nmol/L) as sufficient, 21-29 ng/ mL (52.5-72.5 nmol/L) as insufficient and ≤20 ng/mL (≤50 nmol/L) as deficient [8,12]. The 2016 global recommendations suggested >20 ng/mL (>50 nmol/L) concentrations as sufficient, 12-20 ng/mL (30- 50 nmol/L) as insufficient and <12 ng/mL (<30 nmol/L) as deficient [13]. Vitamin D toxicity and hypercalcemia occur when the serum 25(OH)D concentration reaches beyond >100 ng/mL (>250 nmol/L). Holick [14] suggested that it would take years of very high dose of vitamin D to cause vitamin D toxicity and hypercalcemia. Although exceedingly rare, the adverse effects of toxicity are considerable and may include gastrointestinal bleeding, infectious diseases and aseptic necrosis of the hip [14]. For healthy adolescents up to 18 years and adults aged 19 to 70 years, the ESC recommends daily vitamin D intake of 600-1000 IU with an upper limit of 4000 IU and 1,500-2,000 IU with an upper limit of 10,000 IU, respectively, while, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) suggests a vitamin D intake of 600 IU with an upper limit of 4000 IU for ages 9 to 70 years [15].

Epidemiology of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D insufficiency has been characterized as a global health problem. More than 1 billion people are estimated to be vitamin D deficient or insufficient worldwide [7,14,16]. Children, adolescents, women and middle-aged adults are equally susceptible to developing inadequacies in vitamin D concentrations [8,17]. Hypovitaminosis D in children and youth has been reported in North America [18- 21], Australia and Oceana [16], Europe [22,23], Midland China [24], Korea [25], the Middle East [26-28], India [29] and South America [8]. Our recent publications have suggested higher rates of vitamin D insufficiency in athletes, particularly in higher altitudes, in late fall and wintertime, and with indoor activities. In addition, lower extremity stress fractures seem to be related to vitamin D insufficiency [30-32].

Contributing factors to vitamin D deficiency

As mentioned previously, sunlight-driven cutaneous production of vitamin D3 is the primary source of vitamin D as only a minority of foods naturally contain vitamin D or are fortified with vitamin D [7,8]. As such, inadequate exposure or penetration of sunlight is often the major cause of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency [4,33]. In addition, season and latitude substantially impact vitamin D3 synthesis [13,17]. During the winter season, the sun’s rays enter earth at an oblique angle; resulting in a low number of UVB photons striking the earth, reducing vitamin D3 synthesis [5]. While latitudes above 37° face a steep decline in the number of UVB photons contacting the earth’s surface during the winter months, locations below 37° latitude maintain steady, adequate concentrations of vitamin D3 production despite seasonal variations [17]. People with dark skin and body mass index of greater than 30 kg/m² require longer natural sun exposure and thus, these factors are associated with vitamin D deficiency [8]. Individuals such as elite athletes who partake in intense physical activities, particularly indoor activities and at higher latitudes, are prone to vitamin D deficiency [17,34]. Black, et al. [35] conducted a meta-analysis of vitamin D food fortification and found that a mean intake of 400 IU (~11 ug) per day increased 25(OH)D concentrations by 19.6 nmol/L.

Health consequences of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency ensues in aberrancies associated with calcium and phosphorus absorption, resulting in increased serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations [7,8,36]. The body counteracts hyperparathyroidism by balancing serum concentrations of calcium through metabolizing calcium from bone leading to a disruption in bone metabolism, which can ultimately result in osteopenia and osteoporosis [8,36]. Severe abnormalities in serum vitamin D concentrations can cause muscular atrophy and skeletal disorders such as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults [37,38]. Recent evidence also indicates that vitamin D is capable of acting on the immunological landscape to stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses [8,10]. The pleiotropic functionalities of vitamin D have been further confirmed by studies which have associated vitamin D deficiency with cardiovascular diseases, various types of cancers, autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease [3,7].

Global Impact of Vitamin D deficiency

The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency among all age groups was announced a global problem based on the findings from a systematic review in 2014 [39]. This is of concern, considering many diseases have been linked to vitamin D deficiency. Rickets, for example, which was an epidemic of the 19th century, is making a come-back in regions of the world wherefrom it was thought the disease had been all but completely eradicated [3,40] due to the fortification of milk with vitamin D. While taking into consideration that cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory infections, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus were “vitamin D-sensitive diseases” that accounted for more than half of global mortality rates, a study undertaken by Grant [41] concluded that increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations was the most cost-effective way to reduce global mortality rates. Despite the fact that vitamin D deficiency is widely considered to be a major global health problem [33,39,42], very few policies and interventions aimed at combating low serum 25(OH)D concentrations are in place. Those that are in place are in need of updating based on changing population dynamics. Given that vitamin D deficiency contributes to the global burden of morbidity and mortality which, naturally, results in dire global economic consequences, it is imperative that an appropriate assessment of the impact of vitamin D on serum 25(OH)D be conducted so as to inform present and future global health policies.

Rationale and importance of conducting this systematic review

Current systematic reviews and meta-analyses present interesting findings on targeted and specific populations or outcomes, but are neither inclusive nor comprehensive. Cashman, et al. [43] included 44 randomized controlled trials (RCT) of oral administration of vitamin D3 <2,000 IU/d (50 ug/d), with or without calcium on healthy populations and excluded RCTs of vitamin D2 and those including higher doses of vitamin D3. They compared latitudes 40-49.5°N to >49.5°N and found that an intake of 930 IU/d would maintain 25(OH)D >50 nmol/L concentrations. Three additional metaanalyses assessed the relationship of all forms and doses of vitamin D supplementation on muscle strength (17 RCTs) [44], bone density (23 RCTs) [45], and muscle strength and injuries (10 and 4 RCTs, respectively) [46,47] on healthy adults of 18 years or older and found no strong association. A meta-analysis by Muir, et al. [47] included elderly adults of >60 years of age and found 800-1,000 IU of vitamin D to be beneficial for muscle strength and balance. The most recent meta-regression [48] included 88 RCTs of neonates, infants and adolescents with vitamin D deficiency to assess the effect of a high dose vitamin D regimen (>1000 IU) on 25(OH)D concentrations.

The researchers, who considered disease status, baseline 25(OH) D and age, found the rapid normalization of vitamin concentrations (>75 nmol/L) is best achieved by using a loading dose of >50,000 IU; however, they found that loading doses of >300 000 IU should be avoided until the risks and benefits are evaluated. Our group has previously found a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in athletes [17] and that providing three months of 3,000 IU vitamin D supplementation to athletes with vitamin D insufficiency at baseline achieved sufficiency [49]. However, the supporting evidence assessing the effects of daily doses of vitamin D supplementation or fortified food intake on serum 25(OH)D and its consequent and concurrent effects on other biomarkers, musculoskeletal health and specific diseases and conditions on healthy adolescent and young healthy adults is lacking. Hence, we aim to evaluate the effects of all forms and dosages of vitamin D on the concentrations of 25(OH) D, biomarkers, vascular health, musculoskeletal health, physical performance and infection in healthy human beings aged 10 to 40 years. This systematic review will be the most comprehensive and address different outcomes in different subgroups.

Research Question, Objectives and Hypotheses

In young population of 10-40 years old, what is the impact of vitamin D supplementation or fortified food intake on serum 25(OH) D and other health outcomes? The primary objective is to compare the mean serum 25(OH)D between vitamin D supplementation/ vitamin D fortified food and placebo/control. The secondary objectives are to compare the following outcomes between the study groups:

• parathyroid hormone concentrations

• physical performance

• musculoskeletal health

• vascular health

• infectious diseases

• fractures and stress fractures

• muscle and soft tissue injuries

We hypothesize that there is a dose-response effect of vitamin D on 25(OH)D concentrations and the effect might differ by season, latitude and baseline status of vitamin D levels in an adolescent and young healthy population.



This systematic review of RCTs will be conducted according to predefined criteria with trained reviewers as registered on PROSPERO (CRD42016048788). The systematic review will utilize the PRISMA (the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) Statement [50], the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool [51] (www.cochrane.org) and Covidence platform (https://community.cochrane.org/tools/review-production-tools/ covidence) to ensure a rigorous methodology and reporting. The PRISMA Statement consists of a flow diagram and a checklist. The 27 PRISMA checklist items pertain to title, abstract, methods, results, discussion and funding of the meta-analysis. Covidence is an online Cochrane primary screening and data extraction tool that has built-in key steps including the PRISMA flow diagram and the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool.

Eligibility criteria

The PICOT approach is used to frame the research question. The population (P) of interest includes healthy males and females aged 10 to 40 years. The age range was decided based on our previous publication on the prevalence of vitamin insufficiency in athletes [17]. Of 23 included studies, the age of healthy athletes varied from 11 to 39 years of age. Populations with chronic illness or comorbidities that could influence serum 25(OH)D concentrations or alter responses to vitamin D are excluded. Studies on specific populations, such as pregnant women, elite athletes, or military personnel are also excluded because of their unique situation, circumstances, lifestyle practices and differential needs of vitamin D intake.

The intervention (I) includes vitamin D2 or D3 supplementation, or fortified food. Any dosage, duration, schedule, and formulation (tablets, chewable, oral sprays, or emulsified oils), with or without calcium, is acceptable. Trials assessing solar radiation or multivitamin supplementation are excluded to avoid heterogeneity due to different methods of intervention assessment.

The comparison (C) intervention includes placebo, different dosage(s) of vitamin D, ultraviolet light exposure or no supplementation.

The outcome measures (O) primarily include serum 25(OH)D, and secondarily musculoskeletal health, physical activities, injuries, infection and any other outcomes assessed in the trial. The follow-up time (T) is not limited and will be approximated in weeks or months, whichever appropriate.

Only RCTs are included to ensure the best methodological quality and the highest level of evidence available. Quasi-randomized and observational designs are excluded. Abstracts, conference proceedings and non-published data are excluded due to limited information on quality and outcome assessment and incomplete data. Review articles, basic science research articles and non-human studies are also excluded. Identified studies not in the English language will be excluded during the screening process.

Before the start of the search process, a workshop was conducted to train reviewers and data abstractors to ensure consistency and accuracy of the review process.

Search methods for identification of relevant articles

A search algorithm is developed and an electronic literature search of Medline, CINAHL, EMBASE, SPORT Discus and The Cochrane Library databases are completed, with the guidance of a professional medical librarian, from inception to April 30, 2016. The search terms include: cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol, Vitamin D*, vitamin D derivative, 25 hydroxyvitamin D, 25-OH Vitamin D, Serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, and serum 25-OH-D, and 25 (OH)D. The developed search strategies are tailored to the relevant subject headings of each database search engine to be most inclusive. No limitations on language are applied. Examples of the search process are shown in Appendix 1. The search results from all databases are merged and all duplicate articles are removed using EndNote software. The references of the published systematic reviews are hand-searched to retrieve unidentified relevant trials. The search will be updated before final analysis to retrieve the most recent publications.

Screening process, eligibility assessment and study selection

The Covidence platform is used for screening and eligibility assessment of the retrieved citations. The citations from the initial search, after excluding duplicates using EndNote, are uploaded into Covidence. The review articles are cross-referenced to identify additional articles to include in Covidence. Titles and abstracts are reviewed for eligibility, in duplicate and independently by two reviewers. The full texts of the eligible articles are uploaded onto Covidence. Two reviewers independently review the full-texts of the selected articles for eligibility to ascertain that studies are designed as RCTs and meet the predefined inclusion criteria. In the title and abstract screening phase, the articles are rated as include (when all eligibility criteria is met), exclude (when one or more of the eligibility criteria was not met) or maybe (when the reviewer is not certain). In full-text review phase, the articles are listed as include (all eligibility criteria are met) or exclude (one or more of the eligibility criteria was not met). The reasons for exclusion are entered in Covidence using the predefined criteria. Disagreements are resolved through consensus with a third reviewer.

Risk of bias assessment of included studies

The Covidence platform, with its inbuilt but modified Cochrane risk of bias quality assessment will be used for methodological quality assessment of the included trials. Box 1 demonstrates the modified risk of bias assessment domains relevant to selection, performance, detection, attrition, and other sources of biases. Selection bias is best avoided if an unbiased method of random sequence generation and an optimal method of concealing the treatment allocation from all involved are utilized. Performance and detection biases are prevented when the treatment allocation is fully masked from participants, research personnel, caregivers and outcome assessors. In other words, all individuals involved are blinded to treatment allocation. Attrition bias is minimized when complete data for all outcomes is collected and all participants were followed up until the end of the study. This requires rigorous follow-up data collection and documentation of the reasons for losses to follow-up and withdrawals. For the purpose of this systematic review, the other sources of bias will include an adequate report of power calculation, report of intention-to-treat analysis, an adequate flow diagram of the search process, and clear reporting of sources of funding. The methodological quality of the included studies will be assessed independently and in duplicate and scored as low-risk if the process was adequately described, highrisk if the process was not described and unclear risk if the process was inadequately described. Comments on the rationale for the decisions made in each domain will be included by each reviewer. Disagreements will be resolved by discussion between the two reviewers regarding the comments and further discordance will be settled by a third reviewer.

Data extraction and data management

The data extraction sheets for baseline characteristics, as well as primary and secondary outcome measures, are created using Microsoft Excel software based on our previous systematic reviews on the topic [17,30,49]. The data extraction sheets are piloted on 10 articles to ensure complete data collection. One reviewer will collect the data from all articles. The second reviewers will verify the data for accuracy and highlight discrepancies. Disagreements will be resolved by the third reviewer. Data collection forms include information on study and participant demographics, methods, interventions and measured outcomes.

Information on the studies’ geographical location, latitudes, design, placebo controlled or open-label, the start and end date of the trial and year of publication will be collected. Latitudes will be retrieved (www.worldatlas.com) if not reported in the article. Data pertaining to participants’ demographics (mean age, standard deviation (SD), gender proportions), vitamin D (unit, type, dosage, product and duration), and outcome measures (mean, SD, unit, method of laboratory analysis) at baseline and at follow-ups for each group will be extracted (Table 1,2). The SDs will be extracted from range, standard errors, confidence interval or p-value if not reported. The authors will be contacted and mean values will be requested if median values were reported. If no response is received from authors after two reminders, data will be considered missing.