Dilated Cardiomyopathy due to Hypocalcemia Secondary to Congenital Hypoparathyroidism in a Newborn with DiGeorge Syndrome

Case Report

Austin J Nutr Metab. 2017; 4(2): 1048.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy due to Hypocalcemia Secondary to Congenital Hypoparathyroidism in a Newborn with DiGeorge Syndrome

Al Mutair Angham1,2* and Hanan Al Azkawi1

¹Department of Pediatrics, King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital (KASCH), Saudi Arabia

²King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, College of Medicine, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding author: Al Mutair Angham, Department of Pediatrics, Endocrine Division, King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital (KASCH), Saudi Arabia

Received: May 09, 2017; Accepted: May 30, 2017; Published: June 21, 2017


Hypocalcemia is a rare but reversible cause of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) with limited cases being reported in the literature. Vitamin D deficiency is main cause of hypocalcemia in almost all reported cases. We report a case of DiGeorge syndrome with primary hypoparathyroidism presented with hypocalcemic dilated cardiomyopathy. After calcium and vitamin D replacement therapy, the patient showed a rapid recovery of the cardiac function.

Keywords: Vitamin D deficiency; Dilated cardiomyopathy; DiGeorge syndrome


DCM has an estimated incidence of 1.13 cases per 100,000 children. Diagnosing the primary etiology occurs in fewer than half of these children but significantly improves their outcome [1]. Dilated cardiomypathy mostly idiopathic, however, infection and metabolic causes has been identified in some cases in which the defect in myocardial contractility is irreversible [2].

Calcium has a central role in myocardial contraction coupling, and hypocalcemia reduces myocardial function. Congestive cardiac failure (CCF) due to hypocalcemia is also reported, though rare [3]. The incidence of congestive heart failure due to hypocalcemia is quite rare in clinical practice. Several cases of hypocalcemic cardiomyopathy have been reported [4].

Hypocalcemia causing DCM is reversible with complete recovery after normalization of serum calcium. In isolated case reports, a rare cause of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) has been nutritional hypocalcemic rickets [1]. Hypoparathyroidism as a cause of hypocalcemia is well known in many diseases and syndromes. However, hypocalcemic DCM secondary to hypoparathyroidism has been reported in adult [5,6]. We report a first case of a newborn confirmed DiGeorge syndrome presented with hypocalcemic dilated cardiomyopathy due to hypoparathyroidism.

Case Presentation

FA is now 6 years old boy who was full term, normal delivery with a birth weight of 2.8 kg. Discharged home in 2nd day of life with no medical problem. He presented at age of 3 weeks with poor/ interrupted feeding, shortness of breath, tachycardia and vomiting for 3 days. On examination, he was tachycardiac, Pulse rate 160/ min, Respiratory Rate (RR) =40 frequency/minute, Blood Pressure 84/58 mmHg, cold extremities, hypoexic with oxygen saturation of 89% on room air corrected to 100% with oxygen supplement. Weight, length and head circumference were on 50%. He was noticed to have dysmorphic features in form of: micrognathia, low-set small posteriori rotated ears, hypertelorism, down slanting short palpebral fissures, narrow alae nasi with broad base of the nose and short philturm (Figure 1).