Progress of Hollow Materials in Diagnosis of Covid-19

Review Article

Austin J Pharmacol Ther. 2022; 10(2).1163.

Progress of Hollow Materials in Diagnosis of Covid-19

Hussain A1,2, Shabbir S1,2 and Faizan M1,2*

1Beijing Key Laboratory of Ionic Liquids Clean Process, State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex System, Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China

2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China

*Corresponding author: Muhammad Faizan, Beijing Key Laboratory of Ionic Liquids Clean Process, State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex System, Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China

Received: August 08, 2022; Accepted: September 09, 2022; Published: September 16, 2022


Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, it has dramatically changed the global geopolitics, economics, and even society standard norms. The present world scenario is changed regarding business, traveling, and education. Rapid global dissemination and the high mortality rate of coronaviruses are the greatest challenges for drug developers. It will be moving forward toward the identification and treatment of emerging coronaviruses with the aid of nanotechnology. The COVID-19 pandemic raised the question of researchers’ capability to manage this dilemma in a short period. In the present review, we described how hallow material could be developed as a pro-drug that shows an excellent therapeutic effect. Hollow nanoparticles that exploration of antiviral or diagnostic agents against emerging coronaviruses. Hollow nanomaterials in vaccine development are essential because hollow nanocomposites are suitable for mimicking viral structures and antigen delivery. A biosensor that generates a signal from a transducer for comparing and analyzing biological conjugates such as cell receptors, antibodies, RNA, DNA, and nucleic acids. Different biosensors, such as graphene-based biosensors, nanoplasmonic sensor chips, nanomaterial biosensors, electrochemical biosensors, dual modality biosensors, and optical biosensors, have several advantages, characteristics, and a wide range of applications, most remarkably in medical treatment and are used for monitoring and diagnosis. This review focuses on modern experimental studies to identify intelligent and innovative bio/nanomaterials and matrices for developing targeted and controlled drug release systems, nanosensors and nanovaccines to combat pathogenic viruses.

Keywords: COVID-19; Nanoparticles; Hollow materials; Diagnostic agents; Nano/bio-sensors; Pathogenic viruses


Since the 1918 influenza pandemic, coronavirus has emerged as a severe threat to human life. To solve the current pandemic situation, the planet needs both viral diagnostics and an antiviral vaccine [1]. However, the ongoing research and development period required for them is very lengthy, and they must pass multiple stages before being approved for human use. It is critical to develop a comprehensive and long-term strategy for combating infections, especially respiratory viruses. Material science and nanotechnology have revolutionized the biomedical industry, bringing numerous benefits to diagnostic and therapeutic applications [2]. Hollow nanomaterials play an excellent role in a vital role in diagnostics and drug delivery. Hollow nanomaterial-based delivery systems have recently attracted researchers to address drug treatment challenges and viral infection treatment. Alternatively, hollow nanomaterials have a charge with a small surface area that can be transformed into effective antiviral agents [3]. This is the most effective method for scientific investigation and biomedical use. Using hollow nanosystems exacerbates the low bioavailability and dose limit of drugs. Recently, hollow nanomaterials have been used with different mechanisms for promising antiviral activities. Hollow nanomaterial properties, such as surface charges [4], surface area, and size, make them an excellent tool for viral diagnostics and treatment [5].

The length of hollow nanomaterials can be adjusted to the delivery site, maximizing the drug's efficacy. Large molecules and drug payloads could be accommodated on the surface area. The biological system forges a strong link with nanoscience by incorporating hollow nanomaterials with nanomedicine to detect and treat diseases. Furthermore, the role of hollow nanomaterials is essential in drug delivery management [6,7]. Researchers have already faced several pandemics and viral outbreaks in the past; for example, the swine flu pandemic in 2009 infected many more people than the Ebola virus Zika outbreaks [8]. The current antiviral treatment is not as effective due to some hurdles. Hollow nanomaterials have shown great antiviral activity [9]. The drug and food organizations and other administrations approved so many nanobased platforms for an antiviral vaccine. For instance, an intramuscular vaccine such as epaxial is used for hepatitis A virus [10]. Such vaccines have liposome vehicles of 150 nm size. Epaxial possesses intrinsic adjuvant properties and helps reduce toxicity. Furthermore, a virosome vaccine has been developing as Influvac Plus, another approved virosome vaccine that is used to prevent certain types of influenza. Nanomaterial-based techniques such as polysaccharide particles, liposomes, dendrimers, and cationic nanoemulsions have been utilized to improve the distribution and stability of mRNA-based vaccines [11]. Therefore, the development of such vaccines with the administration of nanotechnology for COVID-19 is highly favorable. Hollow nanomaterials in vaccine development are essential because hollow nanocomposites are suitable for mimicking viral structures and antigen delivery [12]. In comparison to traditional vaccine design, this approach has many advantages. The ongoing threat of outbreaks of acute respiratory infections, for example, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), is to develop a potent and safe vaccine strategy based on novel vaccine technology that is useful in preventive measures. A hollow nanoscale vaccine was developed for the delivery of STING agonists and viral antigen subunits in a virus-type configuration [13]. Herein, STING agonists show multiple advantages, such as local immune potentiation and pH-responsive release profiles, after being encapsulated into hollow nanomaterials. Following antigen conjugation, the nanoparticles resemble native virions morphologically [14]. The nanoparticles morphologically resemble native virions, making it easier to deliver STING agonists and antigens to draining immune cells and lymph nodes for immune system potentiation. The effectiveness of nanocomposite vaccinations can be immunized with MERS-CoV nanoparticles in mice and has been encouraged with the derivation of effective neutralization of antigen-specific and antibody T cell interactions [15,16]. A transgenic MERS-CoV mouse model showed that immunized mice that accumulated hollow nanoparticles of the MERS-CoV vaccine were cured from a fatal MERS-CoV problem in the absence of unwanted eosinophilic immunopathology [17]. Biocompatible hollow nanoparticles were described here, with significant therapeutic potential for the creation of novel adjuvants and subunit vaccine candidates, enabling the quick synthesis of safe, efficient, and effective vaccinations against novel viral infections [15].

In Wuhan china many COVID-19 cases were associated with the Huanan Seafood Market [18]. It considered an obvious candidate for the location of the initial zoonotic (that is, cross-species transmission) event. However, none of the animals from the market (including rabbits, snakes, stray cats, badgers and bamboo rats) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 [19]. In addition, some of the early cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan were not epidemiologically linked to the market [20]. From the initial genomic judgements, it was clear that SARS-CoV-2 had a genomic group similar to SARS-CoV. The three three-dimensional structures of spike proteins of both viruses have similar same cell surface receptor in human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2(ACE2) [18] that was very soon confirmed in vitro and using structural biology [21]. SARS-CoV-2 differs from SARS-CoV because, six amino acid positions in the Receptor-Binding Domain (RBD) of the spike protein that mediate the attachment of the SARSCoV and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins to the human ACE2 receptor [22]. However, amino acids at five of the six positions differed between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, such differences caused SARS-CoV-2 to have a higher binding avidity to the human ACE2 receptor11, and may have contributed to the higher transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 compared with SARS-CoV [23].

The comparison of alpha- and beta coronaviruses identifies two remarkable genomic features of SARS-CoV-2. First feature are, it can appears to beoptimized for binding to the human receptor ACE2, that can show on the basis of biochemical experiments [24,25] and structural studies [26-28]. Second feature are, the spike protein of SARSCoV-2 has a functional polybasic (furin) cleavage site at the S1–S2 boundary through the insertion of 12 nucleotides, which additionally led to the predicted acquisition of three O-linked glycans around the site [27].

The goal of this discussion is to review recent research on hollow nanoparticles in the search for antiviral or diagnostic medicines to combat developing coronaviruses. In this context, we also discussed the potential of hollow nanomaterial-based biosensors and vaccines. Furthermore, we explained the utilization of nanoparticles for the identification and treatment of coronaviruses because of their antiviral potential. Rapid global dissemination and the high mortality rate of coronaviruses are the greatest challenges for drug developers. It will be moving forward toward the identification and treatment of emerging coronaviruses with the aid of nanotechnology. We ascribed the three different aspects for the utilization of hallow nanoparticles as diagnosis the coronavirus via biosensors, combating the coronavirus, employing as nano drug and performed antiviral activity.

Mechanism of Actions SARS-CoV-2

1. Acter et al. described the stage of coronavirus infections, and its transcription/replication mode will be as follows:

2. As an intermediate host, people come in contact with environments that have SARS-CoV-2 virus germs.

3. In the initial phase, alveolar cells are affected due to the interaction of coronavirus cells with the lungs via the ACE2 enzyme with a spike (an exclusive glycoprotein surface is involved). Later, in the second stage, it makes its way to the host cell. In addition, the virus was detached. Consequently, the RNA genome intercalates with cytoplasmic cells and then connects to ribosomes (host cells). Eventually, it makes it to the host cell [29].

4. In regard to RNA transcription and replication, proteins that are not structurally rearranged and RdRp RdRp stand for as RNA-polymerase-RdRp Replicas the Transcriptase Complex (RTC) of multiple proteins, and RdRp produces genomic RNA (positivesense) descending viruses via subgenomics and transcripts of replication [30].

5. Figure 1 depicts the Human Coronaviruses (HCoVs), which are derived from genomic groups.