Stress-Induced Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults

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Austin J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2023; 9(1): 1088.

Stress-Induced Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults

Laessle R*

Department of Clinical and Biological Psychology, University of Trier, Germany

*Corresponding author: Reinhold Laessle Department of Clinical and Biological Psychology, University of Trier, 54290 Trier, Germany

Received: December 28, 2022; Accepted: January 25, 2023; Published: January 31, 2023


Alcohol misuse and alcohol dependency are frequent in young adults in Germany. The cases have more increased in females than in males. Hypothesized is an association between stress load, stress coping and alcohol consumption for stress relief. A controlled laboratory experiment measured stress-induced beer consumption in 105 young women and men. Usual drinking behavior and stress coping were taken into account. After stress (TSST) beer intake was higher compared to control condition for men as well as for women. Stress coping was more inadequate in women. Alcohol consumption in laboratory is integrated in models of negative reinforcement and proposals of social cognitive learning theory.

Keywords: Stress; Alcohol; Stress coping; Young adults;Treatment


Increased alcohol consumption in particular has a stress reducing effect in the sense of negative reinforcement. This is outlined in a review of [1], but also genetic influences in regulation of HPA axis may play an important role.

A non-experimental study of [2] also shows the stress reducing effect of alcohol drinking, when stressors occur at work. Especially lacking competences of stress coping reinforce increased alcohol consumption for stress relief. The authors integrate their results into social cognitive learning theory.

A more recent investigation of [3] has shown, that in workplaces mobbing is frequently present and is perceived as a very negative stressor with the consequence of heightened alcohol consumption. This was valid formen and women.

The prevalence of clinically significant alcohol disorders in the last years has increased by 35% for men, but by 85% for women [4]. There is a close relationship between ovarian hormones and HPA axis. Therefore, health consequences of stress induced alcohol consumption for women may be far more severe.

Sex specific increased alcohol consumption to regulate negative affective states is also reported in [5]. Women more often feel anxious or depressed in association with stress and then react with alcohol drinking. Reward systems in the brain may also be involved.

Daily stress and coping with respect to alcohol consumption is reported in the research of [6]. Young college students consumed alcohol frequently in stress situations for stress reduction although problem focused cognitive coping was also observed.

Binge drinking is an extreme form of excessive alcohol consumption, which may occur in association with acute or chronic stress. A large-scale study from France with more than 3000 college students provides empirical evidence [7].

Citation: Laessle E. Stress-Induced Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults. Austin J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2023; 9(1): 1088.