New Genetic Socio-Control Measure for Overcoming Indiscriminate Gun Shooting in the United State of America and Elsewhere

Research Article

J Psychiatry Mental Disord. 2023; 8(2): 1070.

New Genetic Socio-Control Measure for Overcoming Indiscriminate Gun Shooting in the United State of America and Elsewhere

RC Yadav*

Bio System Engineer, and Charter of New theme Food is medicine, India

*Corresponding author: RC Yadav Bio System Engineer, and Charter of New theme Food is medicine, India. Email:

Received: June 19, 2023 Accepted: July 19, 2023 Published: July 26, 2023


With time severity of crime as well as modality and numbers of cases have taken un imaginable scenarios. The worsening situations create worry about what to do and how to do, in indiscriminate gun shooting in U.S.A. and elsewhere in the worldly countries. This study identified bio-factor which builds magnified bad personality. The bio-factor quantum increases prompting the bad personality, the criminals go on intensifying heinous crime because it takes form of mania. Severe cases on prevailing topic in audiovisual media were cited so that situation gets easily comprehended by the readers. Live in relation is globally getting regulated. Ayurvedic science the nature of ailments are deemed to be vaat. Such ailments need moderation of angularity in bad manias of would be couple to revert back to normal personality, where social measure. The study came with social punishment so that the bad punished personality criminals remain as a real moving model exemplifying the crime and social punishment to get social humiliation for one self and onlookers take lessons to restrain from involving in such anti social activities. The study, in addition to identification of bio factor, attempted to fix categories of criminals and their interrelationship with various crime levels and features creating opportunities to implement reforming measures for their improvements. Thus, this study created a novel genetic-socio measure for overcoming crimes as a new visionary initiative.

Keywords: Bad personality-criminals; Bio-factors; heinous crime, Judiciary; Mental disorder; Prison and Social punishment


Inorder to overcome theft and threatening some control measures such as issuance of gun license demanding gentry led to dimension of keeping individual gun licensee and possession of weapon as basic right. Now, situation has become something beyond control as there occurred indiscriminate gun shooting in one part or the other in the United State of America [1]. As such there was no any pragmatic measure to overcome this tragidic situation, which became matter for pondering. And posing problem of open challenge for finding practical feasible solution. The situation needed deep thinking on what to do and what not to do about such bad developing scenario not merely in the U.S.A [1], but all global countries, in general. Objective of this study was to fix process and find out appropriate genetic control measure and socio punishment. The indiscriminate gun shooting as a mental disorder, for which a bio factor has been identified. It needs fixing categories of mental disorder induced bad personality character and their inherent bio factor. Such bio factor induced can be overcome by giving minor to major sociological punishment such as not giving gun licence, punching in ear to shredding of one’s ear so that such bad personality person serve as a live moving model for people to see, understand, restrain from doing such heinous crimes, that will form a personal social punishment. This will form a pro-social governance making people learn lesson and not to get indulged in such heinous crime or misbehavior. Thus, people, resources, assets and energy will get saved, which will bring all round development of countries at global level.

Materials and Method

The Problem Dimensions

This is a problem of general nature having vast domain, which can come to realization once cases emerge and come to notice. The numbers of such bad personalities come in agglomerations, as bad society attract such like mind people. Thus cases are seen in plenty, these days. For example, large numbers of online scams and digital frauds coming and prevailing these days. Governments’ have made many compulsions of linking personal details with bank accounts keeping people under pressure of ignorance. There would have been better way to let people understand the new introduction and get familiarized. The Governments should have perfected the system so that the fraudulent activities get combated. In absence of such realization the numbers and domains of bad personality development have taken shape of ocean like situation.

Identification of Bio-Factor

In the xx-xy (female-male) gender theory bio-factors were identified which led to development of aberrations in the expected results of the scientific theory discovered in 1905, by Wilson and Stevens about one and a quarter century ago [2]. Further, deep study of different categories of cases led to conclusion, where mental disorders appear and go on progressing. As this bio-factor increases the severity of bad qualities also go on increasing. Study has covered all such details of cases and nature of developing crime [3].

Possible Solution

The bad personality development takes broad spectrum depending on any shock during situation the individual had been a child with zero mental power. This situation defers growth and bio-factors develop strongly to acquire bad form of a mania, which become extremely severe character of bad personalities. Supplementing details will be coming up in the result and discussion part of the study.

Acquisition of Data for the Study

Data on xx-xy gender theory classified under different categories and implications were drawn from study on perfection of the first discovery in and beyond [3] on child development from zero to hero. The bio factors detailed study for long past, well known personalities was drawn for the study [3] were further studied. The bad personality invaded manias were coming up in plenty in media. Such unanimous case characters were sufficient for exemplifying this process based study.

Deep studies of well known cases reached identification of confomatory biofacors and historical cases supplemented situation and fortification of shocks and impact on biomagnifications at later times in life courses [3]. The cases of mania driven actions were referred as supporting evidences of mental disorders. Apex court judgment, which came during the ongoing review process, added further confidence and surety of results arrived in the study.


Bio Factor Identified from Aberrations in Female-Male Gender Theory

Cases presented in Table 1 showed that 2 cases in the category revealed that ailments on parents was that father of one son suffered baldness and mental disorder. Cases having two sons revealed remarkable conclusion from 8 case studies that ailments on parents was that fathers suffer baldness, migraines and mental disorder and mothers suffer mental disorder even death at an early age. Any skeletal disability gets reflected in child gender developments on increasing in amplitude that both the children were sons, which come with high pH. This confirms that pH range is important bio factor. Remarkable conclusion from the two case studies having three sons showed that ailments on fathers suffer baldness as well as severe headache. Remarkable conclusion from the study of one case having four sons revealed that father suffered baldness and mother suffered mental disorder. Thus, high pH is important factor for birth of gender balanced family also accompanied by ailment of baldness, mental disorder for father as well as mother.

Citation:Yadav RC. New Genetic Socio-Control Measure for Overcoming Indiscriminate Gun Shooting in the United State of America and Elsewhere. J Psychiatry Mental Disord. 2023; 8(2): 1070.