Compactor Felt: Over View, Different Brand Analysis and Comparison

Review Article

Adv Res Text Eng. 2021; 6(1): 1060.

Compactor Felt: Over View, Different Brand Analysis and Comparison

Alam SMM¹*, Prithila Kamal¹ and Shariful Islam²

¹Department of Textile Machinery Design and Maintenance, Bangladesh University of Textiles, Bangladesh

²Department of Textile Engineering, City University, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author: Shaikh Md. Mominul Alam, Department of Textile Machinery Design and Maintenance, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles, Tegjaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Received: February 01, 2021; Accepted: March 03, 2021; Published: March 10, 2021


The aim of this paper is to discuss about compactor felt, it’s over view, discuss about different brand analysis and comparison. In today’s world textile industry is occupied as a large sector, where fabric finishing and maintain fabric quality is a great challenge. In the finishing section, a compactor machine performs the final task of compaction, heat setting, weight in Gram per Square Meter (GSM), dimensional stability and other property control. To accomplish these important tasks mainly compactor felt is responsible, so it is very important to get a crystal clear idea on compactor felt. For this purpose, this review paper is so helpful. After reading this paper if anyone wants, they can also research on felt properties in depth and work on it to improve felt quality in future, as this paper would provide a basic concept.

Keywords: Albany international; Bowoo; Compactor felt; Dolfuss & muller; Needled felt; Nomex; Polyester


There is a great importance of this paper in the field of textile industries since, compactor felt plays a significant role to run the machines. This is an overview of compactor felt, which plays a very important role in the field of fabric finishing process in textile industries. After the entire dying process, the knit fabrics are sent to the finishing section where compactor machine occupies in the last. A compactor machine performs some important functions such as controlling fabric’s dimensional stability, shrinkage control, weight in Gram per Square Meter (GSM) control, heat setting etc [1]. The component which has a vital role in this total compaction process is the felt. A compactor usually has two felt unit .The endless felt is wrapped around a heated cylinder along with the support of 3 to 4 idle rollers. Among the factors that affect the compaction process, felt type and quality is a major one [2]. Therefore, it is very important for anyone who is related to textile sector to know about each and every detail regarding a compactor felt. This article will give a detail over view about the felt types, its manufacturing process, raw materials, lifetime, and impacts on fabric and world best felt manufacturers [3]. After going through this writing, it will be easier to determine the best quality felt and compare between different felt types. If an individual doesn’t learn about the details of raw materials used in an endless felt, their properties and how they are connected to the finished knit fabric quality, will not be able to work further on knit fabric quality improvement. From this perspective, it’s going to be a very beneficial one.



Felt is a textile material, which can be endless or open, produced by matting fibers, condensing and pressing them together. Wool fiber was initially used for producing felt, but now synthetic fibers like polyester, high performance fibers like polyamide are being used for better-felt performance. Felt has an outstanding property of holding and distributing heat evenly [4].

Compactor felt

Compactor felt is an endless needled felt, which is consist of polyamide, polyester and wool. It has the ability of withstand a high amount of heat during the compaction process and a very smooth surface. In the compaction unit, the knit fabric comes in contact with the felt surface [5].

Main elements of a compacting felt

Felt was initially produced from natural wool. Then it gradually shifted to any synthetic fibers like polyester or blends and then to high performance fibers. But when we are about to make an endless felt belt for a compacting machine we must consider the properties that is relevant to the compacting process.

Nomex is used on the surface layer since it has some outstanding properties like high heat resistence, tearing strength, non-flammable and so on. Polyester and wool is used on the bottom layer. So mostly compactor felt is three ply felt, if needed it can be moderated. Now as we know Kevlar and Nomex both belong to aramid fiber group, but we use Nomex fiber for compactor felt instead of Kevlar. It’s because of the heat resistance property [6]. Generally, Kevlar shows heat resistance up to 480°C, where as Nomex shows up to 280°C and Polyester up to 180°C. In compactor machine, the temperature doesn’t go above 280°C. Therefore, a mixture of Nomex and Polyester ply is sufficient for compactor felt to withstand the heat generated in the compaction process. Hence, Kevlar felt is not required [7].

General characteristics of compactor felt

The compactors are to be manufactured from aramid /poly amid/wool. Aramid is used since the aramid surface can provide high temperature resistance up to 190°C long lifetime. A standard Specification is, working temperature-230°C (100% Nomex), thickness 18 to 22 mm, Inner circumference 2000 to 6000 mm, width <3200mm, weight-8000g/m² (20mm thick). Nomex can be used in the ratio of 100%, 50%, 30%. As Nomex percentage decreases, polyester ratio will increase and temperature resistance will decrease [8].

Felt Manufacturing Process

Felt can be made in different methods. Mostly two used methods are – pressed felt method needle punch method.

Pressed felt

This is the most common type and the oldest one. Initially basic wool felts were made in this process. In this method, fibers are compressed by using heat and moisture causing the fibers to interlock with each other. Heat, moisture, motion and pressure are the main factors here. Along with wool, other synthetic or blend of synthetic fibers can be used. Both wool and polyester ply can be processed following this method. This method is cheap than needle punching process but comparatively process thick web. Since we can produce our wool/polyester ply in this process and then use in final felt production, this is why this method has been described briefly as well [9].

• At first different grades of wool, bales arrive and they are mixed according to the category we want.

• Then the bales are sent for breaking, it kind of works like cotton bale breaker machine.

• There is a rotating comb that helps to card the fibers from the bale, align them into very fine layers, which are called batts. Batts are actually fluffy webs. (Figure 1) shows fluffy web formation.