Jun 23, 2016

Austin Emergency Medicine

An Incidental Finding: Intrauterine Device Migration in a Patient with Abdominal Pain

Abstract: Introduction: Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) are a mainstay and well-accepted contraceptive measure in the United States. A rare yet potentially dangerous complication of this method is uterine perforation and IUD migration to adjacent...

Jun 23, 2016

Sarcoma Research - International

Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of Tongue: A Rare Case and its Innovative Surgical Management

Abstract: Sarcomatoid Carcinoma is an extremely rare, aggressive biphasic tumour composed of epithelial and stromal components. In the head and neck region it is commonly seen in the larynx. Oral cavity and tongue is a rare site of origin....

Jun 23, 2016

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

A Factor of Fear is Missing from Midlevel Dental Provider Proposals

Abstract: For two years, now, a conglomerate of our State Universities, a few State Lawmakers, our Dental School Dean, our state Dental Maintenance Organizations, several of our Dental Association...

Jun 23, 2016

Journal of Pathology & Microbiology

Petrous Bone Eosinophilic Granuloma

Abstract: Eosinophilic granuloma is a lytic lesion, driving from histiocyte proliferation of the bone. The lesions mostly occur in long bones, rib or skull, but the involvement of temporal bones is rare. We report the case of a 4-year-old girl...

Jun 23, 2016

Chronic Diseases � International

Helicobacter pylori, A Sex Transmitted Bacteria?

Abstract: Since oral sex is a very common sexual activity and recent evidence reported H. pylori exist in oral cavity as colonized site. Both facts indicated H. pylori may results sex transmitted disease such as vagina, breast and urethritis,...

Jun 23, 2016

Austin Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Future Directions

Abstract: The increased prevalence of diabetes globally [1], and its adverse outcomes in pregnancy [1-4], has opened a new research era on the causes, mechanisms, and relationship between hyperglycemia during...

Jun 23, 2016

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International

Enteral Tube Feeding in Children with Cerebral Palsy - Ethical Considerations

Abstract: Gastrostomy feeding is effective in reversing malnutrition in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and may have positive effects on the quality of life of the care givers. However, it is associated with several complications and it is costly. The...

Jun 24, 2016

Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering

Enhancing Cancer Radiation Therapy with Cell Penetrating Peptide Modified Gold Nanoparticles

Abstract: Radiotherapy is one of the most prevalent methods for cancer treatment. However, a challenge for cancer radiotherapy is that therapeutic doses used can damage neighboring normal cells. This paper describes a new method to...

Jun 24, 2016

Austin Oncology Case Reports

Coexistence of G12V and K117N Substitutions in KRAS Gene with E542K Substitution in PIK3CA Gene in Rectum Adenocarcinoma

Abstract: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer mortality worldwide. In the last decade, median overall survival has increased significantly with the introduction of new cytostatics and molecularly targeted...

Jun 24, 2016

Journal of Family Medicine

Hepatitis C and Migration: A Public Health Challenge

Abstract: Hepatitis C (HCV) is a major cause of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma [1]. Globally between 130 and 150 million people are estimated to be infected with the virus [2,3], and around...

Jun 24, 2016

Austin Journal of Microbiology

A Preliminary Study to Determine the Diagnostic Capability of a Wood's Lamp for Cutaneous Fungal Infections in Underserved Areas of the Dominican Republic

Abstract: Skin infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses are frequently encountered by physicians and healthcare providers worldwide. Fungal infections, particularly of the skin, are a chronic issue in areas with a tropical, humid...

Jun 24, 2016

Austin Therapeutics

An Overview on Emerging Trends in Immediate Release Tablet Technologies

Abstract: Tablet is the most popular among all dosage forms existing today because of its convenience of self-administration, compactness and easy manufacturing; however in many cases immediate onset of action is required than conventional...

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