Authors:Tokgöz S*, Uca AU, Poyraz N, Kozak HH, Altaş M, Seyithanoğlu A and İyisoy MS
Authors:Rajnics P*, Kellner A, Nagy F, Alföldi V, CsBödőr C, Gángó A, Moizs M and Egyed M
Authors:Kipyoung Jeon, Jean Hee Kim, Kijeong Lee, Kyu-Nam Park, Bum-Soo Kim, Yong Sam Shin and Jaseong Koo*
Austin Journal of Cerebrovascular Disease & Stroke is a peer reviewed, open access, academic journal that brings ground breaking investigations and progression in stroke research. This open access journal concentrates on the basic, translational and clinical aspects of stroke and cerebrovascular disease - areas include but not limited to stroke causes, epidemiology, signs and symptoms, Pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention,