Feb 09, 2017

Austin Journal of HIV/AIDS Research

Event-Level Substance Use and Unprotected Sex among Young Adults: A Case-Crossover Analysis

Abstract:Background: It has been theorized that the use of alcohol and other drugs during a sexual encounter increases the likelihood of unprotected sex. Few studies have examined the relationship between substance use...

Feb 09, 2017

Austin Journal of Autism & Related Disabilities

Behavioral Intervention for Feeding Disorders

Abstract:Individuals with autism are often poor eaters which may put them at risk for a variety of health problems including, poor bone density, vitamin deficiencies, obesity, and constipation among other medical problems. Behavioral intervention...

Feb 09, 2017

Annals of Hematology & Oncology

Hepatic Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome in the Era of Defibrotide

Abstract:Background: Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) termed as hepatic veno-oclusive disease previously (VOD), is a toxic injury of liver sinusoids resulting obliterative venulitis of the terminal hepatic venules. In...

Feb 10, 2017

Austin Journal of Sleep Disorders

Normalized Power are used in the Diagnosis of Insomnia Medical Sleep Syndrome through EMG1-EMG2 Channel

Abstract:Insomnia is a very harmful disease to the zoological species. Insomnia is a neurological and sleep disease. The diagnosis of insomnia is use in the electroencephalogram signal. Delta Wave & Theta Wave are use in the...

Feb 10, 2017

Journal of Endocrine Disorders

Growth Hormone: Not Just a Pituitary Endocrine

Abstract:Growth Hormone (GH) is traditionally viewed as a pituitary endocrine, with widespread actions mediated through GH Receptors (GHRs) that are virtually ubiquitous in its target tissues. This viewpoint has, however, now been revised...

Feb 10, 2017

Austin Hepatology

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

Abstract:Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an autoimmune liver disease of adults that can progress to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. PBC mainly affects middle-aged women [1,2]. The mean proportion of female is...

Feb 10, 2017

Journal of Community Medicine & Health Care

Event-Level Substance Use and Unprotected Sex among Young Adults: A Case-Crossover Analysis

Abstract:Background: It has been theorized that the use of alcohol and other drugs during a sexual encounter increases the likelihood of unprotected sex. Few studies have examined the relationship between substance use...

Feb 10, 2017

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -International

Impact of Finger Position on Pinch Strength

Abstract:Pinch strength is a widely used measurement of hand function, but digit position on the pinch gauge has not been described in the literature. The aim of this study was to assess for differences in tip, lateral and three-jaw-chuck pinch...

Feb 10, 2017

Austin Journal of Dentistry

Oral Manifestations in Chronic Liver Failure

Abstract:A 31 year old male patient came with the chief complaint of deposits and stains on the tooth surface since 3 years. He is a known case of chronic liver failure since 8 years and is under medication...

Feb 13, 2017

Austin Palliative Care

The Support of Spouses Confronted with Cancer Seen by a Clinician: The Experience of the Association APAAC (Helping People with or Affected by Cancer) in Cote d'Ivoire

Abstract:The diagnosis of cancer affects not only the patients but also their relatives and more particularly the spouses. Although there is more and more healing and long-lasting complete remissions, the feeling of being in vital danger continues to...

Feb 13, 2017

Austin Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Psychometric Characteristics of Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) in Iranian Psychiatric Outpatients

Abstract:Depression is a serious public health problem in community settings and primary care in the worldwide. The Patent Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) is an ultra-brief depression screener. It has been used in both research and...

Feb 13, 2017

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International

Evidence of Cerebellar Dysfunction in Children with Myelomeningocele

Abstract:Structural differences in the development of the cerebellum in children with spina bifida myelomeningocele are associated with functional deficits in movement, timing, and attention. Furthermore, these structural and functional...

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