Volume 3 Issue 1


Recommended use of Cut-off Folate Concentrations in Serum and Erythrocyte (Red Blood Cell) as Expressed by Folic Acid Equivalent for the Diagnosis of Deficiency in Deliberating the Creation of Dietary Reference Intakes

Authors: Ihara H, Hirota K, Watanabe T, Totani M, Hashizume N, Aoki Y, Nagamura Y, Kamioka K, Onda K, Sunahara S, Suzuki T, Itabashi M, Ishibashi M, Ito S, Ohashi K, Ohta Y, NoboriT, Fujishiro K, Maekawa M, Miura M, Miyano H, Ando T and Nishimura K


Special Article - Food Chemistry

Effect of Finishing Diet on Physico-Chemical and Lipolytic Parameters and Volatile Compounds Throughout the Manufacture of Dry-Cured Foal "Cecina"

Authors: Maria Gomez, Ruben Dominguez, Sonia Fonseca and Jose M Lorenzo


Review Article

Fermented Soybean Foods: Significance of Biogenic Amines

Authors: Jae-Hyung Mah


Special Article - Antioxidants in Foods

Saffron, A Functional Spice

Authors: Anastasia Kyriakoudi, Stella A Ordoudi, Marta Roldán-Medina and Maria Z Tsimidou


Published Manuscripts

Impact Factor: 2.8


 About the Journal  

Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of nutrition and food sciences.

The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for dietitians, researchers, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of clinical nutrition and nutritional disorders

Featured Article

Food Patterns, Diabetes and Overweight/Obesity and Some Socio-Economic Indicators in the Italy Regions

Abstract Background: There were over 3.5 million cases of diabetes in Italy in 2015. Research has provided a better understanding of the role of dietary patterns and their relation with socio-economic conditions and non-communicable diseases.

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