Authors: Silva JH, Hennrich SB, Sant’Anna LC*, Costa E and Venturi I
Authors: Andres E*, Zulfiqar AA and Villalba NL
Authors: Hamid El BA*, Afifi AE, Baloushah S, Alblbeisi A, Albelbeisi AH, Taleb M, Qidra RE, Srour MD, Farag HAM and Djafarian K
Authors: Abdel Hamid El Bilbeisi*, Amany El Afifi, Suha Baloushah5, Ali Alblbeisi, Ahmed Hassan Albelbeisi, Mahmoud Taleb, Riad El Qidra, Mohammed Srour, Halgord Ali M Farag and Kurosh Djafarian
Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food sciences is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of nutrition and food sciences.
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for dietitians, researchers, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of clinical nutrition and nutritional disorders