Volume 2 Issue 7

Case Report

Potts Puffy Tumour- a Diagnosis not to be Forgotten

Authors: Bhavesh Patel, Richard Fox and Issa Beegun


Research Article

Improvements in Sleep Disordered-Breathing after Surgical Removal of Adenoids and/or Tonsils

Authors: Motiee-Langroudi M, Saedi B, Safavi A, Amali A and Jahandideh H


Case Report

Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in Giant Vallecular Cyst with Coexistent Laryngomalacia of Neonate

Authors: Verma RK, Panda NK1 and Bhatia N


Research Article

Carotid Artery Surgery for Cervical Lymph Node Invasion: Limitations of Neck Dissection

Authors: Furusaka T, Asakawa T, Hasegawa H, Shigihara S and Matsuda H


Published Manuscripts

Impact Factor: 2.8


 About the Journal  

Austin Otolaryngology is an open access, peer review journal publishing original research & review articles in all the fields of Otolaryngology. Otolaryngology deals with the study of ear, nose and throat. Austin Otolaryngology provides a new platform for students to publish their research work & update the latest research information in Otolaryngology.

Austin Otolaryngology is a comprehensive Open Access peer reviewed scientific Journal that covers multidisciplinary fields. We provide limitless access towards accessing our literature hub with colossal range of articles. The journal aims to publish high quality varied article types such as Research, Review, Short Communications, Case Reports, Perspectives (Editorials), Clinical Images.

Featured Article

Circulating Tumor Cells or Not?

Abstract Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is one of the most common cancers in South East Asia. The high incidence of lymphatic spread and distant metastases are associated with high mortality.

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