Authors:Pradhabane G, Muthukumar A, Blasundaram RM, Prakash V, Vadakunnel MJ, Ramachandra V, Palavesam S, Subaramani S Muthaiah M*, Soundappan G and Fredrick A
Authors:Kusum Singal*; Vivek Singh Malik; Meenakshi Sachdeva; Manvi Singh; Pranita Pradhan; Meenu Singh
Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal committed to publish articles in all areas of Public Health and Epidemiology.
Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology aims to progress epidemiological awareness and Public health and also serves as a discussion on the epidemiology
Association Analyses Between Cough Droplet Concentrations and Human Lung Function
Purpose: Cough droplets are generated in human airways. Human respiratory tract activities and lung function are linked to a number of processes resulting in the introduction of droplets with infectious content into indoor air.