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Aims and Scope
Annals of Thyroid Research accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini reviews, rapid communication, opinions and editorials on all related aspects of all related aspects of thyroid hormones and thyroid diseases.
Journal Scope: Annals of Thyroid Research is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all related aspects of all related aspects of thyroid hormones and thyroid diseases.
Research topics
- Clinical Significance
- Congenital Anomalies
- Diseased Thyroids
- Embryological and Fetal Development
- Enlarged Thyroid
- Histology
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroid
- Non-Cancerous Nodules
- Other Disorders
- Overactive Thyroid
- Parathyroid
- Physiology
- Radioiodine
- Significance of Iodine thyroid Condition
- Structure
- Symptoms of Thyroid
- T3 and T4 Production and Action
- T3 and T4 Regulation
- Thyroid
- Thyroid Cancer
- Thyroid Cancers
- Thyroid Disease Symptoms
- Thyroid Disorder
- Thyroid Function Tests
- Thyroid Gland
- Thyroid Hormones
- Thyroiditis
Underactive Thyroid
Impact Factor: 1.9
Scope of the Journal
- Clinical Significance
- Congenital Anomalies
- Diseased Thyroids
- Embryological and Fetal Development
- Enlarged Thyroid
- Histology
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroid
- Non-Cancerous Nodules