Volume 2 Issue 1


Towards Engineering Complex Tissue/Organs: A Coculture Perspective

Authors: Lei Xu, Zhaoyang Ye, Yan Zhou and Wen-Song Tan



Fish Collagen as a Scaffold

Authors: Yoshihiko Hayashi*, Kajiro Yanagiguchi and Shizuka Yamada


Research Article

Biodegradable Polyurethane Materials of Different Origin Based on Natural Components

Authors: Savelyev YuV, Travinskaya TV, Robota LP, Markovskaya LA, Akhranovich ER, Brykova AN, Savelyeva OA, Furmanov YuA and Savitskaya IM


Case Report

Motor Evoked Potential Monitoring During Robot-Assiste Transaxillary Thyroid Surgery: A Report of Feasibility in Two Cases

Authors: Gilles Boccara, Helen Pickburn, Patrick Aidan1, M Bernard Ollat and M Pascal Pagneux


Research Article

Gastrogastric Fistula Post-Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

Authors: Quadri P, Sanchez-Johnsen L, Gonzalez-Heredia R and Elli EF


Published Manuscripts

Impact Factor: 1.9


 About the Journal  

Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish innovative discourse in the field of Biomedical Engineering. Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering aims to provide a forum for researchers, physicians, and biomedical engineers to find most recent advances in the area of Biomedical Engineering.

Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering accepts original research articles, review articles and short communication on all the aspects of Biomedical Engineering for review and possible publication.

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A Biomimetic Reverse Thermal Gelfor 3-Dimensional Neural Tissue Engineering

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