Authors: Lobo E, Marcos G and Lobo A
Authors: Meir Kestenbaum, Eitan Auriel E, Haim Perloock and Arnon Karni
Authors: Capobianco M, Sperli F, Malentacchi M, Valentino P, Sala A, Gned D, De Pascale A and Bertolotto A
Authors: Fredrik C Størmer and Leiv S Bakketeig
Authors: Carlos Velez-Pardo and Marlene Jimenez-Del-Rio
Authors: Gentile M, De Vito A, Groppo E, Tola MR and Azzini C
Authors: Masood Ghorbani, Mehdi Marashi, Mehdi Fatahi Bafghi
Authors: Michael Gordon