Jul 05, 2016

Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology

Demographic, Clinical and Bacteriological Characteristics of Human Leptospirosis in Sri Lanka: A Retrospective Study

Abstract: The clinical and laboratory diagnosis of human leptospirosis is complex due to a variety of factors, but the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) is probably the most specific laboratory test. We describe the demographic,...

Jul 05, 2016

Gerontology & Geriatrics: Research

Factors Influencing Older Persons' Participation in Community Fall Prevention Program

Abstract: As our population ages, an increasingly growing number of older persons are living with multiple chronic health conditions that can lead to disability and a debilitated state. This debility can place these...

Jul 05, 2016

Austin Arthritis

Herbal Informatics Approach for Identification and Validation of Natural Compounds Targeting Gout

Abstract: Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that is caused by deposition of monosodium urate crystals in synovial fluid of joints and other soft tissues. However, the incidence rate of gout is higher in recent decades, it affects...

Jul 05, 2016

Austin Palliative Care

"Before I Let Go": Dying Parent's Appeal for Grief Support for Adult Children with IDD

Abstract: Palliative care and end of life care providers need to step up the challenge of supporting all family members, not just those who with typical development / intellectual capacity and verbal skills. The family member with IDD who silently...

Jul 05, 2016

Austin Neurosurgery: Open Access

Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound as a Non-Invasive Intracranial Pressure Marker? Myth or Reality?

Abstract: Monitoring the brain after acute injury is central to the practice of neurocritical care for patients with a wide range of disorders, including subarachnoid hemorrhage, traumatic brain injury, ischemic and hemorrhagic...

Jul 05, 2016

Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology

Biofilms, Chronic Infection and the Host-Pathogen Relationship

Abstract: Biofilms develop where there is a liquid or solid and air interface meaning that they form ubiquitously within the human body. Consequently, biofilms are often a feature of infection, in particular...

Jul 05, 2016

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International

Overview of Medical Rehabilitation in Natural Disasters in the Pacific Island Countries

Abstract: Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are one of the most natural disaster-prone regions in the world. Natural disasters in Pacific region are mainly due to meteorological (storm, typhoons), hydrological (flood, wet mass movement);...

Jul 05, 2016

Annals of Yoga and Physical Therapy

Yoga as Complementary Alternative Medicine, Let's not Forget What Works!

Abstract: Practitioners today have to contend with a stream of new treatment options that are increasing in number almost daily. The patients undeniably win when we incorporate the latest technology...

Jul 05, 2016

Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Subclavian Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Accidental Stone Chip Injury and its Excision

Abstract: A pseudoaneurysm, also known as a false aneurysm, is a hematoma that forms as a result of a leaking hole in artery. Hematoma was contained by the surrounding tissues. Also it must continue to communicate with the...

Jul 05, 2016

Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Carcinoma: Variant of Reed's Syndrome - a Rare Case Report

Abstract: Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma is an autosomal dominant condition associated with multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas associated with renal cell carcinoma. This syndrome has been proposed to...

Jul 05, 2016

Austin Journal of Clinical Case Reports

Pseudothrombus - An Echocardiographic Illusion

Abstract: Cardiovascular complications like hypertension, premature atherosclerosis, coronary arteritis and myocarditis are not infrequent in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). There are cases reports...

Jul 05, 2016

Austin Liver

LECT2 � A New Cause of Hepatic Amyloidosis

Abstract: Amyloidosis is caused by an abnormal deposition and accumulation of insoluble protein fibrils in multiple organs, often leading to diverse clinical presentations, and possible organ failure....

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