Jul 05, 2016

Austin Food Sciences

Coffee Production Wastes: Potentials and Perspectives

Abstract: There has been a significant amount of research activity in the area of coffee by-products and coffee wastewater during the last few years. Most of the work is directed towards the potential uses of coffee residues, like utilization of...

Jul 06, 2016

Austin Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine - A Rural Health Perspective

Abstract: Rural areas have historically been medically underserved all over the world. This is especially true for emergency medical services. There are a variety of social, economic and political reasons contributing to...

Jul 06, 2016

Austin Internal Medicine

Hypercalcemia as the First Diagnostic Clue of a Malignant Decubitus Ulcer

Abstract: Hypercalcemia can be a manifestation of malignancy after other causes like hyperparathyroidism are ruled out. We describe a case of Marjolin's ulcer in a young female, which was diagnosed after the initial manifestation...

Jul 06, 2016

Journal of Family Medicine

Frailty: It's Time to Give Family Caregivers a Real Seat at the Table

Abstract: The functional impact of lifelong accumulation of health issues (known as frailty), creates several challenges to traditional approaches to care planning and decision-making. In particular, the role of the caregiver (often a family member)...

Jul 06, 2016

Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology

Demographic, Clinical and Bacteriological Characteristics of Human Leptospirosis in Sri Lanka: A Retrospective Study

Abstract: The clinical and laboratory diagnosis of human leptospirosis is complex due to a variety of factors, but the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) is probably the most specific laboratory test. We describe the demographic,...

Jul 06, 2016

Austin Journal of Neurological Disorders & Epilepsy

Botulinum Neurotoxin for the Treatment of Motor and Vocal Tics

Abstract: Over the past twenty years, Botulinum Neurotoxin (BoNT) has emerged as a potential new treatment for motor and vocal tics. This review examines the safety profile and efficacy of BoNT for these indications. A Medline literature...

Jul 06, 2016

Austin Journal of Clinical Medicine

Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Mimicking Osteomyelitis

Abstract: A 41-year-old male presented with two-month history of right groin pain radiating to the back associated with fatigue, night sweat and 10-pound weight loss. The physical examination revealed 2x2 cm...

Jul 06, 2016

Austin Food Sciences

Survey Review of Microbial Quality on Food Products Acquired from Internet and Local Retail Markets (VA)

Abstract: Consumers' desire to procure perceived high-quality products directly from producers or stores by mail delivery has been increasing. However, few reports are available on the food safety associated with the prevalence of microbial...

Jul 07, 2016

Austin Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension

Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome May Present as Severe Hypertension without Hemolysis or Thrombocytopenia

Abstract: In idiopathic hypertensive emergency or malignant hypertension, it is generally assumed that high blood pressures cause or contribute to target organ injuries, and its management has focused on antihypertensive drugs...

Jul 07, 2016

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International

Current Chronic Pain Management Programs in Japan

Abstract: Since the 1960s, a multidisciplinary-team approach based on cognitive behavioral therapy has been implemented worldwide in chronic pain rehabilitation. The chronic pain model was a multifaceted model at first, but later...

Jul 07, 2016

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

An Aggressive Anterior Mandibular Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor: A Case Report

Abstract: The Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor (AOT) is a rare benign complex odontogenic tumor, representing about 3% of all odontogenic tumors. The literature describes the AOT as both a true benign, non-aggressive, non-invasive...

Jul 07, 2016

Austin Biomolecules: Open Access

Phenolic Compounds: Natural Antioxidants, Other Benefices and Future Perspectives

Abstract: From the history of humanity, man had used the nature for their basic needs: food-stuffs, clothing, fertilizers, flavour and fragrances, etc. In ancient cultures plants have formed the basis of traditional...

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