Authors: Tuzuner A, Demirci S, Aydogan F, Ceylan T and Karadas H
Authors: Ali Soltani
Authors: Weihua Gong
Authors: Chris Yuk Kwan Tang, Boris Kwok Keung Fung and Margaret Fok
Authors: Yoshito Nako, Atsushi Shiozaki, Hitoshi Fujiwara, Hirotaka Konishi, Ryo Morimura, Yasutoshi Murayama, Shuhei Komatsu, Hisashi Ikoma, Yoshiaki Kuriu, Takeshi Kubota, Masayoshi Nakanishi, Daisuke Ichikawa, Kazuma Okamoto, Toshiya Ochiai, Chouhei Sakakura and Eigo Otsuji
Austin Journal of Surgery is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of basic science in surgery.
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for surgeons, physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of surgery. Austin Journal of Surgery accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, clinical images and rapid communication on all the