Feb 08, 2018

Austin Journal of Orthopedics & Rheumatology

A Widely Displaced Galeazzi Equivalent Lesion with Median Nerve Compromise

Abstract: We present the case of a 14-year-old patient with a right distal radial fracture accompanied by a severely displaced complete distal ulnar physeal separation and associated median nerve compromise. This injury is known as Galeazziequivalent...

Feb 08, 2018

Journal of Molecular Biology and Molecular Imaging

miR-9a Induces Apoptosis in Shrimp Primary Cells Through Directly Targeting Host Hsc70 Gene

Abstract: Previous studies indicate shrimp Heat shock protein Hsc70 play key roles in White spot syndrome virus infection, but its regulatory mechanism remains unclear. In the present study, we identified Hsc70 was a direct target gene...

Feb 08, 2018

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International

Stress Fracture and Pubalgia: Spatiotemporal Trends, Revisit Rates and Causes

Abstract: Background: Pubalgia and pelvic stress fractures are common among athletes, with different therapeutic options having achieved varying rates of pain reduction and early return to sport activities...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Surgery Case Reports

Successful Thrombin Injection of BA-PSA after Two Weeks of Failed Manual Compression in Patient on Triple Therapy

Abstract: An 83-year-old male with a brachial artery pseudoaneurysm (BA-PSA) following transbrachial digital subtraction angiography was admitted to our hospital. After failing both manual and ultrasound-guided compression of...

Feb 08, 2018

Advance Research in Textile Engineering

Development of Eco-friendly Garments Washing for Localized Fading Effect on Garments: A Future Sustainable Process for Single Step Dyeing Fading Effect

Abstract: This article deals with some unconventional but eco-friendly processes for creating fading effect on denim garment dyed with natural indigo dye. Three different methods namelya) fading by UV radiation of sunlight...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

The Post Partum Uterus - A Rare Cause of Mechanical Large Bowel Obstruction

Abstract: Large bowel obstruction in the immediate post-partum period is rare. Reported mechanical causes include compression by extrinsic masses such as uterine growths or foreign bodies, which usually require operative intervention...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Syphilitic Proctitis Mimicking Rectal Cancer

Abstract: A 27-year-old homosexual man presented with a 2-week history of intermittent anal bleeding after defecation. Sigmoidoscopy (Figure A) revealed a protruding mass (4x6 cm) with fragile mucosa...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

MINI-OPCABG an Alternative to Hybrid Coronary Revascularization

Abstract: Hybrid Coronary Revascularization (HCR) combines minimally invasive left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending bypass with percutaneous coronary intervention of non-left anterior descending vessels...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Journal of Surgery

Long-Term Survival Outcomes of Laparoscopy-Assisted Versus Open Gastrectomy for Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

Abstract: Background: Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy (LAG) has been accepted to treat early gastric cancer. The technical feasibility and favorable short-term surgical outcomes of laparoscopic gastrectomy for Advanced Gastric...

Feb 08, 2018

Austin Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics

Review on Niosomes: A Novel Drug Delivery System

Abstract: Vesicular medication delivery system, for example, Niosome is a novel medication delivery system, in which the solution is enclosed in vesicle which is made by Non-ionic surfactant. The niosomes provides several important...

Feb 07, 2018

Journal of Family Medicine

Tobacco Dependence Treatment: Pharmacist's Role

Abstract: Smoking prevalence and tobacco-related mortality have steadily declined in the recent decades. However, the use of e-cig and other nicotine-containing products used for smoking cessation and other reasons is on the rise. Chronic...

Feb 06, 2018

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders

"Just another Sebaceous Cyst?"-An Epidermoid Cyst of Head & Neck Region: A Case Report

Abstract: Epidermoid cysts are developmental, benign, cutaneous cysts which rarely occurs in head and neck region. They constitute 1.6 to 6.9% of all cysts in the head and neck area. Here we report a case of 34 year old male patient with two...

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